I don't remember being able to pause and input commands, I'm pretty sure that you had to do it on the fly.
Pressing X pauses the game and lets you select an action. In reality, not much different from ATB with "pause" on. Less twitch-reflexes, actually. Gambits are there if you can't be bothered to do everything manually, which I prefer anyway, so I don't see them as an essential part of gameplay.
Part of what makes the gambits so stupid is that you have to collect them all so basically they set up the AI to not only be the intended method of play and then kneecapped you, telling you that you had to find all of them and that you couldn't play the game as intended until you did so and unlocked enough slots on the grid to use them.
A fair and common criticism, though to the Game's defense, it's not like it takes an inordinate amount of effort to do that.
The marks/hunts are generally fine, there simply tend to be a bit too many of them.
Arguing in favor of less content versus more?

Sorry, I don't buy it. It's not like you're forced to complete everything. If you're going for 100% completion, expect a bit of tedium from ANY game. IMO, it's still better than virtually having no side-content (FFI, III, V), or overall less annoying than what other FFs had to offer, and at least related to the game skills you spent your time developing (in comparison: Chocobo herding? Triple triad? tedium if I ever saw any).
The rare monsters do not spawn randomly, they have set conditions which cause them to spawn and most of those conditions cannot be met randomly/during normal gameplay due to how tedious they are.
Which is why I already spawned a few in my 30 hours
The Zodiac Spear is complete bullshit to get and really cannot be gotten without a FAQ. To get it you have to not open specific unmarked treasure chests at the very beginning of the game and one other point in the game.
It's the most OP weapon in the game... Did you complain about how impossible it's to get Excalibur II in FFIX?
Asche is who the plot revolves around but originally they had it designed to be narrated/told through the second perspective, though Basch. Vaan and Penello are both obnoxious and completely extraneous to the plot, dragging the plot down. The pacing is fucking awful if you go for 100% completion because of how much marks, hunts, and rare monsters stretch out the game. Even without playing for 100% completion the gameplay is still mediocre.
Haven't finished the game so can't comment on the pacing. Seems fine thus far. Vaan is certainly not as obnoxious as some of other FF characters, and I kind of like Penelo. If Basch was "second perspective" then Vaan is third, sort of like the "uninvolved civilian" of the conflict, which IMO is an interesting angle to present the story from.
How is playing the game as a completionist not playing it as intended?
Please read my post. I'm completing all the side-objectives (withing reason - I'm not taking on lvl5 marks with lv30 party), and I'm not over-leveled in the least. I see myself as playing "completionist". I don't know what your definition is, but it certainly seems to have you grinding more than necessary. I don't see how it's a "bullshit excuse" when I say I'm doing all the side-content but I'm not over-leveled, or when I say I'm past half-way point and don't have all the licenses completed. You either over-exaggerate, or you've been grinding to the moon.
Also, the limit breaks don't separate the characters as different as they are all essentially the same.
I suppose Espers are a more distinguishing feature. But whatever. I don't see how blank-slate characters are so abhorrent, you still get to customize their roles with equipment (i.e. can't really have a jack-of-all-trades), and other FFs have done it quite successfully without everyone complaining.