General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

PainlessDocM said:
After today's patch I can now finally play Magicka online. Played a chapter with Alphadrop, great fun.
I highly recommend buying this game.

Guys, we need to organize a network game this weekend. I'm glad they've finally patched the MP, and I'm really eager to play. Damn schoolwork.

Also wondering, have they managed to patch glitches in the arena? I have consistent clipping issues in the Arena and sometimes in the Glade - like items falling through textures, and worse yet, my wizard falling throuhg and dying :(
Batman Arkham Asylum and Dead Space 1 on Pc, in preparatiion for the release of the second part of the former and when I buy the sequel of the latter.
I have awesome memories with that game. Sad it died ... or letz say the publisher/developers killed it by changing a top down tactical game to a mindless first person ww2 shooter ...
PainlessDocM said:
( Downloading Duty Calls )
750MB for a joke. Well, it was very funny anyway, but I guess you could just watch a video since it's pretty linear(and it forced the resolution in my monitor to some weird shit I never saw before)

Still, I find it a bit hypocritical that some of the things they're making fun about, their game has plenty of them. :|
Playing some Darksiders for PC. I actually contrary to what i was expecting am enjoying this game, allthough its pretty bad port apparently. Im getting horrible performance at times, especially during cutscenes for some reason.
Dario ff said:
PainlessDocM said:
( Downloading Duty Calls )
750MB for a joke. Well, it was very funny anyway, but I guess you could just watch a video since it's pretty linear(and it forced the resolution in my monitor to some weird shit I never saw before)

Still, I find it a bit hypocritical that some of the things they're making fun about, their game has plenty of them. :|

I was going to post this earlier:


I only watched the video but I'm guessing it pretty much the same thing as playing it.
Ausdoerrt said:
Guys, we need to organize a network game this weekend. I'm glad they've finally patched the MP, and I'm really eager to play. Damn schoolwork.

Slght problem now that there is a new bug that causes people to randomly disconect. Though looks like it might be down the using two opposite power beams together or dynamite causing other players to crash, which explains why it's so random and only happens in the big battles.
The next 'big patch' will be released tomorrow, hopefully it fixes that problem.

They only have 2(!) programmers, they must be working insanely hard these days :-)

Interesting interview with one of the developers:


If your game works and you feel like melting some Trolls in co op feel free to add me on Steam (id= PainlessDocM)
Will def. add you when I've got the time for playing. Also, trolls are best frozen, not fried ;)

BTW, just finished Chpt. 9, HOLY CRAP, the most amazing unexpected plot twist EVAH!
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Just started Heavy Rain. I know I've heard some bad things here but I might as well play it before I sell it.

I played the demo and enjoyed it, I also played Indigo Prophecy which was really good despite playing on the Pc is difficult if you don't have a gamepad.
thegaresexperience said:
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Just started Heavy Rain. I know I've heard some bad things here but I might as well play it before I sell it.

I played the demo and enjoyed it, I also played Indigo Prophecy which was really good despite playing on the Pc is difficult if you don't have a gamepad.

Indigo Prophecy was really cool and then went TOTALLY overboard. I think it would have been a lot more interesting if the fate of the world didn't hang in the balance and they narrowed the scope a bit.
I agree the whole cult plot was dangerously close to jumping the shark (or nuking the fridge), but it was still a good story.

But at least Heavy Rain is more grounded in reality and looks like a gritty movie like Se7en.
I got hooked to Battle City...again...

Ausdoerrt said:
Will def. add you when I've got the time for playing. Also, trolls are best frozen, not fried ;)

BTW, just finished Chpt. 9, HOLY CRAP, the most amazing unexpected plot twist EVAH!

Cool, our team of two could use someone else for when Painless manages to beam himself to death.
Psssssssssssssssst I think Vlad may be a [spoiler:720de079b1]vampire[/spoiler:720de079b1].


Fixed issues/bugs

* Network traffic optimizations.
* Books of magicks no longer fall through level.
* Cutscene skip bug in chapter 1 fixed.
* Player item desync on network clients fixed. (This will solve many different issues.)
* Fixed crash on clients when exploding objects.
* Fixed Thunderstorm distribution.
* Fixed chapter 3 bossfight initialization on clients.
* Fixed Random Teleport distribution.

Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Just started Heavy Rain. I know I've heard some bad things here but I might as well play it before I sell it.
People that say that Heavy Rain is a bad game are people that have never played a graphic adventure game in their lives.
I think I'll try Darklands as soon as I have a little time.
Ok, I'm going to need a lot of time for it :D
The quick testrun I gave it a few minutes ago was cool. I like it that my new PC can handle it in Dosbox without getting super noisy with the CPU fan.