General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Ravager69 said:
thegaresexperience said:
Ravager69 said:
thegaresexperience said:
If anyone has any other fan patches for mods I should try let me know (and also how to uninstall the fan patches i already installed if need be).

There you go. If I were you, I'd remove Wesp's patch, install newest Camarilla Edition and start all over. Trust me, it's a hell lot of a better experience. After that, you may try the Final Nights mod, also from that site.

Ok how would I go about uninstalling the patches? (as you can tell I'm not good with this stuff steam and years of console gaming has babyed me).

Also do I just install the newest one or all of them in a row?

Sorry for not responding, wasn't on the forum for a bit. Just make a fresh install, then go with Camarilla Edition (I think 1.4 is the newest). After one playthrough you may try the Final Nights - BUT NEVER TWO AT THE SAME TIME. Sorry for caps lock, but it's important - either Unofficial patch, Camarilla Edition OR Final Nights, never mix them. Cheers.

No problem and thanks man! I'll get on that after this playthrough, I really want to play as a Malkavian (talking stop signs, weird convo options, hell yeah) or a Nosferatu (only being able to travel underground sounds crazy), I'm playing a a Gangrel now.

Also trying to play through Final Fantasy IV on the DS at the behest of my friend who has a huge boner for it, bu it probably won't get any love for awhile [laugh]
Supreme Commander gets better after some time and the really powerful units start to appear. I love crushing entire armies with a handful of massive sider-bots. And then nukes start firing all over the place. Good times.

Also, will gradually replay Deus Ex in preparation for Human Revolution. I should try that no-kill run people talk about all the time.
Started playing Jade Empire, and got 3 hours in before the combat drove me fucking crazy and I uninstalled the piece of shit.

I can't believe Bioware actually made that terrible, terrible game. I'd love to know what they were smoking when they devised that combat system.
I'm going to do a rerun of ALL the Elder Scrolls games in anticipation of Skyrim (Yes I own all of them), and once done I might go across the whole map of Daggerfall. What was favourite ES game? Mine was Morrowind
Morrowind for sure. I played the shit out of that on the Xbox, even though it was buggy as hell, crashed all the time, and you literally had 5+ minute load times. Still loved every minute of it.
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Morrowind for sure. I played the shit out of that on the Xbox, even though it was buggy as hell, crashed all the time, and you literally had 5+ minute load times. Still loved every minute of it.

Yep, playing it right now with only few plugins installed. Man, i didn't know this game is so deep and have so much nice enviroments *.*
I always stopped playing somewhere after few first quests, and now I'm in pretty advanced stage at warriors guild, redoran house, Morag Tong & imperial legion.
These crashes are terrible, but all in all - the game is much, much, much better than Oblivion.
Playing through Vagrant Story. Got it a few weeks back, along with Threads of Fate, but never got around to it because I was finishing other games on my list. Being so used to western controls, took me a bit before I got used to pressing circle for advancing. Great game, although more simplistic than the in-game guide makes it out to be.
Always been interested in Vagrant Story since I watched the owner of the local comic shop (now closed for several years) play it.
It's set in the same universe as Final Fantasy Tactics which always intrigued me.

Currently playing Rocket Knight, for some arcadey fun. Not a patch on the old megadrive and snes games but still pretty fun.
Alphadrop said:
It's set in the same universe as Final Fantasy Tactics which always intrigued me.

The team that made Tactics also built Vagrant Story...those guys were some of the best game developers ever. 8-)
It is, but it's very much not so. In theory all of the games set in "Ivalice" are all taking place on the same place. Just thousands of years apart. It's like saying that Call of Duty and mass Effect take place in the same universe it's just that written in a way that makes it totally irrelevant and the most you'll ever get is a tip of the hat or a wink and a nudge towards any other game that's part of it.
Just finished Hector: Badge of Carnage. Funny game.
Also playing Magicka & Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Started playing Jade Empire, and got 3 hours in before the combat drove me fucking crazy and I uninstalled the piece of shit.

I can't believe Bioware actually made that terrible, terrible game. I'd love to know what they were smoking when they devised that combat system.

I thought I would love it and the concept was awesome but it's just absurdly short with a horrible combat system.
I picked Devil Survivor again, and I remembered why I stopped playing it for a while, the combat system is terrible, but the story is pretty good and branching, so I think I am gonna beat it this time. I mean I am already on the 6th day.
Was looking forward to "From Dust" but unfortunately it's just another shitty console port :(

-crappy performance
-30 fps cap
-no graphic options (except resolution...)
-horrible unresponsive controls
-zooming works in steps like it does on the xbox
-ubi DRM


I won't touch this mess unless they fix all the above.

So I'm playing Bastion instead which is all sorts of awesome.

So I finaly got around playing Arcanum, is pretty entertaining, I am only on the first town but I am liking it, with all the patches.