@Garlic on FFXII:
UncannyGarlic said:
If the side content isn't good then it shouldn't be there. Again, my problem with the rare monsters is the tedium of getting them to appear as the game would have been better for having the monsters always be there.
That's something I can agree with - though at least the conditions are explicitly stated and understandable, unlike, say, in Last Remnant.
So bad design is okay when it involves OP weapons? Excalibur II is actually impossible for owners of the European version to get because the game clock is fast and no one can speed run the game fast enough to compensate. That said, I do think that the method of unlocking Excalibur II is a fine one, even if it is even more obnoxious.
No, but it's common in FF games to make the strongest weapons obnoxious to get one way or another. A lot of the stronger stuff in FFIII in Eureka is easily missable w/o a walkthrough, in FFV you can even miss a whole class. Leaving it up to random numbers isn't the nicest thing, but it's not like we haven't seen similar stuff before, nor is the game unbeatable without it.
Oh I agree that it's an interesting angle, the problem is that the character is complete garbage.
Still a better lead than Squall or Cloud.
Getting all of the rare monsters is a massive grind as many of them involve killing all of the creatures in one or more areas before they respawn. Being a completionist means 100% completion to me and I gave up on the game before I got there because it wasn't good.
So you set arbitrary restrictions on your gameplay that imply grinding in any game, but then were angry that the game doesn't make it easy. I can't help but see the bias in your assessment (not to mention that, frankly, evaluating any game on how it plays for a 100% completionist is a bad idea - Planescape or Witcher 2 would get failing scores because you can't 100% them

Ausdoerrt said:
Every character in FFVI has a unique ability or two so it's not even close to the same. I'm not saying that it's the only game with the problem but it is far worse than any other game that did so because most people will completely fill up the license grid by the end of the game.
FFXII is more in the vein of the "classic" FF, and adopts a system similar to I, III, V, Tactics, TA, where every character is more or less fully customizable. You will most likely end FFIII (NES) with two sages and two ninjas with little distinction between each, for example. I don't see why it's a "problem". It's not, it's a design decision. Having full control of the roles your party members play is quite fun, if I say so myself. I'd be okay with it if you said "I don't like it when games do that", but you word it as if it's a universal problem, and such design needs to be eliminated. Excuse me, I quite like it.[/spoiler:d5fa141b31]
More or less finishing up a solo playthrough of TOEE with latest Co8 pack as a clr14/fgt6. Fun, but don't think I'll do a solo again - too much tedium early on, and too little variety later on.
Also, on occasion CivIV and TF2.