General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Heh, that's how I felt when driving through it on the console version. Perfectly realised setting, also the cars drive better than GTA IV's so it's true when they say American cars are getting worse. :V
Yeah the attention to detail in Noire is second to none.

Forgot to mention that there are collectibles in this game (newspapers and cars) and also landmarks to discover IIRC.

edit: typo
PainlessDocM said:
Yeah the attention do detail in Noire is second to none.

Forgot to mention that there are collectibles in this game (newspapers and cars) and also landmarks to discover IIRC.
And hidden gold movie reels.Those are hardest to get. PS:Playing Harry Potter Demo (order of the phonix).....I don't mind it really.(hopefully I can find this cheap,no chance in hell would I ever pay full price for this.)
Started playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Damn this game is sexy!
Also, Adam Jensen seems to be a very likeable character.
Hehe, I still enjoy getting my ass kicked in Raptor from time to time. I also love the OST in both TV and Raptor, so basic yet so awesome.

[youtube][/youtube] I have no idea why that Raptor vid remined me of this. I just.....don't know.
Bakura said:
I have no idea why that Raptor vid remined me of this. I just.....don't know.

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Man, what year is this???

I live in Brazil, we don't have this "thing" here.
Fortunately it seems... :cool:
[youtube][/youtube] This show was aired in 1992,and ended the following year(1993). There are only 84 episodes of this. (Poor Kids.)
Playing Dark Messiah for the first time and I must say I'm really impressed by how awesome the combat in this game is. I read some complaints about mediocre voice acting and cliché story but so far the VA is actually pretty good IMO, I haven't progressed the story far enough to judge it. Anyone else here played this game and /or tried the multiplayer part?
I've recently just been jumping around games waiting for Saints Row The Third to come out. But I've mostly been playing Civilization II and Max Payne 2. Both of which I feel are great games.
PainlessDocM said:
Playing Dark Messiah for the first time and I must say I'm really impressed by how awesome the combat in this game is. I read some complaints about mediocre voice acting and cliché story but so far the VA is actually pretty good IMO, I haven't progressed the story far enough to judge it. Anyone else here played this game and /or tried the multiplayer part?

yeah, I've played it and enjoyed the hell out of it. very underrated game if you ask me. the combat is indeed awesome and probably the best I've seen in this type of game. can't really remember the voice acting, but I can definitely not recall thinking it was particularly bad. the story might be a bit cheesy, but the awesome environments and amazing combat definitely makes up for it.
Yeah it even reminds me of Thief sometimes which is a big plus.
And you are right it does seem to be criminally underrated.
PainlessDocM said:
They are :) I have always played the latest civ game, I never felt the need to go back to previous versions.

Even with the fourth game and the fifth one?
I got the idea that most people preferred Civ4.
After CiV 5 got rid of troops stacks I haven't been able to go back. Well except for that time I picked up Civ 2 a few months back from where I volunteer and spent a happy hour nostagling.

Apart from Skyrim I've been playing Solatorobo: Red the Hunter, feels like Skies of Arcadia but with furries in steampunk mechs instead of pirate.
Also got Sonic Chronicles: Dark Brotherhood cheap, only played it a bit but now I can say I own the Sonic RPG.
For now I prefer Civ 5 over 4 pretty much for the reason Alphadrop stated. The lack of a "stack of doom" makes Civ 5 combat more tactical and therefore more enjoyable (IMO).
I have read a lot of complaints about Civ 5 online and was weary about purchasing the game at launch (I bought it dirt cheap a few months ago). I haven't nearly played enough Civ5 to really make a fair comparison. The one thing I know I dislike about Civ5 is the DLC scheme and maybe the lack of religions and the global happiness system.
I finished Sam & Max: The Devil's's been a while since I really got sad, not because of the ending of a game, but because the game is actually over. :cry:

PainlessDocM said:
Playing Dark Messiah for the first time and I must say I'm really impressed by how awesome the combat in this game is. I read some complaints about mediocre voice acting and cliché story but so far the VA is actually pretty good IMO, I haven't progressed the story far enough to judge it. Anyone else here played this game and /or tried the multiplayer part?

The combat is indeed awesome. I like how you can use the enviroment as a weapon. The graphics were also pretty damn neat at the time. The story isn't anything ground breaking but I think the pace and the progression of it is pretty well done.
I've been trying to get back to Ar Tonelico 3, and I just realized how pain in the arse it really was.

There are 8 endings and each with its own requirements. This requires you to make multiple split saves in between decisions so you can be sure you fulfill the requirement. And unless you play it very thoroughly (like that jack arse of a game FF: X-II, which I gave up on, freaking math dungeons and that was the last time I want to try to get a npc a date :roll: ), you will miss a lot of requirements/talk topics. I don't mind playing a game thoroughly, but if you cap the level at such a low level to make the game easier (along with auto AI, man, game designers are really looking down on modern players these days. I bet too many morons complained that AT 1 or AT 2 was too hard or something :roll: ) combat wise, you are just artificially shortening each play through.

In order to get all 8 endings and its associated trophies without NG+ 7, I'll probably have to make more than 40 saves or something. Well, I guess if I ignore the lackluster combat, a few bugs, and the lame arse havoc engine, this is still a good galgae with actual RPG elements. The animation is good, and the music in this series never lets me down. Some of the character designs were a bit tooo cliched' though. A Freaking DRILL??!! REALLY?! Why can't I escape that idiotic anime?? A violent pettanko tsudere? A sick/weak bodied naive purepure girl?

In the end, the game is too short if you ignore all the NG+ you may or may not want to do for the endings. It's like some game critics say, with all the advancement in technology and storage, games are actually getting shorter and shorter. In their attempt to be a super model and fit into that size 0 dress, they all became bulimics.