Black Feather said:
According to Steam I played Civ5 for 29 hours (which is next to nothing for a Civ title) so I don't know the game well enough to make any serious statements but I can safely agree with the issue you are having concerning the quality of the AI.
I don't know if it has been improved since release but it's still only barely adequate and certainly worse than Civ4's AI. (How does this happen?)
I prefer the more tactical warfare but I can understand some veterans of the series preferring the old way.
I kind of agree the global happiness system isn't the best change but I'm going to have to give the game a lot more time before I can be certain of that.
Another thing I certainly preferred in Civ4 was the music, who thought it would be a good idea to replace the great classical composers used in Civ4 with a much more generic sounding modern computer game composer's tracks. (It's certainly not bad but ofc it pales in comparison with Beethoven, Bach and Dvorák)
Anyone here already playing Saints Row 3? I wasn't really interested in this game mainly because I'm not a big fan of the type of humour it uses.
I didn't know however that this game was going to have a real coop mode so I might end up getting it after all as playing through this type of game (or just playing around in the city) with a friend could prove to be hilarious.
I'm just not entirely sure whether it's worth the asking price to me. Also the prospect of several DLC releases is making me consider getting this title in a year or two when they actually sell the complete edition at a reduced price.
According to the Total Biscuit video I just saw the game works pretty good on pc so that's at least one less thing to worry about.