General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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This doesn't deserve its own thread or flamewar, so I'll drop it here:
86% of refugees allocated in Germany stands for the same political and moral values as German right wing party AfD according to Die Welt. Democracy? They are all for their own democracy - ordnung has to be maintained by strong Fuhrer, even by oppresing personal rights and freedom when needed. Homosexuality? Big no-no, any open manifestation should be strictly forbidden according to majority of refugees. Good job, seems that Germany is importing huge load of right wing extremists thanks to far left wing supporters. The irony!
"Das Wertebild der Flüchtlinge ähnelt in zentralen politischen Teilen am ehesten dem der AfD-Anhänger oder der Pegida-Bewegungen", sagte Ronald Freytag, Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie und Kanzler der HMKW, bei der Vorstellung der Umfrage am Montag.
That's not surprising at all; the conservatism is always the same, only the details and the name of their god differs.
Houllebecq's "Submission" also deals with this.
Although it is of course a bit of a stretch: Most AfD voters don't actually want a "strong leader". Despite all attempts of painting them as literal Nazis who want a Führer to save us all, they're actually rather libertarian and want less government involvement and more public votings.
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Did you ever notice that fighters (mma, boxing) very often thank the god after a win? From the times that a win has been atributed to god, you'd think that he likes to see people getting knocked the fuck out a little bit too much.
Youtube comment fights are the best.


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They're still celebrating Bin Laden's death? With the whole Isis - thing etc., thought the wind was taken from the sails of that celebration.
If you listen to the song you will probably realize that is a parody of the whole thing. A very surreal one at that too.