General Discussion Thread of DOOM

  • Thread starter Thread starter TorontoReign
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Interesting. Yes I know that there are some cities, towns very south but in a high altitude. This means those places are surprisingly cool or temperate with weather.

Mountains are great, wish we had more of them over here. I know sometimes you guys have floods, and in Czech etc. The Danube, when if floods, ish hits the fan. Bit like Louisiana now.
How's it running for you? Even on my breddy good PC the Arma games were always jittery messes for me.

Yea it's like, strangely choppy. Hmm, bit sad. The engine might not be good. I wonder if the 3 is smoother. The Czech guys, Bohemia Interactive, have the right approach that I like. Realistic, moody, downbeat and grimy. And violent, I mean if you're going to make a war game and it's all health pop ups and bunny hopping, meh. I prefer the realistic stuff.

Edit. I'm looking at some clips on Youtube and it looks much better. Hmm.
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I gave up on the Arma series. They will never deliver the kind of realism I would like to see, and their engines will always remain a buggy mess. Particularly their AI, which I don't think is THAT impressive as how their fans see it. Like it is a simulation! SIMULATION! SO AWESOME! Yeah? I don't like it when a game creates AI that cheats. I had so many cases where it simply felt like the AI could smell me or something. Like literaly. 100m between you and them, thousands of obstacles. BAM! they know INSTANTLY where you are.
With the Arma AI it was always either
A: They could see through walls and had the reflexes of a coke addled cheetah
B: I could run up to them and swing my balls in their face and they wouldn't react at all
I remember playing one of the Medal of Honour multiplayers back in the day. Lot's of bunny hopping etc. but good gun sounds, especially the Ppsh-41.
Yes, yes, quickly guys, de-retardize this thread before it's too late, it's one of my favorite threads :I

I wanna play Arma, but last time I tried I was turned into a crow.

I actually had a long, boring, annoying discussion with a friend about realism in military shooters.
He insisted Battlefield was realistic.
I told him it is - in no goddamn way - very realistic portrayal of actual battle.
He said it absolutely is realistic.
I asked him which conflict he could point to, where combatants run circles around each others, spray the ground with bullets, change magazines after every 3 bullets shot, and in general shoot-and-kill at a rate of 1 person every 4 seconds.
He said "every conflict anywhere"
I was not-sure-if-trolling

Either way, I want a game where you get your rifle, then have to dig a ditch for 7 hours.
Nice isn't the point, I don't want yet another game that lets you run around shooting stuff

I want the one, the only, the lone set apart exception of a game that goes for the boredom of reality

Someone mentioned simulator games, and responding to that I mentioned Euro Truck Simulator - or even better, that Bus simulator game! Urrrnnnnnnn! Psshhhh! *lets passengers aboard*

Or Orbiter - a Space sim without galaxies, without lazors, without aliens, without any goddamn things other than black empty space and real-time travel. These games are exceptions, in that they dive head first into absolute boredom! For the sake of the thrill of inaccessible boredom, rare exotic boredom!

I want *that* war-game, where you euro-truck simulate troops in the back of a lorry in your mission to transport them from base to nearby camp, then trek to camp, then maybe a rpg-inspired "sleep to rest" sequence =V
I know most people would be contemplating suicide by that point of the game, but they can all fuck off and play Arma, I want the game where you DO sit around and do nothing for a long freakin time
*Enter trench digging minigame*
*Find a shovel*

I mean, they DO make bus-games! Games about buses! What's holding them back? This would be like a bus game WITH guns, it shouldn't be too hard to find a market for it :I
Realistic military simulator means also realistic injuries, violence, and that stuff. This is probably unacceptable for majority of AAA publishers focused on profit. I think that's why Fallout 4 ESRB rating dropped a little - no more sexual content in nu-Fallout makes it accessible to wider and younger audience.
Yes, I forgot to mention, realistic injury.
I played Ghost Recon for a while, untill the disk broke (-.-) and the approach to realism impressed me
1. Non-visible enemies impressed me, that they were actually well hidden, and often at a good distance, with good over-view, and an ability to cook your entire squad if you were not careful. It took me several attempts to get used to it, and realize the great care one had to take to even sneak up on sniper or machinegun posts.
2. Single-bullet deaths impressed me. A lot of games go near it, but rarely all the way. Even if a soldier survives a bullet, he will typically be "out of comission", on his way to recovery or something. No such thing as "only" shot in the shoulder. Blood gushes out of a shoulder just as any other body part, it has to be dealt with, and a combatant has to be taken out of action.

In the end, as realistic as Ghost Recon was, it is similar to Arma, as they both throw you into the action relatively fast. But both of them DO come close to what I want!