General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Well I played it DEEPLY and THOROUGHLY (every sidequests, trying to hack every piece of electronics etc.), sometimes replaying fragments and using mainly stealth/hacking/vent exploring so it took me approximately 20-25 hours I think. Not to mention that it's highly replayable if one tries different playing style.
Well, not sure if it should be called shooter, played through the last looong mission (together with "boss") without pulling a trigger. IMO Deus Ex is one of these games that define their own minigenre, FPP/TPP-RPG-Stealth in this case. And I'm sure this beta could be finished in under 10 hours, blazing through the main quest with machine gun and ignoring all the sidequests, fluff and exploration but then, better play Halo or something. On a sidenote, AFAIK beta is 20-30% of the whole game.
@Garlic on FFXII:

UncannyGarlic said:
If the side content isn't good then it shouldn't be there. Again, my problem with the rare monsters is the tedium of getting them to appear as the game would have been better for having the monsters always be there.

That's something I can agree with - though at least the conditions are explicitly stated and understandable, unlike, say, in Last Remnant.

So bad design is okay when it involves OP weapons? Excalibur II is actually impossible for owners of the European version to get because the game clock is fast and no one can speed run the game fast enough to compensate. That said, I do think that the method of unlocking Excalibur II is a fine one, even if it is even more obnoxious.

No, but it's common in FF games to make the strongest weapons obnoxious to get one way or another. A lot of the stronger stuff in FFIII in Eureka is easily missable w/o a walkthrough, in FFV you can even miss a whole class. Leaving it up to random numbers isn't the nicest thing, but it's not like we haven't seen similar stuff before, nor is the game unbeatable without it.

Oh I agree that it's an interesting angle, the problem is that the character is complete garbage.

Still a better lead than Squall or Cloud.

Getting all of the rare monsters is a massive grind as many of them involve killing all of the creatures in one or more areas before they respawn. Being a completionist means 100% completion to me and I gave up on the game before I got there because it wasn't good.

So you set arbitrary restrictions on your gameplay that imply grinding in any game, but then were angry that the game doesn't make it easy. I can't help but see the bias in your assessment (not to mention that, frankly, evaluating any game on how it plays for a 100% completionist is a bad idea - Planescape or Witcher 2 would get failing scores because you can't 100% them :P ).

Ausdoerrt said:
Every character in FFVI has a unique ability or two so it's not even close to the same. I'm not saying that it's the only game with the problem but it is far worse than any other game that did so because most people will completely fill up the license grid by the end of the game.

FFXII is more in the vein of the "classic" FF, and adopts a system similar to I, III, V, Tactics, TA, where every character is more or less fully customizable. You will most likely end FFIII (NES) with two sages and two ninjas with little distinction between each, for example. I don't see why it's a "problem". It's not, it's a design decision. Having full control of the roles your party members play is quite fun, if I say so myself. I'd be okay with it if you said "I don't like it when games do that", but you word it as if it's a universal problem, and such design needs to be eliminated. Excuse me, I quite like it.[/spoiler:d5fa141b31]


More or less finishing up a solo playthrough of TOEE with latest Co8 pack as a clr14/fgt6. Fun, but don't think I'll do a solo again - too much tedium early on, and too little variety later on.

Also, on occasion CivIV and TF2.
The Human Revolution beta sold me on the game more than any sort of trailer, promise, or preview ever could. I also spent something like 15-20 hours exploring every nook and cranny, and even then we only get to see the first of reportedly 3 hubs (there's Detroit, a city in China whose name escapes me and Montreal, damn I can't wait to see my home city in this game).

What really pleased me, apart from the great gameplay, was the athmosphere and art direction, it's very coherent and well-made. Detroit feels like a real city where the rich, technologically advanced citizens (the protagonist's apartment is a marvel of design) live side-by-side with poor people. The writing is also decent, and voice acting certainly beat the first game's somewhat corny performances (those foreign accents, oh the horror...).

