General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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you're an American and you wish you were born in Nazi Germany? If you're a guy and of age to go into military, you probably would have gone into the military and into war. If you'd survived would have been a gamble with not very good odds. If you'd have been Jewish, handicapped, leftist, socialist, etc. you probably would have been killed off long ago.

So yea, too bad you weren't born at that time and place. :roll:

you're an American and you wish you were born in Nazi Germany? If you're a guy and of age to go into military, you probably would have gone into the military and into war. If you'd survived would have been a gamble with not very good odds. If you'd have been Jewish, handicapped, leftist, socialist, etc. you probably would have been killed off long ago.

So yea, too bad you weren't born at that time and place. :roll:
Not be overly pedantic, but going by the wiki definition there was supposed to be a punchline. I think your post was humorous, while not being a joke.
I thought about making the same post but didn't give enough shits on account of being tired AF.

What does your custom title mean?
Not be overly pedantic, but going by the wiki definition there was supposed to be a punchline. I think your post was humorous, while not being a joke.
It's Irony. Like, real Irony where the definition is "a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result." The idea of the generation the writer wants to go back to being fascist Germany is contrary to what someone would expect someone to be wistfully wishing to be a part of. That's the punchline.
Not be overly pedantic,
You mean like you're being right now? :D
Did it for the last half of junior year. Was basically nocturnal all summer. The habit is continuing In my senior year it seems. I've always been a bit of a night owl.
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What does your custom title mean?

I'm not sure what a "custom title" means, but if you are talking about those numbers, these are just fractions that one would use to make a chord with two fifths added together in a non standard tunning. So if i begin with 440hz, i multiply that by 4/3, 3/2 and 2/2.... Wait a minute 2/2 is just a 1/1, you have spotted an error in my custom title, i think. Thanks.

You mean like you're being right now? :D

Yes, i tried to irony your irony :lol:.
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No, I dont. I ignore that part.
I can't ignore that part. And even if I could it doesn't help that fallout 4 is the most poorly written game I've ever played hands down. However I too must admit that when I avoid NPCs and just ran around rockin' out to the radio shooting shit... Kept me entertained all the way to level 8.
Forgive him. For if you forgive other people when they sin against Fallout, your holy Atom will also forgive you. :nuclear: