Mildly Dipped

The Dutch Ghost said:Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Resident Evil 5.
The controls are amazing compared to RE4 (thank god), and it looks good and runs very well.
I heard the AI of the forced companion is terrible, that is why I did not get the game even though I played almost all of the previous games.
Actually, I found her quite useful in a fight. She's not genius in any way, but does hold her own. I mainly gave all the healing items to her, and worried only about shooting. She did ok with that assignment, contrary to what Yahtzee in his review said. Also, she saved my ass more times than I had to save hers. And I'm talking about veteran difficulty here.
RE5 PC is the best version of the game, and a truly great PC port, better controls due to mouse support and more shortcuts (1-9 for every inventory slot and also quick keys for quick turn and knife slash). They even implemented a proper crosshair instead of that laser thing in console versions. It also looks and runs better like a proper PC version should. Capcom did take Ubisoft fucking up RE4 PC seriously.