On topic, I am trying Neverwinter Nights 2, heard good things about it and the Mask of the Betrayer expansion. So far it's OK, but the initial 3 companions are annoying (well the Tiefling is OK but her voice is too high-pitched, and I will get rid of that preachy druid as soon as I find another healer, while Kalghar is too cliché to be interesting). I am however much more at ease with the 3.0 (3.5? don't know the difference) DnD rules than with Baldur's Gate's 2nd version.
Kalghar gets better later on, he does have something that makes him less cliche.
Yea the druid is a complete nonce though, saying that so was Jaheira, guess all druids in D&D are a pain.

Currently playing Divinity 2, nice to play an old skool hack and slash rpg where no one minds if you steal everything in their house.
On topic, I am trying Neverwinter Nights 2, heard good things about it and the Mask of the Betrayer expansion. So far it's OK, but the initial 3 companions are annoying (well the Tiefling is OK but her voice is too high-pitched, and I will get rid of that preachy druid as soon as I find another healer, while Kalghar is too cliché to be interesting). I am however much more at ease with the 3.0 (3.5? don't know the difference) DnD rules than with Baldur's Gate's 2nd version.

It's a not-entirely-RAW take on 3.5. NWN1 was 3.0. Overall, it's an OK game but very flawed. Especially, prepare to rage at the last hour or so because of both the lack of balance and horrible writing. MoB is good, but unfortunately they basically scrap the whole system (crafting, etc.) from OC so most everything you export with your character becomes useless.

Currently playing Divinity 2, nice to play an old skool hack and slash rpg where no one minds if you steal everything in their house.

It's an immensely entertaining game. I do hope you got DKS version of it though, the improvements are almost as big as EE for Witcher1 (upgraded engine, extra items, completely redone endgame, plus probably at least 15 hrs of expansion content with big-city gameplay that Div2 lacked).
Yea, it was on sale on Steam (what isn't at the moment) so I picked it up. Was surprised that Div 2 didn't really have a big city in it.
^ Well, it has a few towns but not a city-city. Not really sure why, maybe they didn't have time to finish Aleroth, so they left it for the expansion.

If you've played Divine Divinity BTW, it might be worthwhile to hunt down the short story floating around that describes the history between D.D. and Div2.
Re-installing Civilization V. They just patched it so I'm going to give it another chance.
I haven't gotten a new game in a while, so I'm just doing an unarmed run in Fallout 2 and fucking around with sims 3.
I just picked up the Undead Nightmare pack for Red Dead Redemption. It is the shit. I don't know how other developers get away for selling stuff for ten or fifteen bucks when that shit doesn't have half the stuff Undead Nightmare does. And by stuff I'm pretty much just covering stuff in general, I'm not referring to any one specific thing.
Dungeon Siege III. Kind of fun. I find it hard at the moment but it might pick up a bit after some companion action.

Also ended up enjoying inFamous 2 after a while. FEAR 3 I did not.
Xellos said:
Well, not sure if it should be called shooter, played through the last looong mission (together with "boss") without pulling a trigger. IMO Deus Ex is one of these games that define their own minigenre, FPP/TPP-RPG-Stealth in this case. And I'm sure this beta could be finished in under 10 hours, blazing through the main quest with machine gun and ignoring all the sidequests, fluff and exploration but then, better play Halo or something. On a sidenote, AFAIK beta is 20-30% of the whole game.
It has weapons. It has enemies. YOu can "shoot" them.

It was and will be always a shooter for me. What the media or others call it. I could not care less.

