Once I played the MP3 I understood his tone better.
I can sorta sympathize with his feelings. as a PR guy he prolly got alot of flakk or at least thought he did. His boss(es) probably yelled at him all the time whenever negative words from real people made it to the devlopment team.
But he really should have toned it down reguardless. In Upstate New York where I live. He would be titled a stupid teenager with comments like that. He's got two kids and a wife and he talks like he's in grade school bashing the group of kids on the other side of the school room. Most unprofessional.
My Reply to him saying Fallout Fans are ignorant and stupid. Two Words: Nuclear Catapult.
Game, Set, Match.
I can sorta sympathize with his feelings. as a PR guy he prolly got alot of flakk or at least thought he did. His boss(es) probably yelled at him all the time whenever negative words from real people made it to the devlopment team.
But he really should have toned it down reguardless. In Upstate New York where I live. He would be titled a stupid teenager with comments like that. He's got two kids and a wife and he talks like he's in grade school bashing the group of kids on the other side of the school room. Most unprofessional.
My Reply to him saying Fallout Fans are ignorant and stupid. Two Words: Nuclear Catapult.
Game, Set, Match.