Gamespy on Fallout fans

Once I played the MP3 I understood his tone better.

I can sorta sympathize with his feelings. as a PR guy he prolly got alot of flakk or at least thought he did. His boss(es) probably yelled at him all the time whenever negative words from real people made it to the devlopment team.

But he really should have toned it down reguardless. In Upstate New York where I live. He would be titled a stupid teenager with comments like that. He's got two kids and a wife and he talks like he's in grade school bashing the group of kids on the other side of the school room. Most unprofessional.

My Reply to him saying Fallout Fans are ignorant and stupid. Two Words: Nuclear Catapult.
Game, Set, Match.
And all they had to do is not to call their game fallout 3.
They could call it fallout: oblivion with guns and we would know thats another silly game in fallout universe. Heck im sure some of us would even try it out, but instead they are trying to make game which obviously is far from original fallout and still name it fallout 3.

On top of everything they try their miserable PR on us and convince that the changes were made for better. And that RT system with pause is turn based. Apples will never be oranges.

Thats just not cool.
Sander said:
Jonesy, banned for being a lowlife troll.

What? Out of his 4 posts, only three could be called trolling and even then, what does an outright ban achieve that thoroughly pointing out how his perception was wrong doesn't? If you want to show people how much they're wrong about the community, you can't expect a ban to do the job. I wasn't always keen on Rosh's handling of some situations here but at least he got his hands dirty, explaining how and why people were wrong in assuming things out of the community before banning their sorry asses after a clear trolling spree.
Role-Player said:
What? Out of his 4 posts, only three could be called trolling and even then, what does an outright ban achieve that thoroughly pointing out how his perception was wrong doesn't? If you want to show people how much they're wrong about the community, you can't expect a ban to do the job. I wasn't always keen on Rosh's handling of some situations here but at least he got his hands dirty, explaining how and why people were wrong in assuming things out of the community before banning their sorry asses after a clear trolling spree.
We don't have the time nor the need to feed people who come here solely to post one-liners clearly aimed at provoking reactions. That is exactly what his posts did. If he had come in here to start up an intelligent debate, then he wouldn't have been banned. But he didn't. So he did get banned.

It also doesn't prove any of his comments right, since all he said was that it wasn't libel if it's right (which is clear trolling, since we'd already established that most of the claims Rausch made are clearly false). He then posted an out-of-context quote (that did not, in fact, refer to the behaviour of NMA at the time) and a one-liner claiming that we hated Van Buren way back when (which is also bullshit).
Rausch might need to see a therapist, looks like he’s got some deep seated issues there. I wouldn't be surprised if he lives in a darkened room with thousands of pictures of community members littering the walls with "kill them all" scrawled over.

Seriously what's wrong with this guy? Did an NMA member rape his mother or something?
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as foretold...
SuAside said:
The newest registered user is Delsyn
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Location: South Idiota
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Interests: ranting about Fallout fans

as foretold...
That's a fake, unless Delsyn lives in Germany.
i meant as foretold (by someone in this thread, but cba to find out who) that some troll would register under that nick.
Alan 'I like ' Rausch said:
Since I've already opened the door there, they're loathsome human beings, who I hope really get a horrible disease and die.

Alan 'I like to invent things' Rausch said:
You can have Fallout on the east coast because there wasn't a war on the east coast, and you can't have powered armor, and Ron Perlman would be dead by then so how can he do a voice-over.

Alan 'Captain Obvious' Rausch said:
Ron Perlman was never a friggin' character in the game. He did the voice over for God's sake.

Alan 'I can't stand to admit they were right' Rausch said:
And what was their reaction? "Oh, it's going to suck when Bethesda has it.

Also, sorry if the exTroika people made far better games than some mediocre, if somewhat enjoyable, tactical squad combat game loosely based on Fallout.
MapMan said:
Why SA hate's us, as a community? I thought they're cool. :/

This is one of nature's great mysteries. Every now and again, when NMA has broken some big newsbit, an SA hatchling will migrate over and expend time and energy trying to get banned. Once he succeeds, he travels back to his natural environment and goes, "Hay guys, I woz banned only for trolling!" And his peers gasp and go, "Then we were right! They are horrible people! Bring the Sawyer quote again!" And all of them get out their hammers and proceed to pound this latest anecdote into this ship they have built from coagulated scorn that will set sail only on the day of Ragnarök. Thus endures the fascination for our "useless" website and, further down the road, inspires some other hatchling to take wing. It's a great beautiful circle of life.
Per said:
MapMan said:
Why SA hate's us, as a community? I thought they're cool. :/

This is one of nature's great mysteries. Every now and again, when NMA has broken some big newsbit, an SA hatchling will migrate over and expend time and energy trying to get banned. Once he succeeds, he travels back to his natural environment and goes, "Hay guys, I woz banned only for trolling!" And his peers gasp and go, "Then we were right! They are horrible people! Bring the Sawyer quote again!" And all of them get out their hammers and proceed to pound this latest anecdote into this ship they have built from coagulated scorn that will set sail only on the day of Ragnarök. Thus endures the fascination for our "useless" website and, further down the road, inspires some other hatchling to take wing. It's a great beautiful circle of life.

Heh, that's great :D
GameSpy Debriefings: 91:10: Patrick Joynt (me), in response to Allen's oft-quoted vitrol:

"I love Fallout. I'm a member of the Fallout fan community."

I'm curious how come we're not seeing as many quotes of that, or hearing it in audio clips, or hearing "The GameSpy Debriefings #8 presents two opposing views on something!"

