Yeah I'm not too keen on paying for online with the PS4. That was a thing that kept me from using my Xbox 360 a lot. My internet isn't worth a damn either so PS+ isn't as useful anyway. I have problems downloading updates enough as is, so all the focus on online kills my gaming selection. I can't play any FPS games hardly. I'm lucky if I can get a couple games of Mario Kart online. Playing any fighting game with such a connection is pointless as well. I've gotten accused of using a lag switch my connection is so bad. 
I'm not a huge JRPG fan anymore because of the grinding. It really depends on how good the combat is. If it is quick and painless then grinding isn't as much of a chore. If the load times take too long it kills a lot of interest for me. The Final Fantasy 6 port for PS1 was bad about that. Hell a ton of early cd based games were like that. It makes going back and playing them a chore, especially if you don't have nostalgia goggles equipped. I have enough points in Wisdom to tough it out if the game is worth a damn though.

I'm not a huge JRPG fan anymore because of the grinding. It really depends on how good the combat is. If it is quick and painless then grinding isn't as much of a chore. If the load times take too long it kills a lot of interest for me. The Final Fantasy 6 port for PS1 was bad about that. Hell a ton of early cd based games were like that. It makes going back and playing them a chore, especially if you don't have nostalgia goggles equipped. I have enough points in Wisdom to tough it out if the game is worth a damn though.