General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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Comic time.

Your mom is a blood disorder.

Besides, aren't you like 12? Who cares about your opinion? Are you even allowed to have opinions yet?
I'll be 18 in like two days.

@Millim don't think I haven't forgotten about that birthday episode you promised me. Also when can we expect season two?

Did you have the same intention for your youtube account too?
No. That was just me being lazy and using the same username I do on here.
Given that he never role-played Graves I am led to believe to he is unable to do that properly.
That's fair.
There's a guy on another forum (won't name or link, no cross-site) who is turning the place into a hostile wasteland - because of ME :D

At first, well, at FIRST as in the first few DAYS I found it amusing. I was rude. He got offended. Big whopp.
A few weeks in I was amazed at his hate-stamina, how could he still be going on about me?
The fun thing was that the guy sort of liked me, he thought I was his "bud", so my rudeness caught him especually unawares. I would have felt bad, had he not flown off the handle like that, grown man! With a "bad-ass" reputation. Within a few weeks I was not only rude, but "a liar" "unpredictable" "a druggie" and so on. All of which I agree with, I mean, hell, most of us internetties between 20 and 40 are all druggies, what's wrong with that?

Month in other members begun to gently plead for some kind of peace deal, which - NOT TO BRAG - I agreed to, being, well, a grown up! After agreeing to some childish "I'm sorry for being rude"-routine, he decided to announce that he was too tough, independent and badass to lower himself to that kind of weakness, and blamed me for it, for being such a drugged out liar (:D)
In other words, it continued.

If I responded, he responded more.
If I ignored him, he wanted to show me that ignoring him would have no effect, he wasn't falling for THAT!
He eventually took to harassing every thread I participated in, to make a sort of collective punishment focused around my presence :D

Half a year in I was mostly puzzled, and my interest had turned anthropological - how was this possible? I'd had fanatical arguments with people before, but they usually burned themselves out after a month or so - but half a year?

Finally, the next summer came. A WHOLE YEAR. He was now antagonizing everyone, and routinely attacking the site admin (who has rule about no banning, unless actual laws are broken)

I gave it a few more months, untill I begun to get thoroughly annoyed at - not him - but the rest of the forum (by then only a handful of members), who naively still saw him as "tough and strong" despite a year and a half of incessant bitching and crying about my "lies" (generic lies, just, "lies!!!" like, if I called him a douchebag, he would claim that was "another lie!")
I was attached to that forum, hung there for some 6 years, but that was it, and I left. Haven't even lurked since.
Another semi-quit member there, however, informed me - another year after - that he is still at it. He is convinced I am lurking regularily, and he has now taken to accusing the admin of being a rapist (???) I don't know the details here, but it has gone from being annoying - to puzzling - to absolutely amazing!

I'm here testing pens, preparing my comic book project
He is over there (in his part of the world) DAILY ranting about me :D

Has anyone else had this happen??

I know one other forum where a member shows similar dedication, but in that case it is "gently" trolling with semi-religious babble, but it too is DAILY, and over several years, with no sign of ever quitting

Basically, the poster is obsessed with - not so much me or the forum or the concept - but "They think I will quit? I'll show them!!!" "They think I'll grow tired after a year? Two years? Five years? HA!"

Internet is still young, and we might see more and more of these people dedicating entire decades of their lives to this kind of obsessive nonsense
I'll be 18 in like two days.
Legal enough for porn.
Now you really don't have a reason not to become a prostitute so you can earn money to buy a new PC.
Or fuck it, just do cam-shows. You're cute. I'm sure a bunch of middle-aged women who are into /ss/ would love to see you wiggling your ass on cam.
There's a guy on another forum (won't name or link, no cross-site) who is turning the place into a hostile wasteland - because of ME :D

At first, well, at FIRST as in the first few DAYS I found it amusing. I was rude. He got offended. Big whopp.
A few weeks in I was amazed at his hate-stamina, how could he still be going on about me?
The fun thing was that the guy sort of liked me, he thought I was his "bud", so my rudeness caught him especually unawares. I would have felt bad, had he not flown off the handle like that, grown man! With a "bad-ass" reputation. Within a few weeks I was not only rude, but "a liar" "unpredictable" "a druggie" and so on. All of which I agree with, I mean, hell, most of us internetties between 20 and 40 are all druggies, what's wrong with that?

