General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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Thats incredibly gay.
Only if the balls touch.

On a more serious note, quite a few warrior societies celebrated intimacies between males, without the stigma of homosexuality, nor would they consider this kind of relationship as strictly homosexual in nature. Infact a lot of bonds between wariors have been encouraged by some military in ancient greece. Greek warriors and Samurai for example to a varying degree would allow those kind of affections. Infact it was often even expected that an old warrior would lecture a young apprentice in love affairs.
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Only if the balls touch.

On a more serious note, quite a few warrior societies celebrated intimacies between males, without the stigma of homosexuality, nor would they consider this kind of relationship as strictly homosexual in nature. Infact a lot of bonds between wariors have been encouraged by some military in ancient greece. Greek warriors and Samurai for example to a varying degree would allow those kind of affections. Infact it was often even expected that an old warrior would lecture a young apprentice in love affairs.
Yeah, I'm aware of that. The celts were like it too.

Anyway, you cannot deny this is gay:
Nothin gay about fantasizing about another man holding you in his big strong arms as he gently kisses the base of your neck.
But why do you think that this is gay? Don't get me wrong, I am not so much disagreeing with you, I am just personaly not very fond of classification when it comes to sexuality, where this is gay and this is straigth, those are just labels. Sexuality, is one of the most complex characteristisc of humans. Kinsey, what ever if you want to believe him or not, estimated that around 90% of the population has bisexual preferences. And I am inclined to agree with that assesement, as almost every male can judge the look of another male - or his own! And where most females can also tell you if another one looks good or not. I probably go out on a limb here, when I say that I would even argue that this might even have an evolutionary reason. A male or female that can judge what the other sex finds attactive, might have more succes in finding a potential partner. But that is just pure speculation, so of course not more then just a thought. But there is no doubt that most people have a sense of aesthetics where we simply 'know' what looks healthy and what not.

But homoerotism, for example, where a male finds certain male atributes very appealing, doesn't have to lead necessarily to gay relationships. History in particular, is full of such relationships, where males - and females, share intimacy with each other, without engaging directly in a sexual intercource, with their genitals. Today, of course the kissing of two males, expecially on sensible areas like the neck, is seen as strongly homosexual. But if that HAS to be a necessarily a sign of homosexualty? I don't know.

For example, you would be surprised how many homosexual men out there find certain female attributes very attractive, without actually seeking a female relationship or even sex. Up to the point where they would even find the idea of touching or kissing a female, or certain parts of her body arrousing.
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In a desperate attempt to segway out of all this gay talk you guys are so fond of, there's a heat wave in Germany now. Up to 36 degrees Celsius. They're saying the heat comes from Sahara and could make it's way all the way up to Finland. Here's to hoping the summer isn't over yet.
If only :/. It's raining here right now, and the temperature in Munich is 17C°/63F°. THis summer was very disappointing, it feels like we had what? One week where it was like a real summer?
If only :/. It's raining here right now, and the temperature in Munich is 17C°/63F°. THis summer was very disappointing, it feels like we had what? One week where it was like a real summer?

I find that very strange. Münich is very much in the south, or at least wayyy south from where I'm standing. I'd imagine you could have some scorchers there, and probably have had them too. There is a something that is too hot, although I hate too cold more then too hot.

Strangely the climate in Central and Northern Europe has kind of evened out. Well at least for summer, we still have a nasty cold winter that you guys don't have.
Yeah well, blame global warming for it. Or so I have been told.

But, what plays a role too, is the fact that Munich is relatively close to the Alps, like when you look where Munich is located on a map, like you have austria then then you get to Italy, and between that, pretty much only mountains. Just 1 or 2 hours from here, and you're already in the mountain range. It's really like just 45min with the car. A lot of the weather gets kinda funneled here. The nice thing about this is, there is a lot more snow in winter here compared to my previous residence, which was close to Mannheim, not as big like Munich, but most of the area was located in a very large valley, which means extremly humid summers - for Germany - and very little snow.

Germany has this thing, that the weather is really boring. It's usually not very hot, nor is it really very cold. But, that also makes it boring. But, better then having some fucking blizzards every year, or some tropical thunders, dust storms or twisters or what ever.
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