General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Duke Nukem Forever: Not enjoying myself
Red Faction Armageddon: Eh. Like destroying shit but not really enjoying myself.
Breath of Fire 2 (SNES): Though simple and archaic by most people's standards of RPGs (JRPGs in this case) it's actually alot of fun and the music and atmosphere is thoroughly enjoyable.

Mostly just waiting for my new machine so I can play Starcraft 2 and The Witcher.
Crni Vuk said:
Atomkilla said:
As for D&D combat systems, I don't know much about them - in computer games, that is. I haven't played many D&D computer games (I play it old school, pen & paper), but if their combat system is same (or similar) in most their games, than I have experience with it (on long-term, I have only played Torment of all DnD cRPG).
Torment might be DnD. But it really does not play like Baldurs Gate 2.

Yes, Torments combat plays much smoother and better.
Torment's combat is pretty dull, but I don't know why you'd play Torment for the fighting.
Where exactly is it btw that much different or "boring" when compared to Baldurs Gate, other than that the fights are a bit faster paced and more fluent?
Fluent ? Maybe killing countles rats.

Playing it as wizard I found the combat lacked complexity. You had some spells. But only a few have been really usefull. And I got bored pretty much by the "you cant rest here now!" message I got quite often ... fuck it. Why cant I rest here ?

It was DnD light from the combat. Maybe it was fluent for YOU. Thats alright. I am not calling the combat shit. But from a DnD perspective it was horrorible. Thats what happens when you reduce it to 3 classes, Warrior, Mage, Thief and have a character that "can't die". If that does not make combat dull then I dont know what.

But as many said. You do not play the game for the combat in the first place.
Crni Vuk said:
Fluent ? Maybe killing countles rats.

Yeah, Torment is the only game with fillermobs/rats.

Playing it as wizard I found the combat lacked complexity. You had some spells. But only a few have been really usefull.

Pretty much all of them are useful depending on the situation you are facing on.

And I got bored pretty much by the "you cant rest here now!" message I got quite often ... fuck it. Why cant I rest here ?

Because it makes the game more challenging when you have to use your spells wisely instead of just spamming rest at each corner (one of the worst "feautures" in DnD)? Because it encourages using hotels etc? Even Baldurs Gate had that, you couldn't just rest everywhere.

But from a DnD perspective it was horrorible.


Thats what happens when you reduce it to 3 classes, Warrior, Mage, Thief and have a character that "can't die". If that does not make combat dull then I dont know what.

So you played the game only with TNO alone? No wonder then. There are other classes/class combinations at the NPC. Don't see how this makes combat "dull" either.
It's simply far easier, there are very few mage enemies that require you to use certain types of spells to beat, or huge monsters that absolutely require enchanted weapons, in Torment you can just group up the party and click on the enemies one by one to win most fights. BG2's combat is, for me, flawed, but it certainly beat's Torment's tedium. But, as all have said, you don't play Torment for the combat.

On my progression, finished Shadows of Amn (the final battle was a tad easy for my taste, but the level itself was nice), on to Throne of Bhaal with Ascension installed and I already begin to see the difference in difficulty. The very first fight is tougher than Irenicus.
well I have read some people made mods for BG2 which moves the combat "closer" to the DnD rules. Or at least makes it more difficult. In other words. The Demogoron for example gets more imunities and more spells. As the prince of Deamons he actually has the power to Sumon ANY deamon (or almost) not just the creatures you see in the game. The fight with Melissan (Or Amelissan ? no clue anymore) is also much more difficult under the premise that she repesents now a deity (the spirit of Bhaal). So as ruler of a whole plane she gets access to ALL creatures you killed before. A ghost form of Irenicus and more.
That would probably be Ascension, David Gaider's (Lead Writer at Bioware) semi-official mod. It apparently makes Throne of Bhaal more lore-friendly and difficult, and so far I can say that TOB with it is definitely more difficult than Shadows of Amn, but in a good way, it's less about gimmick strategies to kill a super-powerful being and more about facing 6 or 7 pretty tough foes that can wipe your divine ass off if you underestimate them.

Also, anybody played the FEAR series? Complete collection is 10$ on Steam currently which seems very little for two games and 3 DLCs, but semi-credible sites gave it good reviews, and I have a bit of a FPS thirst at the moment to counterbalance all that hardcore RPGism BG2 gives me. Any recommendation?
I played both and I liked them. But it is true what all say. Fear 1 is better then 2. But as far as shooters go. Both games are awesome. I even like the combat in Fear 2 somewhat better. Not from the game play as it is the same. But from the locations. You fight pretty often outside in the ruined city or exploring some secret bases. The mix here and layout of the levels is great. But the first game simply had more "shock" moments. Playing it alone and while everything is dark can be neat. But well. Depends how easily you can be scared. Because some people think both games are pretty boring. But I guess everyone has a different taste. What is pretty great though is that both games are not finished after 10 hours. They are long for shooters. Which is a plus.
Are the DLC's proper DLC or are they just map packs? I only played a bit of them, but the mindfuckery spooky bits were far superior to the rest of the game, and it was shame that they shifted between the two with so little effort it was like going from sixth to reverse.
I just completed a full FEAR + FEAR 2/Reborn replay today, and they're just as awesome as ever.

The only downside (and it's a big one) is that in FEAR 2 they removed the lean system for whatever reason, which completely guts the tactical shooter feel of the game and turns it into Max Payne where you just run into a room, slow-mo, and spray everything.

For the DLCs, you won't understand them until you beat the first game.
Got the Starcraft 2 demo to run on this wal-mart special PC o' mine. Surprisingly it ran and unsurprisingly not too well. But it did run and it was fun if a bit chuggy at moments. Just waiting for that new machine.
Dungeon Siege III

As expected like it so far. Though Reinhart is a bit of a pain to use at the beginning till you get a companion.
FEAR 1 is pretty awesome. Shoop da wooping around kicking dudes, slide kicking dudes, jump kicking dudes, punching dudes... maybe even shooting dudes.
FEAR 2 is o.k but it lacks the speed the first one had and it felt kinda slow and boring midway through.
Though it does have a damn fine representation of a ruined city.
The official dlc Reborn is pretty good as well but you might as well give the FEAR 1 expansion packs a miss unless your bored because they are pretty boring and the company that made them couldn't think of a story, let alone a decent one.
It's not that exciting, but it is the kind of game where you've been playing for fifteen minutes, then you look at the clock and realize it's been six hours.

And once you get bored you can start experimenting on your sims. Like you could make one of them afraid of water, then make it so the only way to get food is by swimming to the fridge.