Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

sea said:Deus Ex, the new one. Can't say anything about it other than it is a game, and I am playing it.
PDM is jealous.
sea said:Deus Ex, the new one. Can't say anything about it other than it is a game, and I am playing it.
sea said:Deus Ex, the new one. Can't say anything about it other than it is a game, and I am playing it.
Walpknut said:Godammit I am tempted to abandon Devil Survivor again, but i can't I am in the last day, but holy shit was that battle with Belial Annoying, the combat system itself is awful, and you have to grind to beat Belial. I know Atlus games are unfair, and that's what is appealign fo them, btu Devil Survivor just cheats pulling stats out fo their ass in the middle of the battle, I wanted to throw my DS across the room by the end of the fight.
Walpknut said:It's not hard, the combat just sucks terribly.
Playing Medieval II: Total War and getting my ass handed to me as the Venetians. I was doing fine until half of Europe decided to declare war on me at the same time.
Ilosar said:Pope deciced he didn't like your face? That asshole cost me a few games. So did the realm divide in Shogun 2, but least that's predictable, even if it sucks that making alliances is rendered worthless by this feature.
Bal-Sagoth said:Replaying Symphony of the Night. I am starting to lose my edge waiting for Diablo III. I wish a good Diablo clone would come out to pass the time until Diablo III. It is pretty bad that MMOs are starting to look good again I am so bored.
Puzzle dungeons? I've never seen anything like that in DDO, then again I haven't played it for a while. Back when I was playing, after beating the first two areas you run into a brick wall where 19/20 quests require you to buy those adventure pack things; so you had to either run the same single quest over and over (with diminishing returns on XP each time), or drop some cash.
Ausdoerrt said:^ Or run through Torchlight.
Mad Max RW said:I'm replaying Blade Runner now and goddamn this game is good. I beat it yesterday and immediately started a second playthrough. It's awesome how even if I do things in exactly the same way important parts of the plot are different and in many cases I have no direct control over it.