General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

The Dutch Ghost said:
Based on my gaming experiences of this year so far I can pretty much say that it and 2008 were some of my worst gaming years ever.

Hey now, it's not all that bleak. There's the STALKER: Call of Pripyat and King's Bounty: Armoured Princess. The almost-vapourware Disciples III should (technically) come out this year as well.
The Dutch Ghost said:
It's funny you say that, because I'm pretty new to RPGs, but I didn't find it a bad game.
It's not the masterpiece everyone says (in reality is an avarage to good game, scores 6.5 at best), but the story is OK, the main quest is entertaining and the side quests are bored to death.

I found the background setting not really original plus a lot of the dialog was very poor in my opinion.

When I played it became rather obvious that this was based on the Kotor games.

Also no memorable NPCs.

But at least they have the courtesy to care about details, I can give ME that.
Everything is explained (in game and in the Codex), tied togheter and the quests don't appear from nowhere.
Also, if you play the missions in any order you want, the NPCs and the story adapt to your gameplay, they don't "throw" things in a rigid way, like FO 3 and Oblivion do.

I think the main problem with games today is this: you have to follow a script and there's only one way to do things.
At least in ME they try it don't (if they succeed is another thing).

As for the story, I agree with you, is not original. Not bad or good, just OK (is Star Wars, Star Trek, Gallatica and Aliens all togheter!!!)

But least Wrex is fun to play. :)

BTW, should I try MW2 or not?
I was very addicted to non stop FPS, but I think I'm getting older, I want something that challenges me and I have to use my brain too. :cool:

[ ]'s

PS: excuse any errors, english is not my primary language.
Well, wasn't assed up enough to reinstall MW2 after the format; so I guess the campaign will go unfinished for now.

Kharn's list inspired me to play Planescape: Torment for the first time, and after the sufficiently cool opening scene (that I swear I've seen somewhere before), the game just 'clicked' with me. It's what happened with Fallout, and what I had hoped would happen with Arcanum. I'll definitely be playing this through to the end.

brfritos said:
BTW, should I try MW2 or not?
I was very addicted to non stop FPS, but I think I'm getting older, I want something that challenges me and I have to use my brain too. :cool:

If you're a console gamer, or a casual pc gamer; by all means, get MW2. If you consider yourself a 'hardcore pc gamer', you'll probably be disappointed by it.
I've abandoned DA:O near the end; I'm halfway into the yet another playthrough of TOEE; now, I'm starting another replay of Ys: Origin, this time on Normal, I hope the game won't kick my ass too hard. Still, it's so friggin' awesome.
finally finished Risen so I've now moved on to Dragon Age. seems pretty cool so far.

I was in fact a bit disappointed by Risen towards the end, despite my high praises in that other thread. it was still a lot of fun and I stand by what I thought when I wrote that, it's just that the rpg aspects seemed to get lost somewhere along the way and the last part of the game was pretty much straight dungeon crawling hack'n'slash. in this game the hack'n'slash was great fun, so they got away with it. but unfortunately the game didn't end up being the great dialogue-based rpg I was hoping for.
Tapan Kaikki 4: Bloodshed

Since the core name of the game can be translated "I'll kill everyone", it's rather easy to guess what kind of game it is. Not to be taken too seriously thought.
Playing King's Bounty: armored princess and it is a challenging fun , as well as the previous part was
Assassin's Creed 2

I liked the first game despite its repetitiveness, but this one is much, much better. More and different missions, every mission now feels different, the standardized pre-assassination missions and routines have disappeared, giving every assassination a more unique feel. The addition of yo

And, as in the previous game, the environment is gorgeous and hits the right atmosphere. I really like the database addition that lets you see some history of each major building you encounter.

Annoyance: I still don't get why they added the silly modern-day framing device/'plot'. It's nothing but an annoyance and a convoluted way of adding some collectables to the game.
Wooz said:
"The addition of yo"? :D
I have the bad habit of writing my posts out of order and then not re-reading them. I was going to mention the database bit, there.

But I notice I forgot to mention your own town. You are the son of some prominent Italian family who have their own tiny little town somewhere. Predictably, when you first see it is all poor and delapidated, you get to spend money to improve it, giving you a bigger discount at shopping in that town and unlocking some extra treasures and the like as you improve the city. It also serves as an income, as the more prosperous the town is, the more money it gives you.
Fun stuff, and it gives you an incentive to do a lot of the optionable collectables.

Also, note, there's a really facepalm-inducing moment in the game when you encounter a character named "Mario"(who features prominently throughout the game) and he goes "You don't remember me? It's-a me, Mario!" Now every time I encounter that character I think of a little, fat and red plumber.
Started finished up Warriors Orochi, getting close to unlocking every character. Generally like the differences compared to Dynasty Warriors and it's definitely got a better system than Samurai Warriors.

Also started American McGee's Alice today, solid gameplay with great art direction and voice acting. A very atmospheric game that I'm throughly enjoying. Interested to see if the movie ever materializes and what the sequel will be like.
Oh boy, I just checked out the Wikipedia entry on that game's story.

I will not say anything but I think we should talk after you have finished it Sander.
Let's have a Minesweeper challenge. Start a custom game with the maximum 30x24 dimensions and 150 mines. You should be able to complete this fairly easily. Then add 10 mines at a time (or fewer) and see how high you can get. It starts to get pretty hairy around 180; I'm not sure if 200 is realistically doable.