This ghoul has seen it all

Weed has less damaging effects than alcohol. Just from the very basic premise that you can't die from consumption alone unlike alcohol.
Well you can consume pretty much anything including cannabis too much if you go really overboard with it. I think only vitamin C is such that too much of it leaves the body through urine. Also, just because something doesn't kill you off from a large dose doesn't make it good for your health.
I don't get this argument that alcohol and weed are somehow mutually exclusive. Usually the people who use one use the other too, often at the same time. Which is called mixed using. And there is really no real reliable studies about all the possible combinations that weed could be mixed used with and the adverse effects that could result from all of those.
You could take a glass of water, add a couple of spoons of Sodium chloride (aka. table salt) to it, drink it and die.Well you can consume pretty much anything including cannabis too much if you go really overboard with it. I think only vitamin C is such that too much of it leaves the body through urine. Also, just because something doesn't kill you off from a large dose doesn't make it good for your health.
Yes, let us continue to talk about the effects of weed on the human brain, while half of the nation is high on suggar since they are 2 year old, which has a similar effect on your brain like heroin.You guys are still talking about dying from weed although I already elevated the discussion on the previous page by bringing up damage to the developing brain, negative influence to mental illnesses and those who just might have a negative impact from weed for whatever reason, etc.
Cofee can kill you from consumption alone, it also messes with cardiac rythm, increases the odds of developing osteoporosis among other things. You only think it's less harmful because is your drug of choice.