General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

sea said:
Deus Ex, the new one. Can't say anything about it other than it is a game, and I am playing it.

Probably due to a fact that the full release is still 3 days ahead ;)

As of me, playing King's Bounty Crossworlds on Impossible now
Godammit I am tempted to abandon Devil Survivor again, but i can't I am in the last day, but holy shit was that battle with Belial Annoying, the combat system itself is awful, and you have to grind to beat Belial. I know Atlus games are unfair, and that's what is appealign fo them, btu Devil Survivor just cheats pulling stats out fo their ass in the middle of the battle, I wanted to throw my DS across the room by the end of the fight.
Walpknut said:
Godammit I am tempted to abandon Devil Survivor again, but i can't I am in the last day, but holy shit was that battle with Belial Annoying, the combat system itself is awful, and you have to grind to beat Belial. I know Atlus games are unfair, and that's what is appealign fo them, btu Devil Survivor just cheats pulling stats out fo their ass in the middle of the battle, I wanted to throw my DS across the room by the end of the fight.


I mean, yes, the game is hard as hell

but what?
Walpknut said:
It's not hard, the combat just sucks terribly.

People HAVE beaten this game, you know? Even without (much) grinding.

Like any MT game it relies heavily on buffs and exploiting enemy weaknesses. So forgive me if I don't really see the game at fault here. People don't like Megaten games because they are "unfair" but rather because they actually need a decent amount of strategy.
I am beating it, I never said it was hard, it just has terrible combat, I have beaten SMT3 Nocturne on hard True Demon ending without checking guides online, the combat on SMT DS sucks, and the answer to problems is grinding with that awful combat system, I am thinking on abandoning it because the combat system sucks, not because it's hard.
Playing Medieval II: Total War and getting my ass handed to me as the Venetians. I was doing fine until half of Europe decided to declare war on me at the same time.
Playing Medieval II: Total War and getting my ass handed to me as the Venetians. I was doing fine until half of Europe decided to declare war on me at the same time.

Pope deciced he didn't like your face? That asshole cost me a few games. So did the realm divide in Shogun 2, but least that's predictable, even if it sucks that making alliances is rendered worthless by this feature.
Ilosar said:
Pope deciced he didn't like your face? That asshole cost me a few games. So did the realm divide in Shogun 2, but least that's predictable, even if it sucks that making alliances is rendered worthless by this feature.

No, that's the weird part. He decided he didn't like them so I guess they all figured it was okay to attack me since the Pope hated them anyways.

The Holy Roman Empire, Sicily, Milan, Byzantine, Mongolia, Egypt and Spain were all attacking me from every possible direction. They eventually ruined my economy by blockading my ports so I couldn't afford to build up a navy to stop them. I gave up and started a new game as Spain which is going a lot better.
Replaying Symphony of the Night. I am starting to lose my edge waiting for Diablo III. I wish a good Diablo clone would come out to pass the time until Diablo III. It is pretty bad that MMOs are starting to look good again I am so bored.
L.A. Noire, Minecraft, and various apps on my new tablet

The first is actually pretty good, its only flaws being that chases are kinda bad and cases have binary endings (i.e. there's "did it right" and "fucked up" no in between.) I had pretty good evidence on this one guy and accused him and the chief flips shit about how I bring three guys in and still charge the wrong one, leading me to wonder A) Where's the third guy, because I wasn't allowed to interview him? and B) If you know I charged the wrong guy why the FUCK didn't you say "hey that's the right dude, charge him?"

Minecraft isn't what I would call a great game, but it's a great timesink. The responsibilities are endless, the amount of free time I have to devote to it is not. I have like 5 things I want to do across a couple different servers, and I question whether any of them will actually get done ever.
Bal-Sagoth said:
Replaying Symphony of the Night. I am starting to lose my edge waiting for Diablo III. I wish a good Diablo clone would come out to pass the time until Diablo III. It is pretty bad that MMOs are starting to look good again I am so bored.

Titan Quest is worth a playthrough if you're desperate for a decent Diablo clone. I'd recommend looking up a guide or two though, since it's pretty easy to completely ruin your character by picking the wrong stats and a bad mastery combination.

You could also try the Diablo 2 mod Median XL if you haven't already. It'll make you fall in love with D2 all over again.
^ Or run through Torchlight. Or go ahead and pick your favorite MMO, since that's kind of what Diablo is anyway. I'm personally enjoying DDO for its puzzle dungeons.

On a more obscure note, try Xanadu NEXT, a Nihon Falcom game that resembles Diablo quite a bit (except for Ys-style bosses). Untranslated, but there's an English-language guide floating around on the net. Videos:
Puzzle dungeons? I've never seen anything like that in DDO, then again I haven't played it for a while. Back when I was playing, after beating the first two areas you run into a brick wall where 19/20 quests require you to buy those adventure pack things; so you had to either run the same single quest over and over (with diminishing returns on XP each time), or drop some cash.
I'm replaying Blade Runner now and goddamn this game is good. I beat it yesterday and immediately started a second playthrough. It's awesome how even if I do things in exactly the same way important parts of the plot are different and in many cases I have no direct control over it.
Puzzle dungeons? I've never seen anything like that in DDO, then again I haven't played it for a while. Back when I was playing, after beating the first two areas you run into a brick wall where 19/20 quests require you to buy those adventure pack things; so you had to either run the same single quest over and over (with diminishing returns on XP each time), or drop some cash.

Look up "The Pit" or "Spies in the House". Such quests are a minority, but fun nevertheless. A mix of platforming, trap-avoiding and puzzle-solving, with fighting only secondary. Some raids like Vault of Night or Tempest Spine also have puzzles as an important part of the dungeon.

I bought the 3-month subscription for $30 (full access to all content) and it's worth the money thus far. As you mentioned, the "F2P DDO" is basically a demo version of the game, and you have to pay to fully enjoy the game. Nothing new here, every F2P MMO works like that, except here I'm paying for good, fun content rather than to make a crappy, grindy game less grindy as with 99% of F2PMMOs' cash shops.
Ausdoerrt said:
^ Or run through Torchlight.

Heh, more interested in Torchlight 2 than I am in Diablo 3.

Currently playing "Time Gentlemen, Please!" Figured I need to get around to completing my adventure games. Still got the last Sam and Max episode to get around to as well.
Mad Max RW said:
I'm replaying Blade Runner now and goddamn this game is good. I beat it yesterday and immediately started a second playthrough. It's awesome how even if I do things in exactly the same way important parts of the plot are different and in many cases I have no direct control over it.

I recently played it for the first time and enjoyed it, but found it to be too short and more of a remake of the book/movie.

Have you found Deckard :]?