General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I finished Thief II a while back. Haven't played much since, actually.

I guess I'll install that unofficial add-on "Thief 2X: Shadows of the Metal Age" (which I haven't actually had the pleasure of playing before) some time soon.
I'm trying my best to play Arcanum, but it just won't play with Windows 7. I use compatibility mode for win98, but then it just tells me:

Unable to load funtion: FT_Thunk (KERNEL32.dll)

Any ideas?
Bought The Witcher a couple of days ago, at first I wasn't really impressed but now I think I am falling in love ..
PainlessDocM said:
Bought The Witcher a couple of days ago, at first I wasn't really impressed but now I think I am falling in love ..
It's a good game. I got it as soon as it came out and I immediately liked how dark, depressing (and racist) it was, as opposed to most fantasy games. It certainly shows the rougher side of 'medieval' times...

Could never bring myself to collect herbs though on account of not being a douchebag. Never actually finished the game, I think it got too tedious, but I bet there are some good mods out there now.
Well I don't usually play 'fantasy' RPG's. But this and Arcanum are exceptions to that rule. Such a beautiful game.

I bought the disc version when it came out but my old computer was way to slow to play this game (I could read a page from a book each time I entered an area..). Lost the discs and purchased it again through steam. Best 17 € I have spent this year.
Playing through Planescape Torment with some recommended mods / fixpacks. Playing as a mage for the first time and the game is still great although its aged visual presentation. The widescreen mod definately helps.
I restarted on the Witcher, 1. to test a few things out for the wiki, 2. replaying some choices that I may have missed before, 3. setting some random goals for fun (like making 80k or 100k orens), 4. it's possible saves from 1 can to loaded to start 2 with some difference.

I still have to start the Shin Megami Tensei Series, and it's off shoot, Devil Summoner series..., because I bought at great expense and it's been staring at me like "Why did you buy me and not play me!"

I also did a bit of Diablo 2 for a bit, but I just can't keep up with the gear grind at this stage. *shrugs*
Playing some Cryostasis. I don't like it very much. I barely understand when the playing's gonna take off, since pretty much everything i've done so far was right clicking on every red item i find and just following the preset path. I think the main reason i'm still playing it is because i love those russian accents.
Playing Overlord II right now. Right from the start, I was happy with the Minions still being the cute little monsters they were before, some funny bits of dialogue, the new Overlord look and the overall gameplay.
Playing a lot of Caesar IV, I fail heavily at planning cities - but in a way it does make the game more exciting. The "random" events in the game are of the old "you're doing well so here's major catastrophic events" style, as I found in a recent mission : Three earthquakes in quick succession took out all my industry, caused equites to leave, then everyone to die of disease. Bah
Starseeker said:
it's possible saves from 1 can to loaded to start 2 with some difference.

Hi, what do you mean by that? I am playing the Witcher for the first time and am having a great time with it.
Hoxie said:
Playing Overlord II right now. Right from the start, I was happy with the Minions still being the cute little monsters they were before, some funny bits of dialogue, the new Overlord look and the overall gameplay.
Oh boy *loughs* maybe I should try that game some time. It does seem like a hell lot of fun.

PainlessDocM said:
Hi, what do you mean by that? I am playing the Witcher for the first time and am having a great time with it.
I think he's trying to create a finished savegame just in case CDProjekt decides to make your actions from TW1 count in TW2. But as far as i know, nothing like that has been announced.

Alphadrop said:
Fallout 3 with FWE, MMM, WMK and a host of other acronyms. First time I've tried them all together.
I'd like to think of my 20 something mods as playing a preview version of New Vegas. Not really in New Vegas' benefit, since it's still pretty bad :P
zkylon said:
PainlessDocM said:
Hi, what do you mean by that? I am playing the Witcher for the first time and am having a great time with it.
I think he's trying to create a finished savegame just in case CDProjekt decides to make your actions from TW1 count in TW2. But as far as i know, nothing like that has been announced.

It is.

I am playing...a guitar :D Having a goddamn hard time trying to learn without making it sound like a bunch of cats scraping sheet metal.
Clonk Rage, a fun little thing that's like a more graphical version of Dwarf Fortress, but with more hands-on control instead of micromanagement. I'm still playing the freeware (limited) version, which means I can't save but something is still addicting about the game no matter how frustrating it gets.