General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Started, for the gazillionth time I might add (without ever finishing the game), a Planescape Tormet game. I just left the Mortuary, scouting out the Hive.

I hate Hive Thugs. Just leave me alone already, will you?
alec said:
I hate Hive Thugs. Just leave me alone already, will you?
use Morte's special ability "Litany of curses" on those thugs. (Hey, and don't forget to read the manual - there are some special features included in the multiclass system.)
alec said:
Started, for the gazillionth time I might add (without ever finishing the game), a Planescape Tormet game. I just left the Mortuary, scouting out the Hive.

I hate Hive Thugs. Just leave me alone already, will you?
Good luck, I hope you finish it this time, because I really enjoyed it as a whole (but there were moments when I felt like leaving it too).
I am waiting for Worms Reloaded to unlock:)
I hope to relive the good olden days of hot seat Wormering.


Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Anyone play the Blade Runner PC game? Worth getting? or Ubik for PSX (i think)?

Yes, it's absolutely worth getting, it's an amazing game and it works perfectly* on vista x64.

*Except the [spoiler:39c93fcb26]shooting range part[/spoiler:39c93fcb26] but that part is not mandatory to complete the game.
Yeah, that part of Blade Runner didn't work for me, either.
The rest ist awesome, tough.
I'm playing Star Wars: Tie Fighter right now.
I love Dosbox.
Replaying Fallout 2 with Killap latest patch and playing Super Mario World for Wii with my little sister. Its pretty much the only time we can both be in the same room for more then 15 minutes without resorting to violence.
Playing SimCity 2000. Huh, why did I think this game was hard when I was a child?
Amnesia, the dark descent. Truly horrifying game (that's a + in this case). Story is also interesting so far.

Trying to complete Vampire: Bloodlines for the zillionth time. Hopefully get past Chinatown this time, just for the sake of saying I completed it. Gone Malkavian obviously. 8-)

Also picked up Little Big Adventure 2 from the charity shop I volunteer at, played the demo when I was about 12 and all I can remember is that it was weird.

Also Amnesia looks really scary.
Just played through NWN + HoTU for the first time with a friend.

Being a Sorcerer was painful, as I was entirely useless until level 6 (when I got Fireball). From there on, I annihilated the entire vanilla campaign with flashy spells (while my friend as a Fighter was jealous).

HoTU had a great story, and was really fun; but it featured more game-breaking bugs than any other game I've ever played when going through the campaign with multiple players.

Now I'm moving on to Amnesia, since it looks like Penumbra without the horrible combat.
Yes, Amnesia is really scary.

Probably the best audio experience I've ever had with a videogame.

Didn't think I would find a game scarier than Project Zero 2...Looks like I did.

And the Lovecraftian-horror is rendered at least as good as in Dark Corners of the Earth.

If you like Penumbra and / or Dark Corners, do yourself a favour and buy Amnesia. NOW !
Starcraft 2 ladder mostly, played little bit of singularity. SC2 is fine tuned quality and singularity was bit of a dissapointment. At least the first 3 hrs.
God damn, this game is draining as fuck to play. It has you jumping at NOTHING, and then as soon as you get a little confident, BLAM; some gaping-mouthed monster thing shows up and eats your face because it runs like a fucking KENYAN.

This is the first game I've played that had me completely wired on adrenaline like that.

I hate this game.
Can you tell us more about it, painlessDoc?
I know I can google and shit, but maybe I can get some info out of someone that won't really spoil it. Do you have weapons? And what's the main goal of the game?
It got me intrigued, I was excited about V:Bloodlines hotel part, not really scared but I was impatient to get to the other scary scene while getting slight chills down my spine. I tried out fear 2 but I had my windows reinstalled at some point and I didn't bother installing it again, it had some good scary parts and I suppose there were even more I missed..
I'd love to hear more about this game.
I watched a really good LP of the Penumbra games, and while that will probably keep me from ever playing them (Because I'd know the puzzles), I don't think I would've liked Penumbra's 2 "Never get to have a weapon kinda thing". But that's because my usual answer to video game problems is to blast the living fuck out of them.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Just played through NWN + HoTU for the first time with a friend.

Being a Sorcerer was painful, as I was entirely useless until level 6 (when I got Fireball). From there on, I annihilated the entire vanilla campaign with flashy spells (while my friend as a Fighter was jealous).

HoTU had a great story, and was really fun; but it featured more game-breaking bugs than any other game I've ever played when going through the campaign with multiple players.

Now I'm moving on to Amnesia, since it looks like Penumbra without the horrible combat.

You must just hate being a wizard, then, huh? For some reason I'm always a Paladin, my pnp characters always were.
Finished Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn and moved on smoothly onto Baldur's Gate 2: Throne of Bhaal.

Man, what a great series. I remember it being pretty hard combat-wise, but this time around I've got a lot more powerful character and a deadly group of NPCs at my side. Thoroughly enjoyable, and graphically still one of the most beautiful games ever made!