General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Yeah, he sometimes appears in the background of one of the pictures from Animoid Row. His name is also at the shooting range and other characters mention him, although not by name.

The game is kind of short, but about the same length as any adventure game of the time. Add onto that the 13 very different endings and randomized characters you pretty much have 13 variations of an expanded Blade Runner sequel/sidequel. Westwood did such a good job it makes me worry about what Ridley Scott can do with his return to the license.
I'm mostly done with Stonekeep a very old Interplay adventure game I got as part of's huge Interplay sale a while back. The graphics and voice acting make me laugh, but the maze exploration is more then enough to carry me. Here's an example of the aforementioned:


The Vault Dweller
Playing 'Shadows of the Damned'. I am enjoying the crazy and surreal atmosphere. The gameplay is also pretty good. Definitly recomendable.
Dracon M'Alkir said:
Team Fortress 2, waiting for Deus Ex 3. It'll probably suck.

As much as I trash IGN, I think they wrote a pretty good, but simple review: Praising the world and the fact that the game rewards you for experimenting with character design but disappointed that despite the character customization options the plot is pretty steadfast and won't vary much between playthroughs:
Most reviews about it are promising, well as long as you're not expecting something on the level of Deus Ex it should be good.
The Vault Dweller said:
I'm mostly done with Stonekeep a very old Interplay adventure game I got as part of's huge Interplay sale a while back. The graphics and voice acting make me laugh, but the maze exploration is more then enough to carry me. Here's an example of the aforementioned:

The Vault Dweller

I bought that game back when it first came out.

*starts feeling his age*
Deus Ex HR.
Loved the beta, loving the full game.

Some small gripes I noticed so far:

Mouse movement isn't perfect.
Minor issues with Tessellation (probably will be fixed with new GPU drivers)
Sometimes stealth is not an option.
Low resolution pre rendered cut-scenes.
AFAIK you can, except [spoiler:16ffb27976] boss fights can't be avoided or resolved without using deadly force[/spoiler:16ffb27976]

I have completed several missions (both main and side quests) and I haven't been forced in a situation where I had to kill an enemy.

You can stun/ sedate enemies or simply avoid them by observing their routines or by finding alternative routes.
All these methods grant you xp so they are all viable options.

Great game so far.
You can stun/ sedate enemies or simply avoid them by observing their routines or by finding alternative routes.
All these methods grant you xp so they are all viable options.

Hell, you gain extra XP for stunning. Just killing somebody gets you 10 XP; a headshot with a tranquilisation rifle nets you 50, and simply exploring gives you various batches of 100 XP; there's a massive bonus (2k or so IIRC) for completing an objective while not alarming or hurting anobody. But you can also use gas mines, tasers, concussion grenades, silent takedown, as well as numerous Augmentations tailored to sneaking (the Cloak is not foolproof and lasts a very short time). The stealth gameplay is extremely gratifying, much better than Deus Ex 1's. My own gripe is that the AI, if seeing a stunned body, will rush to reanimate it; if they come one at a time, it's possible to have a half-dozen bodies piled up on top of each other, and they will still attempt the same thing as their colleagues. But if they spot you and you have no dermal implants, you die very quickly, and the health regeneration takes a good 10 seconds to kick in.

Very, very good game so far (well, I knew, but this just confirms it). If I get tired of sneaking I will switch to the Spess Mehreen demo, heard good things about it.
How open is the world? Similar to 1 and 2?

I watched a trailer and the host had the choice to click a "sneak" "aggressive" or "improvise" option, please tell me the game doesn't actually do that and it was just there for presentation purposes?
1200 points ($15).

Shitty xbox points system, cool game though. Will be released for pc later.


How open is the world? Similar to 1 and 2?

The first 2 misions (including the tutorial which is, strangely, a straight-up shooter and very innacurate of what follows) are relatively linear (even then, you have alternate routes like the ever present and ever convenient man-sized, soundless air vents), after that you have a great, very athmospheric hub, and the later missions are more open-ended. It's not Bethesda-level sandbox or anything, progression still follows a line, but it has as much options as the first game. In fact, so far I dig Human Revolution even more than the first, albeit time will tell if that impression changes.

I watched a trailer and the host had the choice to click a "sneak" "aggressive" or "improvise" option, please tell me the game doesn't actually do that and it was just there for presentation purposes?

Off the top of my head, there's a place you can infiltrate by;

-Going through the sewers (requires hacking and a bit of sneaking)
-Going through the rooftops (requires jump augmentations or placement of crates, and less sneaking)
-Talking your way in (requires social augmentations)
-Or just plain ol' shooting stuff.

And another I haven't found, apparently. All of these options are only alluded to, nobody straight up tells you what to do. So no, the game is not like that.

Might I mention I completely adore the art direction? It's very coherent and well-presented, and makes up for whatever graphical flaws it could have (which are slight imo).

Yup. So far this is most definitely Game of the Year material for me.
Ilosar said:
Might I mention I completely adore the art direction? It's very coherent and well-presented, and makes up for whatever graphical flaws it could have (which are slight imo).

Yup. So far this is most definitely Game of the Year material for me.

Yeah the art/ atmosphere/ music/... and all the little details and references (names taken from Neuromancer for example) are a cyberpunk fan's wet dream.
Some of the tracks even 'borrow' samples from Vangelis.

The use of light, shadows and smoke are excellent.
The renaissance inspired fashion/ clothing (and much more but I don't want to spoil the game) are also a nice touch.

Most definitely my game of the year (by far).
PainlessDocM said:
Ilosar said:
Might I mention I completely adore the art direction? It's very coherent and well-presented, and makes up for whatever graphical flaws it could have (which are slight imo).

Yup. So far this is most definitely Game of the Year material for me.

Yeah the art/ atmosphere/ music/... and all the little details and references (names taken from Neuromancer for example) are a cyberpunk fan's wet dream.
Some of the tracks even 'borrow' samples from Vangelis.

The use of light, shadows and smoke are excellent.
The renaissance inspired fashion/ clothing (and much more but I don't want to spoil the game) are also a nice touch.

Most definitely my game of the year (by far).

Last question, Is there any boards in unusual locations (like India or South America)