General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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I think it's more the culture and the system than the people per sé. Americans aren't worse than other people, they can just get away with more. A lot of american politicians are financed by big corporations that they help 'on the inside'. Think of pharmaceutical and food companies for example. This is illegal in europe.

Naw. We just call it differently. Much of the same shit that happens in the US happens here as well.
I think it's more the culture and the system than the people per sé. Americans aren't worse than other people, they can just get away with more. A lot of american politicians are financed by big corporations that they help 'on the inside'. Think of pharmaceutical and food companies for example. This is illegal in europe.

Naw. We just call it differently. Much of the same shit that happens in the US happens here as well.

Related. Slavoj is becoming one of my favorite dudes. Mostly because modern authentic philosophy is rare.

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I think he's a nut. I disagree with him on most of the things he's said and The Pervert's Guide to Cinema bored me too much to watch past about 15 minutes.
The most positive thing about Zizek is that, unlike others who claim to be communists, he doesn't deny the crimes committed by the commie regimes. Also as can be seen from the above video, he doesn't think that the old commie systems would be the ultimate utopia. You can see many of those kinds of people in YouTube comment sections, where they are all nostalgic about the "good life" under communism (meaning they were part of the ruling elite, and were more equal than the other people).
That having been said, he has a bad habit of rambling abut bullshit and it's hard to understand what exactly he is saying. I tried watching some of his longer lectures, but I always just lose interest because it's hard to tell when he is making a point during all the bs.
The thing is that there was no real communism achieved. It was maybe the target, but it is after all a more theoretical model. The systems you had like in the Sovietunion was always a system of its own. Leninism, Stalinsm or if you want Meoism in China. And it changed over time with its rulers and people. Communism, as Ideal, was never really achieved. It has a reason why Communism is utopian. It can't be reached in our world, even under the best and ideal conditions.
Well don't be so sure. .

I imagine a future where farms are automised by robots and everyone receives monthly money from the government. Like in Switzerland. Or would we even need money? I can't imagine a money-less society. I can imagine it existing, but not how it could function. The future is too complex for a mere forum post.
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I think that socialism is the ideal, Communism is too wide eyed idealist to work and pure capitalism is just cut throat and terrible. So socialism is a nice compromise between the two.
Let's not confuse socialism with communism though.

Well don't be so sure. .

I imagine a future where farms are automised by robots and everyone receives monthly money from the government. Like in Switzerland. Or would we even need money? I can't imagine a money-less society. I can imagine it existing, but not how it could function. The future is too complex for a mere forum post.

Yeah, but it's not just about money. We simply will never ever have a real system without rulers and classes. There will always be elites, groups and such. If it's not money than it will be knowledge, power, technology or what ever.
Heh, I always find it somewhat funny, now that you mention it. I mean let us say that it would be at least on paper a good idea to give people access to affordable and good health care. In generall I mean. Who on earth could be really against such a thing? I mean I don't want to see people suffering from a sickness. How this should be achieved is of course debatable, I am not arguing about that, nothing is perfect. But those are details. What can't be really debated is that there would be definitely a large part of the US population (I think at least 1/3? If not even more) that would get a real benefit of it. And yet it is exactly many of those people that would get a benefit from good and free or at least cheap health care that always protest and revolt against the concept. Like this guy that protested against free/cheap health care to start some kind of crowd funding campaign later to collect money for a treatment ...
Seems to be part context deprived historical baggage part Political brainwashing from the right wing.
Pro US propaganda is always hilarious, it tends to actually serve as satire of what they defend without even realizing it, specially one as outdated as the one on the video.
US in the 50s the most FREEEEEE and equal nation on earth, that's why the civil rights moment had to happen and segregation was still the norm in so many parts of it.
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Too weaboo in appearance for me. I want a castlevania, but more down to earth. Like a game of thrones aesthethic. And more religious and mythical inspiration. A dark souls -vania!
Hope they can pull of some better character designs than what they have shown in that Kickstarter because it looked a little uninspired.
I don't know I like the protagonists design, reminds me of Shanoa, the other 2 tho, I agree they are kind of boring looking, specially Albus 2.0 there.

In any case this Kickstarter going so well put me in the mood to draw for a while. I am still just deciding on character designs, so nothing too different really.



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So who wants to take bets for the lifespan of Konami's gaming division? They look pretty fucked at this point, aside from MGS5.