General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I just got a new PC, It was actually runing a lot of new game fine. The problem might be a defective RAM stick, so that's fun....
Going through Mirror's Edge and Prototype 2. Hadn't played Mirror's Edge since I first beat it so this time around I'm going through it on Hard. Prototype 2 I'm just playing because it was on PS+. Not a fan of most sandbox games, but moving around is enjoyable; especially once you gain a few movement upgrades.

So they offer the new controls, but keep the original perspective? That's..... interesting. XD

There's also a widescreen option that makes the camera scroll up and down depending on your place on the screen. I saw a video of it, and honestly, it looks more dizzying than anything so the original is probably the better option anyway.

I wouldn't use the new controls anyway, but it's supposed to make the game somewhat easier, which should appeal to the haters. If they want difficulty they can play the game like it's supposed to be played.

Yep. I get that it can take a while to get used to tank controls if you've never used them before, but with the fixed cameras, tank controls just work. Maybe it's me having played RE for a few years, but I get the feeling I'd wrestle with the characters' movement without them.
I'm playing Wasteland 2 which I just started. I waited a few months after it came out to be patched so it would run well, but it's somewhat slow and a few times I've had a bug that not only crashed the game while saving, but deleted the save file being used. I always save on multiple files though so hardly any lost progress.

Games great too.

The Vault Dweller
Going through Mirror's Edge and Prototype 2. Hadn't played Mirror's Edge since I first beat it so this time around I'm going through it on Hard.
The real challenge of ME is the speed runs. Beating the chapters in time and beating those other exercises with 3 stars is incredibly difficult. I never really "got" the complaints by many reviewers who said that a first person perspective doesn't lend itself to platforming because you can't see your own feet. For me it was EASY to "feel" where you're standing, especially when you know where you're going, which is what first person is all about (becoming truly immersed in your environment) so the platforming never felt off to me at all. But the level of perfection it demands is VERY frustrating, at times. Good game. Some day I'll need to go back and polish off the last stars I need to collect.....

So they offer the new controls, but keep the original perspective? That's..... interesting. XD

There's also a widescreen option that makes the camera scroll up and down depending on your place on the screen. I saw a video of it, and honestly, it looks more dizzying than anything so the original is probably the better option anyway.
It just strikes me as "one of those games", like the God of War titles, where it was designed with fixed cameras in mind, so allowing camera control, even in limited degrees, would break the game. Not in the crash-causing sense, but just ruin it because of its design. In the GOW games, it's because you'd see entire areas that were never rendered, but in the firs RE games I can't exactly say what it is that doing so might "ruin" (since I played them so limitedly) but it just strikes me that, remade or not, that's not a game where camera control is a good idea.
I wish I was playing this.

So playing FF XIV again a bit but mostly Hyperdimension Neptunia Rebirth: 1, I'm about finished with it and I got the second one in the mail yesterday.

Currently playing X-Comm: Enemy Within. I'm completely addicted to it.
Love it but get yourself a good sniper and a good run/gunner and you've won half the fights.
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A game made by me,without tons of bugs like Roblox or minecraft,frankly roblox is worse it's at over -9000 awsomness

As about my game will be released on kong it's a SF one.I am just the only one workin' at it
Just finished playing I Have no Mouth and I must Scream and I liked it, maybe I can somehow find the original story here in Brazil to buy, it really seems interesting.

After playing I must Scream I'm having a new addiction on adventure games, I'm will try to get my hands on Grim Fandango and Sanitarium on Steam ( I'm that guy who only buy something on sale) but maybe I will host sails and get the old Lucasart games and the other two that I talked about.
Just finished playing I Have no Mouth and I must Scream and I liked it, maybe I can somehow find the original story here in Brazil to buy, it really seems interesting.

After playing I must Scream I'm having a new addiction on adventure games, I'm will try to get my hands on Grim Fandango and Sanitarium on Steam ( I'm that guy who only buy something on sale) but maybe I will host sails and get the old Lucasart games and the other two that I talked about.

+1 for Sanitarium.
Just started Ni no Kuni, I was in a jrpg mood and what better than Level 5 combined with Studio Gihbli to satiate the craving? It's starting kind of slow, but that's a give with these games.
So continuing my spur of the Moment Mass Effect marathon (Kind of cheated on the paragon run, Thunderbirds, I mean, Mass Effect 1 is almost unbereable to play for me so I downloaded a save file), I was messing with the facegen and ended up creating the most beautiful man in the world by mistake (no homo)
MassEffect2 2015-02-12 17-44-52-18.jpg
He looks like the lovechild of Terry Crews and Antonio Banderas.
Game still bluescreening on you? No? It should, because that beauty is irresistible (no homo).

Stupid jokes aside, I vaguely remember my computer was crashing and bluescreening several times during ME2, which didn't happen with any other game.
My PC is running like a dream now, apparently the Ram wasn't faulty, it was just initially installed improperly so it got loose and accumulated dust, I bought another 8gb card tinking I had to replace it, but after some maintenance it worked, so now I have 16gb of ram.
Playing Dying Light. It's a fuckton of fun.

Darkest Dungeon is the shit. That is all.

Been keeping my eye on that one, will likely get it soon. I've understood there are some balancing issues to be hammered out, though. For instance, too easy to stunlock and get stunlocked and some classes far superior to others.