Month in other members begun to gently plead for some kind of peace deal, which - NOT TO BRAG - I agreed to, being, well, a grown up! After agreeing to some childish "I'm sorry for being rude"-routine, he decided to announce that he was too tough, independent and badass to lower himself to that kind of weakness, and blamed me for it, for being such a drugged out liar (:D)
In other words, it continued.

If I responded, he responded more.
If I ignored him, he wanted to show me that ignoring him would have no effect, he wasn't falling for THAT!
He eventually took to harassing every thread I participated in, to make a sort of collective punishment focused around my presence :D

Half a year in I was mostly puzzled, and my interest had turned anthropological - how was this possible? I'd had fanatical arguments with people before, but they usually burned themselves out after a month or so - but half a year?

Finally, the next summer came. A WHOLE YEAR. He was now antagonizing everyone, and routinely attacking the site admin (who has rule about no banning, unless actual laws are broken)

I gave it a few more months, untill I begun to get thoroughly annoyed at - not him - but the rest of the forum (by then only a handful of members), who naively still saw him as "tough and strong" despite a year and a half of incessant bitching and crying about my "lies" (generic lies, just, "lies!!!" like, if I called him a douchebag, he would claim that was "another lie!")
I was attached to that forum, hung there for some 6 years, but that was it, and I left. Haven't even lurked since.
Another semi-quit member there, however, informed me - another year after - that he is still at it. He is convinced I am lurking regularily, and he has now taken to accusing the admin of being a rapist (???) I don't know the details here, but it has gone from being annoying - to puzzling - to absolutely amazing!

I'm here testing pens, preparing my comic book project
He is over there (in his part of the world) DAILY ranting about me :D

Has anyone else had this happen??

I know one other forum where a member shows similar dedication, but in that case it is "gently" trolling with semi-religious babble, but it too is DAILY, and over several years, with no sign of ever quitting

Basically, the poster is obsessed with - not so much me or the forum or the concept - but "They think I will quit? I'll show them!!!" "They think I'll grow tired after a year? Two years? Five years? HA!"

Internet is still young, and we might see more and more of these people dedicating entire decades of their lives to this kind of obsessive nonsense

Wow, that's a nutcase.

I never had anything similar, someone holding their grudge that long and becoming so obsessed with it, but there were many conflicts I've had online with some people who either couldn't get the joke properly or actually believed that their threats hold any merit.

There was this one guy who was fanatical about finding out who I am and coming to kill me after several heated political debates on this forum. He wanted the two of us to meet in a "closed room, five weapons on each side of the table" at the place of my convenience and sort it out (he isn't from my country). He also claimed he could take on a whole tank unit on his own using only his bayonet, and no, he wasn't joking about it.

The biggest moment came when he (by digging some old threads) found some info on me - hometown, some interests, places where I went out etc. and he tried to find me over Facebook (which I don't use) by somehow cross-referencing the info. While there he stumbled upon my best friend - turns out the two of them had a completely separate political debate over Facebook months earlier, having been members of some Facebook group. He came to believe that my friend and I were actually the same person and kept threatening and harassing the two of us.
When the two of us a realized that we were attacked online by the same guy, who was firm in his beliefs that we were one person, it was...well, it was a really funny moment.

At one point my friend managed to dug up some old photo of this dude (he didn't have his pics on FB profile). How my friend managed it, I have no idea. From what I gathered he got in touch with the roomie of this guy, so he sent him some photos (roomies were on bad terms).
And that's probably the best part - this guy, who was in his late 20s, pretty much looked like a 15-year-old. A very skinny, myopic 15-year-old.
Now I am not a person to judge others based on their appearance, but this was hilarious.

