General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

The "premium stuff" can be gotten for free by playing. I got the Sanvich, Natascha (minigun), a super Bonesaw and a high crit srynge gun for the Medic, and a super Bat for the Scout, without spending a single cent.
now that I got somewhat a try on this Free2play crap with World of Tanks.

It might be something good for MMOs. Or games where you have PvE.

But I really cant see what why people actually enjoy such games with PREMIUM content in PvP games. I mean not only is it a pretty strange business model (in my eyes) but you are also so many times on a disadvantage compared to the wallet warrior which pays his way to victory with money.

I get old I guess ... I still remember a time when people BOUGHT a game for a FULL PRIZE (or half of it if you waited a bit or bought it used) and ALL players had the same advantages and disadvantages. I mean even some "usual" shooters (Call of Duty ...) start now with such crap.
Well I got 4 items of "premium content" for free by playing the free game for eight non concecutive hours.
^Heck, I got 4 drops in about 4 hours of playing. All of them weren't that great, though. Nothing like some of the OHKO swords or launchers I've seen around.

Frankly, I don't really like the whole "item upgrade" idea for shooters anyway. Discourages new players. And it's completely unclear how to get the new items, but seems like it's related to good performance in a match. Not very encouraging.

What F2P does is either make you grind for hours to be competitive, or pay money to actually enjoy the game fully. Like I said, TF2 is still bearable, though I'm seeing it being flooded with the said "wallet warriors" in the near future. If it's a PvE-focus game, then it doesn't really matter, but any PvP-heavy game (MMO or not) suffers tremendously from it over time. It's usually a way for owners of dying online games to prolong the agony and milk some extra cash, but I'm kind of surprised that a game as successful as TF2 would adopt the scheme.

Anyway, I'm not complaining, I'll be getting whatever mindless fun out of it that I can, while it lasts. If I manage to get UT to run smoothly on my new laptop, maybe I'll switch to that instead.
The whole idea behind item upgrades hasn't really changed compared to when the game wasn't F2P. I own the game as part of the Orange Box I bought on a steam sale some time ago, and even back then you got item drops and crates in-game but could also buy them for cash. Whatever the case, I think that most items (even bought ones) don't offer that much of an advantage compared to the "vanilla equipment" of each class. And the cosmetic ones are there just for the lulz anyway.

Oddly enough, the only "substantial" difference I see now between a "premium" and F2P player is the inventory space. Even as F2P I think that you'll get so many item drops that in time the F2P reduced inventory will not be enough for all of them.

As far as classes are concerned, I usually switch through virtually every available class every time I play the game depending on the mood, but mostly use the Sniper, the Heavy, and a melee-oriented Demo.
Ausdoerrt said:
It's usually a way for owners of dying online games to prolong the agony and milk some extra cash, but I'm kind of surprised that a game as successful as TF2 would adopt the scheme.

Because the F2P model brings in obscene amounts of money.

Also, pretty much everyone who was going to buy TF2 already bought it, so what better time in TF2's life cycle to make it F2P and start raking in cash hand over fist?
Ausdoerrt said:
Frankly, I don't really like the whole "item upgrade" idea for shooters anyway. Discourages new players. And it's completely unclear how to get the new items, but seems like it's related to good performance in a match. Not very encouraging.
Regardless of TF2. I mean I dont know how the game plays after all. But I could not agree more. I never understood the reason for this shanebambe in shooter games. I mean as long it is done like in CS I dont mind since the progress comes naturaly and only depends on your skill and when the match starts all the ods are even so it really only shifts for each game.
As far as classes are concerned, I usually switch through virtually every available class every time I play the game depending on the mood, but mostly use the Sniper, the Heavy, and a melee-oriented Demo.

Tried all except sniper, actually. I usually suck at sniping in MP so I don't want to even try. Heavy feels like a bit of a boring class - just keep spraying, and hopefully get a medic to back you. It's kind of like Engineer - essential and potentially deadly, but a bore to play (IMO).

I usually switch between Soldier, Scout, Spy and Engineer depending on situation. Seems a bit odd that the soldier doesn't have an assault rifle of some sort but is instead more like a second demo man. I found I really suck as demo, but am slowly getting used to scout, the extra speed is really helpful.

Oh, another thing that's weird about the game itself that's still sorta bugging me - NO MINIMAP?! WTF?
Ilosar said:
Also, I am best at Pyro and Medic, decent at Soldier, Scout and Heavy, and absolutely hopeless as Sniper and demoman. Pyros are just so much fun, even if you have to face the whine of people who say it's easymode.

Pyros tend to die horribly, a lot. I think people tend to see them as easy because they create a very visual impact and tend to make their presence known. However unless your dumb enough to not backpedal a Pyro has a hard time killing someone.

