It's also funny cus of tragedy 

Michael Moore is like a broken clock that works twice a day.
The problem with Moore is that he is pretty manipulative in his "Documentary" style. He sensationalizes things and on the way actually negatively affects whatever cause he is championing about.
You know, I don't have a problem with Moores political views or what ever. I don't really care. As long he's not Nazi or Stalinist.My 5 cents on Michael Moore, yes, he is a "socialist weasel" as they call him in Team America - but man, is he outweighed, in that movie industry though. It's not like America overflows with a ton of red communist docu makers. Yeah, I know, in the current alt-right climate anybody who isn't extreme right over there is a "socialist", hell, Obama is a socialist... (I love how there is no consistency there though, hippies are socialists, Obama is a socialist, drone warfare is socialism, Stalin was a socialist. Socialist hippies who do violent riots are "hypocrites" for being violent, but violence must always be the hallmark of socialism - points to USSR, Stalin and Obamistic drone warfare, not to mention Hillarian pedophilic pizza-place child-raping satanistic illuminati ritualism - that's total socialism!)
I digress...
Moore is kind of a "bitter pill" in America, I think. He says a lot of stuff they need to hear, like - how about vacations? How about not shooting criminals so much, just for being criminal?
I like how Trevor Noah said it - are criminals no longer expected to run from police? What happened to the cop-chase? Of course criminal people will resist, they're criminals, they're going to jail, they will resist tons-a-lot. Do some judo-shit with them, no need to shoot them right in the face
Moore could always tone down this condescending tone though, and he could be a bit less sneaky. As a Norwegian, I did eyeroll a bit when he showed our pet-a-pony experimental prison, although he DID catch up to that himself, and showed an actual maximum security prison in a later documentary. That was real though, they do have tv in their cells and stuff. They just don't have any ponies.
The US has still to develope an ACTUALL leftist movement. Not even Bernie was left. He was JUST a social democrat. Nothing more. Nothing less.
You know, I don't have a problem with Moores political views or what ever. I don't really care. As long he's not Nazi or Stalinist.
I have a problem with the fact that he is often a lying sack full of shit - and Hey I am a leftist by the way - that would twist any fact or quote to support 'his' agenda. I mean I can also take interviews with managers at Nike, like as he did, and put things they say out of context, or just cut it in a way to make it look worse than what they ACTUALLY said.
I was an admirer of Moore, even believing that he made 'Documentaries', which is his biggest selling point of his works.
But the simple truth is, he doesn't make documentaries. What he makes is entertainment for left retardes that think they are left, but actually just like to pretend that they care about the working class to assume the moral high ground in a debate or what ever, no clue I meet such people, and they are disgusting. Moore is not one who's looking for solutions or telling people the truth, he want's to politicize, which isn't even the worst thing to do, as long as you use facts and make it clear that this is your intention, that your intention is to make a 'political statement'. But like I said, if something doeesn't fitt Moores narrative, he doesn't shy away from twisting facts, like as how he did in Bowling for Columbine, where almost NOTHING of what he showed, was like in his movie. The thing with buying a gun in the Bank from his conversation with Charlton Heston - and believe me, I am sure not a fan of the NRA!
It's a genereal issue about documentaries, the format makes them seem inherently trustworthy. It's easy to exploit that.The problem with Moore is that he is pretty manipulative in his "Documentary" style. He sensationalizes things and on the way actually negatively affects whatever cause he is championing about.
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If you're a serious nerd, go get Attack Vector: Tactical. It's basically a space combat game with some seriously rock-hard science in it. Also, Fantasy Flight Games produce some very good games, like the X-Wing Miniature game and Armada, another Star Wars wargame.
/edit: If you like wargames, you should loko into Axis & Allies.
/edit2: Actually, just get out your plastic army men and play the original wargame devised by HG Wells:
There is really only ONE game that you have to get.Do not play Risk or Monopoly if you value friendships and sanity.
If you're a serious nerd, go get Attack Vector: Tactical. It's basically a space combat game with some seriously rock-hard science in it. Also, Fantasy Flight Games produce some very good games, like the X-Wing Miniature game and Armada, another Star Wars wargame.
/edit: If you like wargames, you should loko into Axis & Allies.
/edit2: Actually, just get out your plastic army men and play the original wargame devised by HG Wells: