Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

It's unfortunate they didn't flesh out their novel ideas (novel for an FPS) a bit more. I love the hubs and the non linear level design but there is often no good incentive to explore every nook and cranny because secrets are pretty rare or to "talk" with the npc's since there is always just one very obvious npc who will allow you to advance the story. (Except in the very first hub, which is awesome)
The use of pawnshops is a nice idea but there is little need to buy anything other than mods for your weapons there. (There is plenty of ammo and health to be found in the levels and you can't buy better weapons than you can find in the next level)
I remember being awestruck by the visuals back in 99 (best looking Q2 engine game IMO) and they still hold up really well in 2012, the grim 1930's inspired scum hives, satisfying gunplay, difficult enemies (who try to flee when near death!) and area based damage model are still as good today as they were 13 years ago.
There is also quite a bit of humour in this game I missed the first time because I hadn't seen the films they were referencing yet, like the Jesus character (Big Lebowski).
All things considered Kingpin was and still is a very enjoyable game.
The use of pawnshops is a nice idea but there is little need to buy anything other than mods for your weapons there. (There is plenty of ammo and health to be found in the levels and you can't buy better weapons than you can find in the next level)
I remember being awestruck by the visuals back in 99 (best looking Q2 engine game IMO) and they still hold up really well in 2012, the grim 1930's inspired scum hives, satisfying gunplay, difficult enemies (who try to flee when near death!) and area based damage model are still as good today as they were 13 years ago.
There is also quite a bit of humour in this game I missed the first time because I hadn't seen the films they were referencing yet, like the Jesus character (Big Lebowski).
All things considered Kingpin was and still is a very enjoyable game.