Having a sniper duel using a flare gun is awesome though. :V
The Axtinguisher (axe with huge damage on burning opponents) is the best way to kill people as Pyro, combined with the Degreaser ( flamer with faster weapon swap speed). Normal fire just takes way too long, and soldiers, heavies, demos, and scouts that back away can easily live through it and still kill you very quickly at point blank. That said, few things in TF2 are better than sneaking up on an bunched up team and sending them all home to mama in search of burn cream. You probably die, but you dislodged them and your team can advance, so your semi-heroic sacrifice had a purpose.
Ausdoerrt said:
Frankly, I don't really like the whole "item upgrade" idea for shooters anyway. Discourages new players. And it's completely unclear how to get the new items, but seems like it's related to good performance in a match. Not very encouraging.
It was completely play time based (you get an item every hour or two) so I'd figure that's how it still is.

Hellion said:
Whatever the case, I think that most items (even bought ones) don't offer that much of an advantage compared to the "vanilla equipment" of each class.
Depends on the item. They've introduced overpowered items and scaled them back before and there are still items which are generally used in favor or conjunction with vanilla. Pretty much everything for medic is as good or better for example (Kritz is a good option, Blut is better, Ubersaw is preference.
Ausdoerrt said:
Oh, another thing that's weird about the game itself that's still sorta bugging me - NO MINIMAP?! WTF?

The levels aren't that complicated and are usually pretty linear, so it's not like in other MP FPS's where whoever knows the map the best wins.

Also I've found that the "upgraded" items aren't really much better than the ones you start off with, sometimes they're even worse ('cloak and dagger' is much worse than the invisibility watch).
Tried to play some Tf2 but couldnt find any games in quick match or custom games at all. Steam works just fine and all that, weird.
The levels aren't that complicated and are usually pretty linear, so it's not like in other MP FPS's where whoever knows the map the best wins.

Maybe if you're playing as Heavy of Soldier it doesn't matter. If you're engineer, you need to know good turret spots; if you're scout, you need to know shortest routes to contested points; if you're Pyro, you need to know good chokepoints; if you're Spy, you need to know enemy movement to blend successfully. So yeah, map knowledge is still pretty important.

And still, I had one game with what looked like mostly fresh people, and well, there was a moment where nobody had an idea where the next checkpoint was. No map makes it reeeally confusing to get into the game, as well as to coordinate a team effort since noone has an idea who's where.

As for Pyro, not my style of play, I guess. And certainly works better on some maps rather than others. IMO, Scout is a much more viable option for "kamikaze" gameplay :)
^ I dunno, I was totally confused on that one big map with the rails in the middle, despite the presence of the signs. More like, they made it even worse.
Ausdoerrt said:
Maybe if you're playing as Heavy of Soldier it doesn't matter. If you're engineer, you need to know good turret spots; if you're scout, you need to know shortest routes to contested points; if you're Pyro, you need to know good chokepoints; if you're Spy, you need to know enemy movement to blend successfully. So yeah, map knowledge is still pretty important.

For engineers just any place near a checkpoint or on high ground that people will be running through is a good place for a turret, if you have a dispenser nearby and guard your turret you should rack up about ten kills or more no matter where you are on the map, Scouts just need to run forward and follow the arrows until they find enemies, pyros need to find enemies and preferably stay in tunnels, and spies just need to find where the enemies are and figure out a way to sneak behind them.

I've only been playing since it was made F2P and I've already pretty much figured out all the classes except demoman. Maybe you just need to play on more experienced servers?

Edit: The one with the train station in the middle confused you? It's just two bases separated by a few train tracks, if you run straight forward you'll reach the enemy base.

Edit: Now with Dead Ringer for Spy I'm causing a lot of chaos in any control point map where the enemy has a base I can sneak in to. Dead Ringer makes you pretty much invincible as long as you're patient.
And is much hated by the fanbase for that very reason, Courier :D But don't feel bad, the TF2 community (hell, the Valve community at large) is the whiniest I ever had the disgrace of seeing. Very few things aren't hated by the fanbase anyhow, so get to stabbin' and ignore the bitches whining about their oh so important kill streak.
Edit: The one with the train station in the middle confused you? It's just two bases separated by a few train tracks, if you run straight forward you'll reach the enemy base.

I couldn't for the love of all that's unholy find the fourth checkpoint.

I've only been playing since it was made F2P and I've already pretty much figured out all the classes except demoman. Maybe you just need to play on more experienced servers?

I play random, so each time is different :D

Demoman is just hard to aim with the primary wpn, I was never good at launchers like that (ex. UT's rocket-launcher alt.-fire). Sticky mines are perfect for defense though, if an enemy is rushing your checkpoint, or for halting the advance of the bomb train. Some people use them for melee only, since a lot of their special melee weps are almost OP.

Pyro, despite being listed as "offense", seems more like a defensive class to me. Best for holding a closed checkpoint or base, and sweeping for spies.

One thing that's annoying me is how short the range for most weapons for most classes is. Just about any firefight is within 5-foot distance.

Anyhow, I've also started a one-man-team playthrough of TOEE. Lots of loading :O
Ilosar said:
You probably die, but you dislodged them and your team can advance, so your semi-heroic sacrifice had a purpose.

Yea that's pretty much what I do. Sacrifice for da team! Even if does mean running at sentries a lot.
I'll get you eventually turret! :evil: