General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Borderlands isn't supposed to be an rpg. It's a first person shooter with Diablo-esque mechanics.
Oh I knew that (at least from what I gleaned over all the talking about it across many Rooster Teeth Podcasts) but apparently my friend didn't. He's the kind of guy who will say "I just don't like RPGs", and turn down playing FO3 because it's "too involving" for him. Go figure. I don't understand that, either, but that's the way it is. For me, obviously, RPGs have to be something more. They really gotta suck me in and keep me there, either loving every moment of it, or cursing my inability to tear myself away. XD

But now that I think about it, I guess The Wolf Among Us is another title I'm just NOT playing. I bought it on sale some while ago... months or maybe even a year ago at this point... I just never feel like playing it, unfortunately. On the flipside, as one can gather from my previous comments, L.A. Noire is a game I HAVE played at even beaten, and I just don't wanna play it again. Nothing about it makes me wanna give it a whirl. I don't NEED a sandbox environment to do whatever I please whenever I'm not pursuing the game's objective for a game to keep me engaged. I don't it necessary for decent replay value. But damn it if that game just doesn't give me anything enjoyable to do. =/

I don't WANT Shadow Warrior to be a game I'm not playing, but I stopped a few months back. Just got too busy, and then when I got less busy, I'd fallen off the wagon. Some games just need certain "momentum" to keep going, and it certainly feels like those oldschool games were guilty as charged. XD You had to keep your skills sharp with those games, and any days off you would pay for before long, let along months off...
I have found that some games need momentum to finish too. Especially if you have to pick the game back up after not playing it for months. Mainly that happens with RPG's, but I have had that problem in the past with games like Resident Evil, where you forget what segment of the game you are in, due to saving it so long ago, so you wander aimlessly until you figure out what puzzle or room you need to get too to advance the plot. Of course that doesn't happen with the series anymore since you walk forward the whole time...
Bard's Tale is a mystery to me. I bought a lot of games ( but no packs) in a Steam sale and he just showed up. Not even my account acquisition history shows him, he just appeared, in a creationism way.

If i am not wrong, Bard's Tale series and Wasteland 1 were included in Wasteland 2 early access at some point.
I know that Wasteland 1 came with the second game if you buy it in early access but I bought Wasteland 2 when it first came out in Early Access and only Wasteland 1 came with it ( actually I already had it, so nothing happened) but Bard's Tale only appeared in my library after the previous sale and Wasteland 2 was already ''complete'' by that.

The only explanation that I can find is that the game had some region lock on it and only when it was dismantled that it appeared on my library.
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. In a few words:

Core rules - rock solid D20 ruleset, feature rich, with skill-check based dialogues and whatnot. 9/10
Gameplay - consolitis riddled piece of shit! Rotating camera with horrid angle, unskippable cutscenes, corridors. 1/10
Content - pretty good. Rich dialogues, well written and interesting plot, shitload of NPCs. 8/10

I totally dig the Dominate Mind feat, true Jedi stuff.
NPC: "You need to pay fee!"
Jedi: [Force Persuade] "I don't need to pay fee."
NPC: [Success] "I think you don't need to pay fee!"
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. In a few words:

Core rules - rock solid D20 ruleset, feature rich, with skill-check based dialogues and whatnot. 9/10
Gameplay - consolitis riddled piece of shit! Rotating camera with horrid angle, unskippable cutscenes, corridors. 1/10
Content - pretty good. Rich dialogues, well written and interesting plot, shitload of NPCs. 8/10

I totally dig the Dominate Mind feat, true Jedi stuff.
NPC: "You need to pay fee!"
Jedi: [Force Persuade] "I don't need to pay fee."
NPC: [Success] "I think you don't need to pay fee!"

I preferred the second one. I had it on the consoles, at the time I never noticed any game-breaking bugs, although I wish I played the later content mods...
KOTOR 2 + Restoration Mod = Many hours of good philosophical and grey morality in a Star Wars game = Good times!
I just wrote out a long ass story about my recent adventures in Sunless Sea, which then was deleted through some fuckup, so instead of rewriting it for the next 45 minutes, I will tell you to play it if you like Roguelikes, Lovecraft, or games with a lot of dialog. I can't emphasize enough how great the game is if you are a fan of the genre...well I did in my other missing post, but I'm too pissed to rewrite all of that, so fucking play it.
Ah Sunless Sea, in my first playthrough I sold the engine by accident and had to restart. Second one I ended up out of fuel in the middle of the sea and I watched as my crew slowly descended into madness, canibalism and finally a Mutiny that ended my life. Cool game.
Total War Attila. After the bug-ridden, feature stripped Rome 2, this is one hell of a return to form. More features than any Total War to date (the politics screen being semi ripped off from Crusader Kings 2), very good atmosphere, innovative gameplay mechanics, lack of annoying bugs, this is worth the money. Rampaging around as the Huns is just as fun as playing as one of the Roman factions and desperately holding off the barbarian tide at bay. Very much recommended for any fan of the series.

