General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Not really, isn't some repetition almost an integral part of the platform genre? (Not that this is a pure platform game)

I love the fact that enemies demand some effort and often a little strategy before they go down.

Horses for courses ofc.
English version of Planscape Torment. Love it so far. Funny thing is that it's my first playthrough. I've Never managed to run P:T on my PC, until now.
Looks I missed pretty BIG thing there.
I really love sims 3, but lag is a serious problem on my windows xp. I even turned down the graphical settings.

I mean, I could play it on my windows 7 laptop, but I'm not sure if it'll run better.
I went to the local electronics den of my city "called Unilago" where you basicaly found everythign you would ever want for your pc, I spotted some bargain bin games that interested me a lot, mostly because they are old.
I ditched Final Fanatsy shit, and I am playing right now Martin Mystère Operation Dorian Gray (I love visual adventure games) I have been wanting ot play another Visual Adventure lately, The SHip, wich didn't work, because it is a steam activated game, and it is used, I can't play it, and finaly UFO, wich a firend says is like Xcom only you don't need PC killer or fool aroudn with dustbox and a little bit easier.
Sims 3 is a complete ram hog so it tends to lag unless you have a ton of it.

Which UFO game did you get Walpknut? There are three.
Playing Homeworld 1 for the first time, very impress.

After reading the cool manual i'm now wondering what fleet i should take - Kushan or Taiidan.
Black Feather: if you enjoy stuff in space you may want to try Sword of the Stars. It's kind of terrible, but it's still a really fun 4X space game with a bunch of different (and rather radically different races) and cool combination of turn based strategy and real time tactics.

If enjoyed SMAC and homeworld you'll probably enjoy SOTS if you can get past the hideously unfriendly user interface and lack of tutorials and stuff.
Wintermind said:
Black Feather: if you enjoy stuff in space you may want to try Sword of the Stars. It's kind of terrible, but it's still a really fun 4X space game with a bunch of different (and rather radically different races) and cool combination of turn based strategy and real time tactics.

If enjoyed SMAC and homeworld you'll probably enjoy SOTS if you can get past the hideously unfriendly user interface and lack of tutorials and stuff.

SOTS is another space 4x i'd like to try someday, so far i have MOI3 (the must-have), Galactic Civilizations II (my fav), Sins of a Solar Empire (nice shiny graphics but otherwise boring) and Distant Worlds (the exact opposite of sins and has huge potential)

Homeworld isn't overly complex, but i still like it - it's the story that sucked me right in.
SOTS sadly doesn't really have a story and it can be really unfriendly to play, especially for a newbie. Keep an on it on Steam, I know that the "Complete collection" (vanilla + 3 expansions that are totally awesome) was on sale and it's normally like $30USD or so anyway. When/If you get let me know, I'll set up a compstomp and show you some pointers and stuff.
Wintermind, your sig really needs a tl;dr section.

Current playing Ben There, Dan That! Old skool adventure point and click (even has that SCUM engine font) combined with crazy British humour.
All that and the sequel for 75 pence.

Only downside is that it uses adventure game logic on purpose, curse you!
Guys I'm in some deep shit and need help or I'll lose my mind.
I can't exit the map, enter the building or open the doors with my party in Icewind Dale...which I was able to do yesterday.

The only thing I could find on net was this old topic:

I have a router for the Internet(one PC desktop one laptop on it), I can't remember if I had it plugged in laptop at the time I was playing the goddamn game yesterday but I had it plugged in today in my old laptop which I use for oldies. I tried to restart, clean up some shit but nothing. And on top of that in that topic they ask about online game, and I'm playing pure singleplayer. Maybe some internet options got messed up with the game, can't tell why would that effect it.
Does anyone, anyone know what the hell is with this? GoG version has the latest patch and everything in it.
Or am I totally fucked...?
I'm playing System Shock 2 but I've never played the first one so I'm a little confused. Was it supposed to be a surprise that the lady telling you what to do in the beginning is an AI? I kind of guessed by the robot voice. :?

On the other hand, I have two shotguns and both of them are broken. Hell yeah.
Picked up from a several months old save of Fallout Tactics, where I was stuck in Kansas City.

Still stuck. My one man, one item mule army just isn't cutting it against a three way super mutant onslaught.

Ausdoerrt said:
Is the sequel a direct continuation of the original story, i.e. is it necessary to play the first to enjoy the second?

It's a direct continuation of the original, yeah. It also comes bundled (at least some editions do) with the first game.

After playing more of Madness Returns, it's gone from being a cool return to wonderland to an endless (and I really do mean endless) boring puzzle grind. If you can find a copy of the first game, you won't be disappointed. Skip the second.
well it is enough if you read the System Shock 1 story for the first game on some Wiki page.

I don't know how much of an surprise it should be. At some point in the game you do figure it out on your own anyway that the AI with the female voice is there and leading you. But it is not obvious for the beginning of the game. Probably when you are 1/4 trough the game.

Anyway System Shock 2 is one of the best shooters. It really did the tension very well because of the level design and the small bits of informations you can find everywhere. I really miss those games that pay so much attention to details. In Bioschock for example you would have those recorded voice messages as well. But they seemed to be so random. Placed artificially. I mean. WTF. Why would the founder of Rapture throw around his recordings everywhere ? As well as they have been written. But that really made no sense what so ever. Maybe it is the nostalgia or I cant remember it that well. But I didn't had this feeling with System Shock 2 as it felt like the informations you got should belong there. Like finding the random stuff in apartments while recordings from the captain/leaders of the ship on the bridge for example!
I thought Bioshock handled it pretty well, they don't seem that random. For instance when you're in the medical pavilion you get diaries about the medical pavilion and in Arcadia you get diaries about Arcadia, although it is kind of odd that people would record these things and then just leave them sitting there but in the end I guess it's just a plot device.

Anyways I don't know how you wouldn't guess that the lady from the beginning is the AI. I knew before playing it that it was about an evil AI and then as soon as I heard her voice I kind of guessed, so I'm going to assume if there is a plot twist I won't be as surprised as I was with Bioshock's. That first robot I ran into though scared the hell out of me, I'd gotten used to fighting the mutant people and monkeys so I'm not really scared, then I turn a corner and literally bump into one of those fatter robots. It didn't help that my gun jammed at the time. :?

Edit: I'm sure Ryan found time to visit the various businesses throughout Rapture, he wasn't really a recluse and he really didn't have much to worry about when it came to running Rapture until the civil war started. Although, if those diaries were pre-rapture civil war then they sure were sitting there a long time. I guess nobody wants to get caught listening to the owner of the city's diary?
because the female voice tells you that her name is Dr. Janice Polito and not Shodan ? Seriously how did you figured out the person trying to help you was the evil computer ? Just curious. I mean the beginning of the game when a female tells you to escape from the pod because it will brake soon. Once you hit the second level of the ship it is quite easy to find out that the person leading you is not the one she claims to be. But still. No way to figure that out in the first dunno hours of the game.

Also what I mean with random.
...Arcadia you get diaries about Arcadia, although it is kind of odd that people would record these things and then just leave them sitting there but in the end I guess it's just a plot device.

What I mean is not that you find in Arcadia logs talking about Arcadia but that the leader of Rapture would throw them around there. Why ? So that every hick can get around the corner finding them ? The best part was when you get "private" logs from the founder talking about his private life and such. I know the game tries to give him character and wants the player to get to know him. But still. It feels extremely artificial from a design point. But probably I am just nitpicking. Bioschock was a good shooter anyway.