General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Hmmm, doesn't do much for me. It looks okay, but that trailer at least doesn't make me feel like it's a startlingly high definition remastering. =/
Only watched it. Thought it looked MUCH better than the original (which isn't hard), but this one doesn't strike me as that much of an improvement over the last one.
Only watched it. Thought it looked MUCH better than the original (which isn't hard), but this one doesn't strike me as that much of an improvement over the last one.

Other than it being on consoles people actually own? ;)
Well, it's a remaster, but yes it is a port, with an optional new control scheme and updated graphics, on systems that people actually own since most of the gaming community said fuck the Gamecube. At any rate I own the Gamecube version and I plan on getting this one. I like how they offer both control styles, so you can have the old fashioned tank controls or the more modern one, which has it's own drawbacks with the fixed perspective.
So they offer the new controls, but keep the original perspective? That's..... interesting. XD

I wouldn't use the new controls anyway, but it's supposed to make the game somewhat easier, which should appeal to the haters. If they want difficulty they can play the game like it's supposed to be played.
Just bought ReMake but i'm still stuck playing elder scrolls online.. Guess i should give it a spin tomorrow after work!
A bunch of Teamspeak associates have bought and are together playing H1Z1, and I'm hearing about its merits from them for the time being. They really want me to play, and I'd be lying if I said what I've seen thus far haven't looked pretty damn appealing. Any of you guys heard of it or taken part in it? I'm told it's really really new, and it's just opened up in alpha.
A bunch of Teamspeak associates have bought and are together playing H1Z1, and I'm hearing about its merits from them for the time being. They really want me to play, and I'd be lying if I said what I've seen thus far haven't looked pretty damn appealing. Any of you guys heard of it or taken part in it? I'm told it's really really new, and it's just opened up in alpha.

As a DayZ player I'm interested in H1Z1 but it seems like it might be a bit Pay2Win. Besides if you wait you will get a finished game for free, paying for beta access to a free to play game seems silly to me.
A bunch of Teamspeak associates have bought and are together playing H1Z1, and I'm hearing about its merits from them for the time being. They really want me to play, and I'd be lying if I said what I've seen thus far haven't looked pretty damn appealing. Any of you guys heard of it or taken part in it? I'm told it's really really new, and it's just opened up in alpha.

2 of my friends just got themself a new pair of headsets and wanted me to play this with them.. But i won't buy an early accese game again so i'm not sure.
I want to play but Early Access is risky and I have unreliable internet so that is two strikes...
Well, H1Z1 launch was a failure but I think the servers have been normalized, also I have heard complaints about gameplay and graphics, especially graphics, looks like they don't look like in the advertising.

There is also the drops ( or another name, can't seem to remember) which you pay to get weapons,food and such. This makes pay2win but when the drops comes it makes a lots of loud noise and you can see them falling from afar. You need to be quick to get them or you just wasted some money.

I tell you to wait a bit, see how things turns out.
Yeah, so far the prevailing opinion is "Early Access? Pay for a F2P game? Bleh..." But I've read various different accounts about the supply drops, with some people screwing themselves over and getting killed in the process of attempting to recover their loot, which in turn was looted by other players, which delighted the reviewer (a third party who watched the fiasco). So they're not so much a case of "pay2win" as much as "buyer beware" I'm guessing, but that right now, with the game being so new, that's just not obvious to all the players looking into it.

But the features of the game itself are what intrigue me. I just sat in the Teamspeak, listening to these guys play their game, managing their resources, crafting more supplies, planning their treks based around their needs, and it sounded really fun. Looking at links they provided, with (very incomplete) lofty lists of crafting possibilities, it struck me like the game could be tons of fun. Noteworthy is that they never complained about the graphics. Although they did adamantly defend it a couple times with, "Did I mention it's brand new?" So they could just be defensive about the game.

If there were live streams of the game, that would definitely help much more. But for the time being, it's just a toss-up of do I wanna try some thing right now, especially when my schedule is about to get busy, or do I wanna just keep observing from the outside? It does sound fun, though...

EDIT: Nevermind, one of them HAS a twitch stream! XD
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H1Z1 uh? Well if you ask me;

Early Access can go fuck itself. Worst business model in the industry, and that's saying something.
The dodgy ''supply drop'' model can go fuck itself.
Yet another zombie survival game can go fuck itself. Seriously, can indie devs do something else than copy DayZ over and over again? I've been sick and tired of zombies for years now.

So yeah, that's three strikes, out :wink:. Not getting this.

On the other hand, Grey Goo looks like a pretty sweet Command and Conquer-esque RTS, and I'm very tempted to grab it. Maybe I'll wait for a sale, these days everything on Steam goes on sale 2-3 months after release at the latest. In the meantime I'm playing Just Cause 2 and having a blast doing so, as well as finishing my second playthough of Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Honestly I was having more fun playing Doom online last night than any game released last year.

Wonderful 101 is weird as hell to play, but I think it has the most unique control scheme I've played in awhile. You have to draw certain shapes on the gamepad, to switch up your heroes attack moves, so it gets pretty crazy at time.

This has piqued my interest.

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I was alternating between Dark Souls and Mass Effect 2 (In the middle of a spur of the moment marathon) But my PC started tocrap itself for no reason, blue screens by the ton and no amount of memory cleanning or even changing power sources has solved it.... I don't know what to do...