General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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"I'm doing my best!" someone exclaimed in some celeb reality competition show

and it hit me, it just rolls of their tongue, I hear it often, "I'll do my best!" "But... I did my best!"

Not to get all Sean Connery here but... either you do something or you don't, and if you don't you lose the competition OR, at best, fail at what you were intending to do. If ever you did "your best" in the process is kind of irrelevant, other than to just establish to yourself just how far "your best" will take you
Instead, they get defensive, as if their "best" should matter to the objective world outside of their emotional sphere

I've never said that, in my life, in a sentence, "my best" "I'll do my best" "but, I did my best!"
either I did something well, or I failed at doing something, like the living, fallible organism that I am
While visiting the general forum here, today, i've started thinking if this is actually a damaging endeavour to my overall mental stability (not some massive blow, but like a slow poison over span of years). It often seems to me like people almost revel from others mishaps if this somehow furthers their agenda, even if just a purely argumentitive one. The unending back and forth, agressive drama and emotions. This kind of constant atmosphere just starts to suck me in, i some times don't even notice it when i start getting more nervous and unconcentrated/ungrounded from just reading forums, comment sections, social media (which i completely unsuscribed from because of similar reasons) or even the news. It creates this false sense of a bubble where everything is do or die.

The internet is still great if i stick to philosophy/level headed based podcasts, technical websites, math forums etc. Though i'm pondering if i should just learn to look at the poisonous sections of the internet in a more dismissive unappropriative way, or just more often avoid it altogehter.
While visiting the general forum here, today, i've started thinking if this is actually a damaging endeavour to my overall mental stability (not some massive blow, but like a slow poison over span of years). It often seems to me like people almost revel from others mishaps if this somehow furthers their agenda, even if just a purely argumentitive one. The unending back and forth, agressive drama and emotions. This kind of constant atmosphere just starts to suck me in, i some times don't even notice it when i start getting more nervous and unconcentrated/ungrounded from just reading forums, comment sections, social media (which i completely unsuscribed from because of similar reasons) or even the news. It creates this false sense of a bubble where everything is do or die.

The internet is still great if i stick to philosophy/level headed based podcasts, technical websites, math forums etc. Though i'm pondering if i should just learn to look at the poisonous sections of the internet in a more dismissive unappropriative way, or just more often avoid it altogehter.

Care to recommend any good podcasts, I recently got a smart phone and can finally listen to them while jogging etc.

And yea I know what you mean about the arguing. I mostly come to NMA gen topics because it used to be peaceful here. Now some new members are bringing the hate here. Not good.
Just thinking about how awesome a pirate wedding would be.

"Do you take this man to be yer first mate"?


*Releases parrot*
While visiting the general forum here, today, i've started thinking if this is actually a damaging endeavour to my overall mental stability (not some massive blow, but like a slow poison over span of years). It often seems to me like people almost revel from others mishaps if this somehow furthers their agenda, even if just a purely argumentitive one. The unending back and forth, agressive drama and emotions. This kind of constant atmosphere just starts to suck me in, i some times don't even notice it when i start getting more nervous and unconcentrated/ungrounded from just reading forums, comment sections, social media (which i completely unsuscribed from because of similar reasons) or even the news. It creates this false sense of a bubble where everything is do or die.

The internet is still great if i stick to philosophy/level headed based podcasts, technical websites, math forums etc. Though i'm pondering if i should just learn to look at the poisonous sections of the internet in a more dismissive unappropriative way, or just more often avoid it altogehter.

You should join RPG Codex mate. Compared to them, this place is like drinking berry juice.
Norway is considering giving Finland a mountain as a gift for Finland's 100 years of independence. Yes, they are thinking about moving the border.

Thanks Zegh! (even if it's not sure they'll move the border yet)

What the hell, I didn't approve of this!

We start giving you land, how long do you think the Swedes are gonna sit around twiddling their thumbs!? This is going to be the end of Scandinavia! The end of
oh wait, its right on the border
Norway is considering giving Finland a mountain as a gift for Finland's 100 years of independence. Yes, they are thinking about moving the border.

Thanks Zegh! (even if it's not sure they'll move the border yet)

Haha, that's the coolest thing I've heard in a long time now.

Now the cover of Tales from the Thousand Lakes will finally make sense. Those mountains always bugged me.
I know being triggered by silly stuff is the new fad but come on now...


What the hell, I didn't approve of this!

We start giving you land, how long do you think the Swedes are gonna sit around twiddling their thumbs!? This is going to be the end of Scandinavia! The end of
oh wait, its right on the border

You do have a lot of them, you can spare that 'little' one. Seriously though, it is on the border so theoretically it might have some military strategic significance. It's always good to have the high ground, like Anakin learned the hard way.

The Finnish centennial's going to be pretty interesting. They're re-making an iconic Finnish war movie about World War 2 called "The Unknown Soldier"...FOR THE THIRD TIME. I mean come on, mang. They show one of the previous two versions on independence day so it's not like we don't know the story by now.
I am addicted to these frozen pizzas. They are so fucking nice, every time I shop I buy 3. Its like Michelin starred restaurant food that I can buy from tescos for £1.50
I always cook them for 5 minutes more than the box says to get it nice and crispy. So good.
Sometimes I've bought the Lidl frozen tuna pizza and added a can of tuna and some low fat cheese to give it some extra proteine. It's a 'once in a while' - delicacy for me. If I buy fast food it's probably kebab with salad from a good place.
Sometimes I've bought the Lidl frozen tuna pizza and added a can of tuna and some low fat cheese to give it some extra proteine. It's a 'once in a while' - delicacy for me. If I buy fast food it's probably kebab with salad from a good place.
Kebabs are nice, as long as its not doner meat. I enjoy scallops and chicken cooked on the barbecue. Moving on to barbecue, food is always better on there. Anyone else like barbies? We usually do kebabs, spatchcocked chicken, steak, prawns and rice.