General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing. Addictive as fuck, and fun now that I don't have to do it in school with the gay cardboard keyboard screens.
Mostly Warhammer Online my Chosen of Khorne has made to rank 30 and having a blast. Collecting heads, got to get them all. When not playing that, then S.T.A.L.K.E.R. supermodpack v2.4 waiting for 2.5
Currently a load of old FPS games; TimeSplitters Future Perfect, Zaero for Quake 2, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

TimeSplitters FP is pretty fun, a shame that the single player campaign is so short.
Also some of the scenery is rather bland sometimes, couldn't things like the head office look more 'lived in'?

Zaero is an un official expansion pack, surprisingly some of the level design and item placement decisions are better than that of the official expansion packs.
I am surprised to see that the developers even managed to put some ingame cutscenes in Quake 2.

RTCW, what is to say?
Its a fun game.
Anno 1404, quite fun if you ask me. Also, replaying both Icewind Dales (playing the second with a three person party).

I am also DLing DDO Ebberon Unlimited, only to try out of curiosity if I'll be able to play it for free in Europe. Anyone tried this?
Messing around with ZDoom, downloaded tons of maps and wishing I had a better computer so I could get a couple newer games people are talking about (what good is 3.0ghz processor with only a geforce 5500? I swear I've taken a shit that could get better framerate)
finally configured Far Cry so it will run smoothly on my computer, the voice is acting is hilariously bad, but graphically it still looks pretty good, gameplay is pretty decent as the level design.

I need my paycheck so I can buy a new game.
Doom 3.

A good shooter, some neat elements, great atmosphere, well developed and elaboated upon world, decent voiceacting... a solid game.

Currently at Delta. I'm getting better and better at slaughtering monsters, ever since living humans ceased to appear and I adopted a shoot first, don't ask questions stance.
Mikael Grizzly said:
Currently at Delta. I'm getting better and better at slaughtering monsters, ever since living humans ceased to appear and I adopted a shoot first, don't ask questions stance.
Does that strategy work for you? I remember being quite trigger happy myself, and I also remember running out of ammo for damn near everything around the 4th or 5th level. I even managed to open around half of the lockers.
I finished Doom 3 and its expansion once, I honestly don't feel like replaying it again.

It looks really nice but it has no lasting appeal.
Danilh said:
Patton89 said:
Empire:total war

Is it worth it? I haven't bought it already because Steam doesn't sell it to Brazil, and it isn't in retail yet near where i live;

I'd like to say yes as a long time fan of the series, but the fact is it's so bug ridden and the AI is so poor that it's pretty painful compared to the earlier games. Some of the new features are simply not used by the AI, it's completely inept at keeping up trade routes for example, and it will nearly always declare war on you as soon as you share a border. It's like it's hardcoded that you need to be at war with at least three other nations at all times. Diplomacy is a joke.

But if you liked the previous games and focus more on the battles it's really entertaining some of the time. The battles have their flaws too and the AI is once again completely retarded in many situations. My biggest problem is that it crashes to desktop more often than not though. Also, gone is the variety in units of earlier games. You have your generic line infantry and they're basically all you need. Almost all nations have the same basic troop types. Cavalry is tricky to use and can be pretty shitty sometimes.
Playing Dungeons&Dragons Online:Eberron Unlimited. You can actually play it for free in Europe, pretty neat if you ask me.

It's a blatant LOTRO rip-off, but well executed. I think I'll be playing this for a longer while.
Need for Speed : Shit

I mean, Shift.

Graphics are great, the AI is good, the cockpit view is astoundingly well done, but holy fucking hell I hate how the cars handle. They went way too far into simulation territory with this thing. It's just not fun, and on top of it the various driver-assist options usually just make racing even harder since it's like your car is being controlled by another person and you have to fight them to make the car do what you want it to. One of the assist options actually hits your brakes for you. What the hell, man.

I wish I'd picked up RE5 instead.
Still playing Fallout 3, but besides that, started Army Of Two again. I missed that game. Also plowing through the Gears Of War.
The Dutch Ghost said:
RTCW, what is to say?
Its a fun game.

I love that game. I would love to see that game on xbox live someday, with achievments!

I am currently awaiting the arrival of my "Dark Messiah Of Might and Magic: Elements" copy for the xbox 360.

never played it before. but i played the demo and it was good.