At some point my friend got bored with his insults and left the Facebook group where they were having their clashes, and I banned the dude from the forum (I was a moderator) because he wasn't harassing only me but started attacking other members who were on good terms with me.
Wow, that's a nutcase.

I never had anything similar, someone holding their grudge that long and becoming so obsessed with it, but there were many conflicts I've had online with some people who either couldn't get the joke properly or actually believed that their threats hold any merit.

There was this one guy who was fanatical about finding out who I am and coming to kill me after several heated political debates on this forum. He wanted the two of us to meet in a "closed room, five weapons on each side of the table" at the place of my convenience and sort it out (he isn't from my country). He also claimed he could take on a whole tank unit on his own using only his bayonet, and no, he wasn't joking about it.

The biggest moment came when he (by digging some old threads) found some info on me - hometown, some interests, places where I went out etc. and he tried to find me over Facebook (which I don't use) by somehow cross-referencing the info. While there he stumbled upon my best friend - turns out the two of them had a completely separate political debate over Facebook months earlier, having been members of some Facebook group. He came to believe that my friend and I were actually the same person and kept threatening and harassing the two of us.
When the two of us a realized that we were attacked online by the same guy, who was firm in his beliefs that we were one person, it was...well, it was a really funny moment.

At one point my friend managed to dug up some old photo of this dude (he didn't have his pics on FB profile). How my friend managed it, I have no idea. From what I gathered he got in touch with the roomie of this guy, so he sent him some photos (roomies were on bad terms).
And that's probably the best part - this guy, who was in his late 20s, pretty much looked like a 15-year-old. A very skinny, myopic 15-year-old.
Now I am not a person to judge others based on their appearance, but this was hilarious.

At some point my friend got bored with his insults and left the Facebook group where they were having their clashes, and I banned the dude from the forum (I was a moderator) because he wasn't harassing only me but started attacking other members who were on good terms with me.

Hah, that kind of reminds me of the 2nd most obsessed "opponent" I've had in the past, in the same kind of "small world" sense - long story short:
I had been on a self-resurrecting forum, on and off for years, and I'm not the overly socially bonding type, so I forget people easily. This guy didn't, and this one too saw me as a "buddy" untill I got rude, and he got supremely hurt, and then it was apparently "on" - however, this guy did not operate on his own and always needed a "boss" to flaunt. I found this hilariously pathetic, while he thought it worked as intimidation "Look at my dangerous and awe-inspiring back-up!", yes? Another forum-nerd? I spent the rest of the arguments just poking fun at his status as self appointed "lap dog", a status he defended as "having back-up"

Anyway, the forum finally died permanently, and people dispersed. FB became dominant. I moved on to the other forum, that I mentioned above, and time passed. I chatted up this pleasantly crazy political dude there, not really my political branch, but the guy was such a "lone wolf terrorist to be"-type, it just warmed my heart, I FB'd him, and THERE - on FB - it turned out this guy, let's call him "lone wolf" had "recruited" as his personal lap dog - the "lap dog"! Two separate worlds, came together! I couldn't even pretend not to find it hilarious, and openly congratulated "lone wolf" for having his "lap dog", to which he gently told me to "be nice" :'D

To this day that cracks me up. Haven't seen either of them since I went off FB, which in itself was a huge relief. Man, people can be so intense sometimes!

This guy, the "lap dog", I truly and genuinely felt bad for, on several occasions :D I even triiied to "make peace" with him, he would sort of try too, but he was way too reactive, whenever his "superiors" watched him, he would hurry back to being a total dickhead, and there's no hope for people like that...

