I heard they want to make movie thoug
Yes. I beat Contra 3 on all three difficulty settings without cheating. Screw the up,up,down,down crap. As for the first Contra, my NES just adores the color gray and will display that love quite proudly at random times.The Dutch Ghost said:Anyone here who beat one of the Contra games without cheating?
Hoxie said:Surf Solar said:Eyenixon said:Mmm.
Got the asteroid achievement in Dead Space, forgot what it was called. I actually did it on Hard Mode, I have no idea how that impacts that particular mini-game segment but still, I felt the game was too easy on Normal Mode so I was cruising through it in Hard.
That's nothing amazing but y'gotta give me something.
I think I lost my mind. Because I find that Dead Space is one of the most difficult games I've played. I still didn'f finsihed it, because every "alien" I encounter rips my whole energy apart, one hit and "Isac" is ripped in pieces, and I'm playing on the normal difficulty.Seriously, one second you don't pay attention and you're dead with one single hit. Now tell me, HOW IS IT ON THE HARDEST DIFFICULTY?
And yeah, back in the days on NES and SNES I've found all the mega man games to be a huge part to be proud of when beaten, or some Final Fantasy Games on it (though it needs just grinding).
I'm normally playing on "normal", but beating Mass Effect 1 or 2 on Insane was also sometimes kind of frustrating.
I don't get how Dead Space was so hard for some, even on Impossible difficulty, every alien still took a good few solid hits to kill. Most were on the ground without legs before they even got to me most of the time, from weapons still being pretty devastating to them, even on the hardest difficulty.
My Impossible difficulty run was also a One Gun (Use only the plasma cutter) run, still it gave me next to no problems. I may have died once from not paying attention, from one of the insta-kill wallhuggers, but that was about it really.![]()
The Dutch Ghost said:Anyone here who beat one of the Contra games without cheating?
The Dutch Ghost said:I like this one more Crni Vuk,
I guess the reason is that the games back then didn't have any "elaborate" AI trying to mimic human, just difficult obstacles to get by, but any CIV game on the hardest difficulty is pretty frustrating and hard even today.Crni Vuk said:I mean was the tolerance regarding frustration higher back then or something ? I mean com on what some see today as "hard" in a few games ... pfff
The training part of Chambers of Shaolin was the hardest, especially the kick the metal ball one, but succeeding in it was so gratifying! Then the fights were fairly easy.Crni Vuk said:Hey anyone remember Wolfchild for the Amiga ? Or Chambers of Shaolin ?
Santoka said:Beating Rick Dangerous and Final Fight, no cheats.
Getting anywhere far in Transarctica was also a major accomplishment. Such an awesome game, and that opening music...![]()