General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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Love how Americans keep insisting on European versions of the sport being "gayer", such as *football* or even rugby.
Playing it with no forms of protection, recieving full on kill-kicks to the face = gay. Covering oneself to the point of disappearing behind armor = manly.
Love how Americans keep insisting on European versions of the sport being "gayer", such as *football* or even rugby.
Playing it with no forms of protection, recieving full on kill-kicks to the face = gay. Covering oneself to the point of disappearing behind armor = manly.
Love how you seriously took the weakest, most obvious joke bait thats ever been posted on this website and even made a legitimate rant about it.
Calm down lad.
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They had better not defy the will of the people
I dont know why the media is still trying to act like theres a chance for Brexit to get revoked. Both sides, Britain and the EU, have said theres no take backs. Then again this is the BBC so its not really expected for them to have any sort of journalistic integrity and instead rely on "omg u guise second referendum totes right around the corner" headlines.
Maybe if there were an actual anti-Brexit campaign this wouldn't have happened.
>what was 90% of British media

Also like doomsday said, if young people are so upset about the outcome and didnt want Britian to leave..... maybe they should have went out and voted instead of being smug on the social media theyre now whinging on.
Maybe if there were an actual anti-Brexit campaign this wouldn't have happened.
Only all of Westminster, 99.999% of the establishment, the effectively state run media corporation, almost all the biased tv channels, half the newspapers, the Prime Minister, every former prime minister, most of the ministers of state, almost every buisness, almost every celebrity, all the pop culture dickheads, the entertainment industry, all the captains of industry, sponsors with very deep pockets, and much much more.

Leave had Nigel Farage, dyson hoovers and a few other companies, the Sun and Mail newspapers and a couple of disgruntled ministers.

And who came out on top of that one eh?

Or they are constantly underestimating the sheer idiocy of the right. It is hard taking them seriously about 80% of the time.
HAHAAH yea your so right! Those idiot hicks who didn't even go to university!!!!!

You are the problem
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Am I the only one who was rooting for the agents in The Matrix?

I mean, if you think about it, the situation is mutually beneficial to both the AIs and the humans. By being in a virtual reality, humans get to live a fairly ordinary life, and don't have to deal with the fact that the world is a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and in return the machines get the power they need to continue living. Seems like a win-win situation to me.
Am I the only one who was rooting for the agents in The Matrix?

I mean, if you think about it, the situation is mutually beneficial to both the AIs and the humans. By being in a virtual reality, humans get to live a fairly ordinary life, and don't have to deal with the fact that the world is a post-apocalyptic wasteland, and in return the machines get the power they need to continue living. Seems like a win-win situation to me.

Plus Hugo Weaving enunciates words well. Keanu Reeves instead just goes "Whoa, dude" all the time.
Only all of Westminster, 99.999% of the establishment, the effectively state run media corporation, almost all the biased tv channels, half the newspapers, the Prime Minister, every former prime minister, most of the ministers of state, almost every buisness, almost every celebrity, all the pop culture dickheads, the entertainment industry, all the captains of industry, sponsors with very deep pockets, and much much more.

Leave had Nigel Farage, dyson hoovers and a few other companies, the Sun and Mail newspapers and a couple of disgruntled ministers.

And who came out on top of that one eh?
I think the point Atomkilla was trying to make was that Remain weren't particualarly enthusiastic about there campaign.

Leave did lots of campaigning, and seemed genuinely enthusiastic about it, whereas pro-remain politicians mostly kept there head downs, trying not to upset there voters.

If the remainers had been a lot more vocal about there stance, and tried to convince people, we'd probably still be in the EU.
They had better not defy the will of the people
Wait a minute, so first you were leave, then you were remain, now you are leave again.

Make your mind up pls.
The left's smug complancency tends to always be their undoing.
Or they are constantly underestimating the sheer idiocy of the right. It is hard taking them seriously about 80% of the time.
Could we not have a pissing contest over this sort of thing?

Everyone's entitled to there own viewpoints. Just because someone supports one view, doesn't necessarily mean that they are any dumber of smugger than the other side.