I'm not trying to take away from the offense you all felt (regardless that I didn't) as members of the community to hyperbole, but I'm really curious.

Also, for people who didn't actually listen to the whole podcast, just the edited clips -- is our feedback address. It's in the podcast I believe right before and right after our Fallout discussion. I'll be hanging around here and chatting with anyone who's interested while I have time this week though, so you'll get a faster reply talking to me.
deadairis said:
GameSpy Debriefings: 91:10: Patrick Joynt (me), in response to Allen's oft-quoted vitrol:

"I love Fallout. I'm a member of the Fallout fan community."

I'm curious how come we're not seeing as many quotes of that,

Probably for the same reason it's not that obvious there are lots of people here who didn't really take offence - most of them don't bother to make "guys, I didn't take offence" posts. Reactions are always going to be more obvious than non-reactions, and controversial messages are going to be reacted to more than non-controversial messages.
deadairis said:
GameSpy Debriefings: 91:10: Patrick Joynt (me), in response to Allen's oft-quoted vitrol:

"I love Fallout. I'm a member of the Fallout fan community."

I'm curious how come we're not seeing as many quotes of that, or hearing it in audio clips, or hearing "The GameSpy Debriefings #8 presents two opposing views on something!"

I'm not trying to take away from the offense you all felt (regardless that I didn't) as members of the community to hyperbole, but I'm really curious.

Also, for people who didn't actually listen to the whole podcast, just the edited clips -- is our feedback address. It's in the podcast I believe right before and right after our Fallout discussion. I'll be hanging around here and chatting with anyone who's interested while I have time this week though, so you'll get a faster reply talking to me.

Well because what you said and things like "When it comes to Fallout fans, ignorance, stupidity and arrogance is bad combination, because this is a community that has all of those." are things that everyone is used to, the net is full of those positive and negative remarks about Fallout fans.

When this was said
Since I've already opened the door there, they're loathsome human beings, who I hope really get a horrible disease and die.

then the shock blurred everything else, and hanger and the need to be defensive or offensive comes crawling into every Fallout fan.

And then the entire podcast gains a new context and the rest is left behind, that's a pretty normal reaction.

I wasn't shocked with the sentence itself, we've used pretty strong sentences against each other and people from outside the community (like at Bethesda or the former console division of Interplay), but that's not well regarded anyway, and they are normally sentences from excited kids, definitely NOT from professionals in their right mind.

Alan is disturbed, and needs some time off to straight some things in his life for sure, that's the only explanation I got.
I sent some feedback to Gamespy, as recommended from the RPG Codex:

I wrote:
As quoted from the Codex [ ]:
"When it comes to Fallout fans, ignorance, stupidity and arrogance is bad combination, because this is a community that has all of those. Since I've already opened the door there, they're loathsome human beings, who I hope really get a horrible disease and die."

Being a long time fan of the series, I find this statement a bit weird. Would you honestly agree with this editor, or is the quote just taken out of context? Somehow it feels very strange to hope for my death just because I happen to like an old RPG and might not agree with the way Fallout has been treated, nor put faith in Bethesda.

and just a few minutes later (guess they made him work during the weekend responding to these)

Patrick Joynt wrote me back:
thanks for writing. Unfortunatly, I wish I could thank you for listening -- because there is context there.

Part of it is that Allen + fallout community = bad.

But the other part is my own line, moments later, pointing out that I love Fallout and that I'm a member of the Fallout community.

It was hyperbolic, and that's about it. I was the person he was actually taking the shot at, as the "fallout fan" there, and I managed to take it on the chin.

Unfortunatly, in the many quotes of this appearing, "I love Fallout" isn't being quoted as well...

I see a lot of reused phrases in his response though.. who sits through 90 minutes of some weird internet radio from Gamespy anyway?
I see a lot of reused phrases in his response though.. who sits through 90 minutes of some weird internet radio from Gamespy anyway?

dead people

paid to listen people

people trapped in burning buildings with no means of killing themselves or reaching the speaker volume
barzam said:
I sent some feedback to Gamespy, as recommended from the RPG Codex:
and just a few minutes later (guess they made him work during the weekend responding to these)

I actually work through most weekends. I'm pretty passionate about what I do. Although, I will note -- the first recommendation to send us feedback was in the podcast, not RPG Codex.
Oh, hey, here's some more fallout fan fun, from with love:

So now, hopefully, you see that you can’t always trust the anti-hype. There may be plenty of times that everything said is one-hundred percent correct, but that’s no reason to lose hope. This goes out in particular to the people who are tearing Fallout 3 a new one, many of them citing the very complaints about Oblivion that I referenced above. They look for anything they can find to discredit the end product. Why, you ask? I’m not entirely sure, some people are born pessimistic; others are simply looking to be on the popular side of the curve or in the “I told you so” camp of trying to make themselves feel smarter. At least now you know that you don’t have to believe them, and in fact it might be wiser not to.

barzam said:
I see a lot of reused phrases in his response though.. who sits through 90 minutes of some weird internet radio from Gamespy anyway?

Tom Sawyer said:
dead people

paid to listen people

people trapped in burning buildings with no means of killing themselves or reaching the speaker volume

That and those rabid bastards at NMA who are the only fallout fans that should take offence, since everybody recognized that they are the only true fallout fans.

Again, I hand this phrase with love to anybody that feels like it:

You are such a trend whore for hating NMA.