Also got into the Heroes of the Storm beta. It's simpler to play than DOTA or League, but has much more emphasis on team gameplay; you're not going to carry a game by your lonesome in Heroes, so better communicate with your team. It is both a blessing and a curse, but so far what keeps me playing is the great hero design. It has pretty unique hero such as fast-respawning, weak ones or Sgt. Hammer the siege tank. And slicing fools with the Lich King never gets old.
Alright, what the fuck IS a "Roguelike"? What does that mean? What is this saying? I feel like that's like me trying to tell someone else what an ASSFAGGOTS or AOS-clone or Dota-clone is if they had zero experience playing any RTS games.
It's a game that is similar to the classic Rogue, the staples of the genre are Permadeath, randomly generated dungeons and being butt fuckingly hard.
Alright, what the fuck IS a "Roguelike"? What does that mean? What is this saying? I feel like that's like me trying to tell someone else what an ASSFAGGOTS or AOS-clone or Dota-clone is if they had zero experience playing any RTS games.

Have you honestly never heard that description applied to a game before now? What dark hole of the web have you crawled out from? RL is interpreted loosely much like RPG is. Maybe stop playing so much fucking Dota 2 and Ninja Gaiden and play some other games like:

Dwarf Fortress
Spelunky (Spelunky clones)
Toejam and Earl
The Binding of Isaac
Dungeons of Dredmor
FTL: Faster Than Light
Darkest Dungeon
Sunless Sea
Nuclear Throne
Don't Starve
Neo Scavenger
Doom RL
Hack, Slash, Loot

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@TorontRayne, @Emperor: Thanks for the tip, guys! Good to know. I need to take a breather after finshing the first one though, I'm pretty much fed up with all that consolitis. KOTOR turned out to be one of those self-playing games, which doesn't let you actually play - an interactive movie more than a game actually. Smashing the win-button (Force Wave feat for me) and being interrupted every few minutes with some cut-scene has rendered me totally insane after a few hour, I'm friggin raging right now! :evil:
I had it coming, this happens to people messing with console ports I guess.

Now I'm installing latest version of Megamod, going to relax with some old-school turn based mathematic elegance instead of this modern popamolery.
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Have you honestly never heard that description applied to a game before now?
No, I've heard it before, hence my confusion. Because hearing something isn't the same as understanding it. Hearing it once, you just think, "Uh, okay." But then when you hear it again and again, you begin to realize it's probably a popularly accepted term, but not knowing what it means leaves you begging the question: What the fuck IS it?

You also didn't really answer my question, other than saying there's other games. Besides, why should I stop playing games I know I love to try out games I have no clue about? That's just a silly suggestion. =P
You also didn't really answer my question, other than saying there's other games. Besides, why should I stop playing games I know I love to try out games I have no clue about? That's just a silly suggestion. =P

I didn't because Walpknut did:

"It's a game that is similar to the classic Rogue, the staples of the genre are Permadeath, randomly generated dungeons and being butt fuckingly hard."

Not every RL is the same, but those things they usually have in common.
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I'd say FTL is a rouge-lite honestly, its super easy ( I don't play many "rogue likes" but my understanding of them is that they are difficult)

I'm playing more FFXIV ARR because Triple Triad was released and I enjoy all forms of online card games generally. Finally got around to playing Shovel Knight, which I am enjoying immensely.
I'd say FTL is a rouge-lite honestly, its super easy ( I don't play many "rogue likes" but my understanding of them is that they are difficult)

I'm playing more FFXIV ARR because Triple Triad was released and I enjoy all forms of online card games generally. Finally got around to playing Shovel Knight, which I am enjoying immensely.

I didn't get into the specifics of rogue-lite, and I haven't played FTL, but from my understanding it can be very difficult for some. At any rate it is of the rogue variety. If we went by the general definition, Diablo 2 on Iron Man mode would be somewhat "roguish" due to some of the random elements.

Triple Triad was on FF8 right? I loved that card game. I have heard good things about FFXIV from one of my friends who plays, but I can't get invested in a MMO atm. Shovel Knight is pretty damn good too. A bit quick to beat, but plenty of replay value.
You also didn't really answer my question, other than saying there's other games. Besides, why should I stop playing games I know I love to try out games I have no clue about? That's just a silly suggestion. =P

I didn't because Walpknut did:

"It's a game that is similar to the classic Rogue, the staples of the genre are Permadeath, randomly generated dungeons and being butt fuckingly hard."

Not every RL is the same, but those things they usually have in common.
That's not really enough, for the very reasons I initially gave when I asked the question. I said it would be like me describing Dota2 or games of similar genre to someone completely unfamiliar to any sort of RTS, and simply using "x-clone" to say what it is. That's why other descriptors were created, because saying a game is like another game still doesn't help if you're unfamiliar with all other examples. For how funny it reads, ASSFAGGOTS *is* the actual acronym for Dota and "Dota-likes", and for obvious reasons it was never officially adopted, but it's pretty precise about what the game is: Aeon of Strife-Styled Fortress Assault Game Going On Two Sides. Also it's pretty long for an acronym... XD

Apropo, I'm still the guy being told "it's a Dota-clone" without any clue what that means.