(On a separate note, one of my irl best friends behaves a bit like your nutcase, threatening people, making extravagant and detailed "offers" of retribution. I have tried VERY gently to discourage him from behaving like that, but he seems still convinced it is very frightening to others :D)
My father is too, I'm getting into them myself, they have some weird shit when it comes to music videos. I like it much better than those music videos of music now and days that simply show "big booty bitches" in bikinis twerking.
I heard "big booty bitches twerking"?
Metal does that, too, now.
My father is too, I'm getting into them myself, they have some weird shit when it comes to music videos. I like it much better than those music videos of music now and days that simply show "big booty bitches" in bikinis twerking.
I agree. There's nothing there for the common man. No comics. No hockey. Just tits and explosions.
I heard "big booty bitches twerking"?
Metal does that, too, now.

Wow, that is a new low for Mastodon.

There's barely a market for music videos these days, so I guess you just gotta what what you gotta do...

My father is too, I'm getting into them myself, they have some weird shit when it comes to music videos. I like it much better than those music videos of music now and days that simply show "big booty bitches" in bikinis twerking.

You sound like a smart man. Their videos are actually mostly made by their guitarist, Adam Jones. He's also a special effects guy who worked on movies such as Jurassic Park and Terminator 2.

You should also check out A Perfect Circle, a side project the singer was in. They're much more chill and straightforward than Tool, but damn good.
Wow, that is a new low for Mastodon.
Considering the other music videos from that album I think it was just Mastodon having fun and not some selling out.
Although, they basically cashed in on cats

and Red Fang

so maybe they really are selling out.
Considering the other music videos from that album I think it was just Mastodon having fun and not some selling out.
Although, they basically cashed in on cats

and Red Fang

so maybe they really are selling out.

I think I posted "Asleep In The Deep" in the Order Music Thread, mentioning it's the only good thing they've done in a long time.

The butts are likely just for fun, but their whole image has changed and I consider them sort of having "sold out", even if I don't like that term very much. They've gone from very experimental, heavy as fuck, with intelligent lyrics and themes... to yet another mainstream stoner rock band that sounds like every other stoner rock band. With a video of butt-shaking. I remember when they officialy said they were done with screaming vocals. That's the moment I decided they'd sold out.

Also, is that second video totally ripping off Red Fang's "Prehistoric Dog"?
I think I posted "Asleep In The Deep" in the Order Music Thread, mentioning it's the only good thing they've done in a long time.

The butts are likely just for fun, but their whole image has changed and I consider them sort of having "sold out", even if I don't like that term very much. They've gone from very experimental, heavy as fuck, with intelligent lyrics and themes... to yet another mainstream stoner rock band that sounds like every other stoner rock band. With a video of butt-shaking. I remember when they officialy said they were done with screaming vocals. That's the moment I decided they'd sold out.

Also, is that second video totally ripping off Red Fang's "Prehistoric Dog"?
Yeah, that's why I said they're cashing in on Red Fang :D
Dunno, I really liked Once more round the Sun. Sounded way closer to their earlier stuff than The Hunter. But yeah, it's a lot softer and less blatantly experimental. Kinda similar development as Opeth, I guess. Fuckers are getting old.
Yeah, that's why I said they're cashing in on Red Fang :D
Dunno, I really liked Once more round the Sun. Sounded way closer to their earlier stuff than The Hunter. But yeah, it's a lot softer and less blatantly experimental. Kinda similar development as Opeth, I guess. Fuckers are getting old.

Oh I didn't see that line. I have to admit, I haven't listened to the entirtiy of Once More. But after The Hunter I felt kind of done. I don't blame bands for getting lame. Well, sometimes I sort of do. But I get the appeal of wanting to broaden your audience, and to change things up. And I personally know the feeling of getting older and not having the same energy to put into it. I love when bands try taking new directions and experimenting. It's a shame that in 9 out of 10 times, this means they go more mainstream. Radiohead is one of the very few bands that went the other route. Talk Talk, which Radiohead are clearly inspired by, did the same thing. I wish more bands had the balls to do that.