General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

It's not great, but it is fun. Think a more complicated battlefield on the console, matches can get kinda one sided at times, but that happens in every MP game for time to time. I bought it full price, which its not worth but it's been two years so It might be like 20 bucks now.

I say if you have extra cash lying around, go for it.

Does anyone else have it? If so we should get a squad going.
Decided to give RE5 another try today and see if I can force myself to beat it before I trade it off. So I fired up the co-op mode and I ended up with a guy that had almost infinite ammo versions of every gun in the game. Yup, didn't really had to shoot a single bullet. It was almost like a walk in the park. Now this is the kind of co-op I like when it comes to boring games like RE5. Thanks to that guy the game was beaten and it well never EVER enter my ps3 again. Gosh...
I play RE5 on pro with no infinite ammo with the M92fs upgraded to 16 rounds thats it. I sold all my infinite guns. I dont get far on pro, but the game is cake that way on veteran. Just gotta aim for the head. Some parts of the game are very good, sorry you diddn't warm up to it.
Mag is one of the few ways to get a the high amount of players that PC users are used to for the console.
One of the PS3 games I'm interested in but don't own the console.
Serge 13 said:
Decided to give RE5 another try today and see if I can force myself to beat it before I trade it off. So I fired up the co-op mode and I ended up with a guy that had almost infinite ammo versions of every gun in the game. Yup, didn't really had to shoot a single bullet. It was almost like a walk in the park. Now this is the kind of co-op I like when it comes to boring games like RE5. Thanks to that guy the game was beaten and it well never EVER enter my ps3 again. Gosh...

As I had played most of the previous games of the series I really wanted to give RE5 a try.
But as the release date came nearer I realized how much of a joke this game's storyline was, even more than that of the previous games going completely batshit insane. (the founder of Umbrella wanting to create perfect humans through his company, the Wesker project and so on).
It seemed as if the writers had played Metal Gear Solid's later entries and thought "Hey lets go as nuts with RE as Kojima did".

So as a result I ignored the game for the time being.
Only later I learned how terrible the AI of the companion character is.

Still at some point I caved in, I already had an Xbox360 and when I saw this game on budget sale I though "Why not?".
So I bought it and first had discovered how bad the companion AI is, haven't touched the game since.
Now I'm playing Fallout Of Nevada this for me is more than mod,actually this is my Fallout 3 & WolfTeam - FPS with experience and rangs it is cool game.
I think it's because the story is derp even for a Resident Evil game, which must take a lot of effort to achieve.
Finished the first episode of 'Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse'(The Penal Zone).

It was a world of awesome goodiness and if you consider yourself a fan of adventure games then you should definitly try this. There are 4 more episodes to go. Yay for me! :dance:
It gets better... and weirder later on. I really should get around to completing the final chapter.
Refrences a fair few of the earlier episodes so I hope you've played Seasons 1 and 2.

Finished Ghostbusters despite some cheasy enemies right at the end. Fun game even if Bill Murray sounds a bit tired all the time.
Alphadrop said:
Refrences a fair few of the earlier episodes so I hope you've played Seasons 1 and 2.

I haven't! :(
But what the hell, the wierdness is what really gives me a hard on. :mrgreen:

A few references here and there won't hurt I guess.

Alphadrop said:
Finished Ghostbusters despite some cheasy enemies right at the end. Fun game even if Bill Murray sounds a bit tired all the time.
I played that game and enjoyed playing through it. It somehow had that Terminal Realy vibe to it. I just wish these guys would have made another nocturne game instead of Def Jam Rapstar and such. They even mocked their earlier fans somehow when they created their new engine:

Or a new Terminal Velocity :)


I didn't realise that Ghostbusters game was made by the same company.
Now playing Batman:Arkham City.I hate to say this but:I`ve played this game already,It was called Assassin`s Creed.Sorry TorontRayne,I really don`t see what the big deal is.Maybe it`s too early or I`m not that big of a Batman fan but so far I am not impressed.I am hoping the story(which so far is pretty good) will keep me interested.
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn (did I mention I love emulators?). And this coming from a guy who completed all three previous games on Hard, damn this one is brutal. I restarted every single chapter at least once, and oly at Normal. Doesn't seem to have changed much from Path of Radiance, however, at least insofar; I am at Chapter 8, apparently there are about 40, and I already have almost 9 hours in.

Also, replaying ME2, because accidentally erasing 3 completed save files is not fun. I should be able to cmpletely finish it at least once before March, and then I will probably rely on
Bakura said:
Now playing Batman:Arkham City.I hate to say this but:I`ve played this game already,It was called Assassin`s Creed.Sorry TorontRayne,I really don`t see what the big deal is.Maybe it`s too early or I`m not that big of a Batman fan but so far I am not impressed.I am hoping the story(which so far is pretty good) will keep me interested.

Playing City of Heroes now. Should have played it 4 years ago.
Finished Shadows of the Damned on all difficulty settings. Now a new difficulty setting is unlocked which called 'Satanic Hell'. It doesn't reward you with anything though, I already got the platinum trophy for this game. But oh boy oh boy, was this game fun. It's one of those games that seems to be specifically made for me! :D

Also, still playing Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse. It managed to squeeze itself into my 'top ten games of all time' list, because this game is soooooo fucking cleverly designed. I was pretty sure that adventure games were dead by now, but this game proved me wrong. I still have the 'Beyond the Alley of Dolls' & 'The City that Dares, Not Sleep' episodes to go. Again, yay for me! :dance:
Downloading LA Noire, loved the game on console but never played the DLC. I hope R* managed to release a somewhat decent port for a change...

Edit: Game works perfect so far, it doesn't come with GFWL and only uses R* social club to check your serial key after that you can use a "default profile" for saving or log in to use online leaderboards etc.

The game looks pretty amazing, the "only" graphical thing that could be improved is the texture draw distance.

Screenshot of the pc graphic menu:

Some gameplay screenshots:
I heard the game gets kind of repetitive after a while, though I have been sort of curious about this game nevertheless. How is the gameplay/story?
It's not for everyone, it's pretty "slow" and dialogue heavy (not negative points to me but might be for others)

It's also not an open world game a la GTA or RDR, you are basically always working on a single case and the only side missions are "random" calls you get while driving a police vehicle. (A bank robbery for example)
You also don't have a home or place to store cars like you have in GTA.

The voice acting and facial animations are the best I have ever heard/ seen in a video game.

The audio and music are amazing.

As for the story well you are a detective so every case is a "little story", most are pretty well done and original IMO.

I guess it is repetitive in the sense that you always go to a crime scene / look for clues/ interrogate etc. But it is al very well made so I don't mind.

I suppose I would like it even better if there was a little more to do in the city. In some respects it feels a bit like a waste to have this beautiful detailed city but very little to do besides the main mission (cases) and the occasional aforementioned side missions. .