Sure it is more complex then your standart Gears-of-war-call-of-duty clone. Which is awesome. But I am somewhat reluctant to call games like "Deus Ex" or "System Schock 2" or if you want Bioschock "RPGs". They still have the mechanics of shooters as core design. Which was for me never a problem. It made them better games when designed as shooters first and then with the RPG mechanics later (it is a more fluid gameplay then to have some kind of bastard game like Fallout 3)
Crni Vuk said:
Xellos said:
Well, not sure if it should be called shooter, played through the last looong mission (together with "boss") without pulling a trigger. IMO Deus Ex is one of these games that define their own minigenre, FPP/TPP-RPG-Stealth in this case. And I'm sure this beta could be finished in under 10 hours, blazing through the main quest with machine gun and ignoring all the sidequests, fluff and exploration but then, better play Halo or something. On a sidenote, AFAIK beta is 20-30% of the whole game.
It has weapons. It has enemies. YOu can "shoot" them.

It was and will be always a shooter for me. What the media or others call it. I could not care less.

Sure it is more complex then your standart Gears-of-war-call-of-duty clone. Which is awesome. But I am somewhat reluctant to call games like "Deus Ex" or "System Schock 2" or if you want Bioschock "RPGs". They still have the mechanics of shooters as core design. Which was for me never a problem. It made them better games when designed as shooters first and then with the RPG mechanics later (it is a more fluid gameplay then to have some kind of bastard game like Fallout 3)

Well, that's a point, it could be called shooter from the game mechanics point of view, yet it still felt less like a shooter than Fallout 3, not to mention any "generic shooters"
yes. I do agree with some of the points coming from the "RPG" side. But just because it feels less like a typical shooter does not mean it is no one. I go mainly by this with Deus Ex 1 because frankly I can not say how Deus Ex human revolution plays. But If they try to make it as close as possible to DE 1 it should be more a shooter then anything else. A shooter with great characters and story interaction.

I was always someone who loved RPGs. Be it Fallout, Baldurs gate or the hacknslay stuff like Diablo. And with saying that. Even back then when the term "RPG" was a very narrow umbrella (more then today ...) no one or most of the people I knew "really" thought that Deus Ex was some kind of RPG. And I don't think the game was really designed as such (I might be wrong with this though). Many of the shooting was optional. Killing people and such. But still. When it comes down to the core mechanics it was a shooter at heart. And while it was different from Doom for example or other typical shooter-gameplay it was not you have oranges and apples.

The reason why I hate to call such games like Deus Ex or System Schock 2 "Rpgs" or even "shooter RPGs" is because that way EVERY game even adventure games like Oblivion or shooters like Fallout 3 are seen as "Great RPGs". When in fact they offer only the bare minimum of "RPG" gameplay. (In my eyes even less then that ...)
Playing Duke Nukem 3D again since years, using the High Resolution pack to spruce up the graphics.

Currently I am playing the Caribbean Vacation expansion pack.
I never played it before as at the time I thought it was just a cheap cash in, redressing the enemies and the weaponry to make them fit the setting but adding nothing new in general.

Well that is indeed the case but the expansion is still enjoyable.
I really like how they have used the vacation theme, it adds humor you don't see much anymore in FPS games, its all gangsters and space marines now.

Also this game is harder than I remember, have I lost my skills at old school FPS over the years?

Anyway its actually nice to play an old school shooter again, brings back memories.
Well, I am looking to expand my PS2 library, especificaly RPGs, Adventure Games (action or visual, both are fine), No Final Fantasy, I already have Godhand (is awesome) all the SHin Megami tenseis, DQ 8, so what games would you recomend me to get?
Hmm, Valkyrie Profile? Not really sure how good the PS2 sequel is (planning to get it soon myself), but the original for PSX was brilliant. The PC version of Magna Carta was also pretty good, though once again no idea about the PS2 remake. Games like Xenosaga and Tales of... series usually get lots of attention as well.

As for action adventure... Well, stupid question, but do you have DMC1 and Chaos Legion? Also, 10,000 bullets is a fun if flawed mindless action title.
Civ V has been drastically improved with the last couple patches, I think I actually enjoyed playing it this time. I wouldn't recommend it if you're looking for a lot of deep strategy, but if you're looking to just kill a couple hours it's a decent game (now).