General Discussion Thread of DOOM

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Grandmas are awesome

We're watching the news, and the thing about Proxima B comes on, and she's all "Look, they've found a planet with alien life. If you're still hungry, go serve yourself another plate in the kitchen, dear! Warm it in the micro!"

First I had to explain that no, no alien life, and then I had to think about how casually she took such amazing news. Next would be like
"We have been officially visited by an alien life form, they have colonized Greenland. Are you hungry, dear? There's left overs in the fridge!"
Lel, Youtubing the "live performance" tracks from The Tops (talent pool quest), and eyerolling to all the smartass comments "calling out" the track for not existing in the game, often pointing out how many play-hours they put into the game
"I've finished everything in this game, but NEVER heard this song!"

Well then you didn't finish everything in the game, genius :V

What I love even more, is that each track has several people commenting the same, meaning that not only do they suck at finishing the game they thought they finished, but they also can't be fucked to check the comments for more than a second, to see if there exist rational explanations to their conundrum

Then I think "these people vote", and I stop smiling
Philippines drugs war: The woman who kills dealers for a living

That is messed up. However, and this is a matter for yet another 100 + page thread, I'm not sure a hardline (to a certain extent) does not work when it comes to drug crime.

Wow, maybe there are american universities not yet beyond saving:

Tbh, I don't even know what a safe space is. It seems to be a word that is thrown around by 'tough' right wingers who hate 'libs' etc. Edit. Ok I read the wiki-page. Doesn't seem that bad to me. So what do you want, your constitutional right to harass LGBT- and black folks at the university?

You've been to university in Germany, right? Ever been to a US university with a lot more violence etc. just outside (and sometimes unfortunately inside) the uni doors? You think it's a bad thing that there are spaces that are safe? What about kindergartens, should they be safe?
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safe spaces, trigger warnings, can't people just chill the fuck out :I

that goes for genocides and such too, chill ouuut...

Everybody in the fucking world knows what "common sense" is, but so many people pretend they don't, and pretend that we need to fragment and categorize everything into little rules. Just chill...

Okay, I wikied, "chillism" does not exist, so, I coin it.
Chillism is defined by just chilling the hell out, and following common sense, with nobody pretending that common sense is super complicated and up for interpretation.
safe spaces, trigger warnings, can't people just chill the fuck out :I

that goes for genocides and such too, chill ouuut...

Everybody in the fucking world knows what "common sense" is, but so many people pretend they don't, and pretend that we need to fragment and categorize everything into little rules. Just chill...

Okay, I wikied, "chillism" does not exist, so, I coin it.
Chillism is defined by just chilling the hell out, and following common sense, with nobody pretending that common sense is super complicated and up for interpretation.

That is messed up. However, and this is a matter for yet another 100 + page thread, I'm not sure a hardline (to a certain extent) does not work when it comes to drug crime.

Tbh, I don't even know what a safe space is. It seems to be a word that is thrown around by 'tough' right wingers who hate 'libs' etc. Edit. Ok I read the wiki-page. Doesn't seem that bad to me. So what do you want, your constitutional right to harass LGBT- and black folks at the university?

You've been to university in Germany, right? Ever been to a US university with a lot more violence etc. just outside (and sometimes unfortunately inside) the uni doors? You think it's a bad thing that there are spaces that are safe? What about kindergartens, should they be safe?
That's not what "safe spaces" sought to accomplish. Students simply refused to learn or even hear about certain topics because it offended their sensibilities or "triggered" them. There were rooms with kitten-videos and Play-Doh set up to calm down students when a public speaker who was mildly against certain forms of feminism came around. Wanna know how "safe spaces" in german "universities" (Humboldt university in Berlin, doesn't really deserve that name anymore) worked out? There was a clash between black students and transgender students because... Hell if I knew, the public letters from the representatives were utterly unreadable. Something about a lecture being a safe space for transgender people, but some black students thought it was somehow racist so they "intervened" (SJW newspeak for "they barged in and made noise and interrupted everything"), but some people thougth that since it was a safe space for transgender people they should have gotten acknowledgment from a transgender person beforehand, and if no PoC transgender was available a white transgender person would have been sufficient which pissed of the PoC because that would have meant asking permission from a white person...
This is not about actual safe spaces from actual violence. It's about being safe from anything remotely resembling criticism. Building echo chambers. There's a reason feminism got a lot crazier in recent years, there's no internal criticism anymore because they can't stand it.
If a student can't attend a lecture because he or she can't hear about sexual violence in law class, he or she should be in therapy and not at university. If a student can't stand hearing about white philosophers, he or she should study something else. If a student needs kitty pictures because somebody has a different opinion from him or her, he or she should get the fuck out of the campus because apparently there has been a huge fucking mistake.
Wish i had no safe spaces to hide from math and physics when i was studying.

Why? I remember reading you posting about math, music and stuff. Is that what you really like to do? Is it your hobby? Or do you think it's a good career path?

The mathematicians that I know are mostly teachers so if teaching is your thing then yea go for it.
I was pretty dumb when i was younger and started avoiding exact sciences like math, physics, chemistry from an early age. So i basically learned nothing about those fields at school and that narrowed down my choices, further on, to complete junk. Not to mention that now i have hobbies where i need all that knowledge and so i am self studying all (mostly math for now) that i missed in school and college.

Yea I think I know what you mean. Me, I didn't really narrow myself that much, I just wasn't really great in chemistry or physics. Thinking back I never had really great teachers in those subjects. Math I did like and did quite well in the matriculation exam which is kind of the main test over here before university etc. I'd like to do some courses in math and maybe biochemistry. Physics, I'm not that interested about the quantum physics stuff, I prefer stuff that I link to actual things like economy, biology, etc. But I can understand why someone else might be especially as a hobby.

Some people work with stuff like the Hadron Collider etc. Those are big investments and to recoup the money put into, for example HC-project, I hope to see actual practical results.
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I can kinda relate too. I had lousy teachers in both elementary and high school in science subjects. My chemistry sucked and my physics knowledge was, and still is, largely nonexistent or very basic. I can grasp some complex concepts in layman's terms, but I can't tell you the Three Newton Laws.
Therefore, I had to study chemistry a fucking lot for my uni. I never needed physics, but it still sucks that I know shit.
Luckily enough, I liked and educated myself in biology, which helped a lot with advanced studies.

However, similar situation is going to bite me on the ass when it comes to German language, which, judging by the current circumstances, I will have to study in a private classes or something, whatever it is called. I studied it for 8 years in public schools and I learned more from watching German films and documentaries about Nazis. Fucking public education, man.