General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Well I'm hitting the problem where SOMETIMES my games won't even load, and my character is only 16. I've got Logan's Loophole as a Trait, and the JSawyer.esm installed, so my Courier will max out at 21. So excluding the amount of CONTENT I've visited across the game, without leveling, it's possible I'm hitting this lag/load wall much earlier than what you described. But then again, this is an old PC. That's not really surprising.

Hell, by all accounts, I really SHOULD be playing more on my laptop than my 2009 desktop build. It's much newer, more powerful. I just... don't wanna. Windows 8 and a tinier screen. Meh. Desktops have spoiled me. Even if it's on its last legs, I still prefer my desktop. =)
I've been pretty darn hooked on Satellite Reign over the last few days. It's fantastic. Sure, a bit buggy still but very playable and enjoyable. Atmosphere is great, just running around the city and taking in the environment is half the fun.
With my last laptop, I had a problem that the further I'd go with one of my characters, the slower the game (F:NV) would start to run and the more it would lag.
That's bethesdian shitty engine problem, the same happened with Skyrim on consoles. Obsidian's Josh Sawyer came out with a theory why this happens:
The longer you play a character, the more bit differences on objects (characters, pencils on tables, containers, etc.) get saved off and carried around in memory. I think we've seen save games that are pushing 19 megs, which can be really crippling in some areas...It's an engine-level issue with how the save game data is stored off as bit flag differences compared to the placed instances in the main .esm + DLC .esms. As the game modifies any placed instance of an object, those changes are stored off into what is essentially another .esm. When you load the save game, you're loading all of those differences into resident memory.
New Vegas.
Unfortunately, on Ps3 is even more flawed by technical problems than I ever remembered.
Each one of the most populated areas lags as fuck.
I've been playing Planescape Torment. It's one of those must play RPG's that I need to check off the ol' list. The combat is garbage, but everything else is top notch. I can't wait to play the new one. I'm counting the minutes down until I get MGS5.
The combat was terrible indeed. And I cannot stand the fact my - few - cool swords all turned into awful daggers once equipped.
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Oh man, I'm watching more and more let's plays of HuniePop, and I think I may wanna grab this game! Not right this second, but... eventually. The dialog is pretty fucking hilarious, the gameplay's not bad, and then there's the assloads (pun NOT intended?) of fan service to boot. I see that an immeasurable number of people are incredibly miffed by the English-only voice acting, but listening to it, it's certainly not bad. Apparently there's an option to make it text-only, so purists who need their dating sims to not have spoken English language can have their precious cake while they think they're eating it, too. I just know that I'm laughing and smiling more and more as I watch the likes of Markiplier play the game, and not JUST because of the creepy faces he makes as a joke. Though... that's funny, too.

As for what I'm not just PLANNING on playing but ACTUALLY playing... having upgraded my laptop to Windows 10 and downloaded several games off my library onto my Steam account there, I figured I'd give some of them a whirl. My desktop is upwards of 6 years old at this point, and this laptop is barely 12 months old, and it had decent specs when I got it. So I imagine, if my aging desktop can handle these games, this newer laptop can tackle them like a breeze! Right?

Ugh... Dota2 ran like SHIT! I booted up FONV to make sure that it could run, but I haven't actually played it on the ol' laptop, though now I wonder if it even CAN! >_< Well, I guess I can still enjoy FO2 and Banished? Only... after the upgrade, I DID notice my FO2 saves were playing... slow. So, yay, already encountered some issues with W10. ~_~ Fucking Christ... Anyway, I still have my desktop, aging or no, and I still have FONV and Dota2 to delight me whenever I should choose... assuming I have the time. I haven't played The Last of Us in a while, but I still have a few single-player trophies left to wrap up, so I'll come back to it eventually. Just... not real sure when.

I couldn't help but notice that Arkham Knight fell of the face of the planet after less than two weeks following its release. NOBODY talks about that game anymore! I guess fucking up a PC port is the gaming equivalent of political suicide?
I've been pretty darn hooked on Satellite Reign over the last few days. It's fantastic. Sure, a bit buggy still but very playable and enjoyable. Atmosphere is great, just running around the city and taking in the environment is half the fun.
I like SR, but I've found that I can't play it hours on end. It gets rather frustrating at times for me due to the (so far) rather big emphasis on stealth and sneaky shit.

It's not really the Syndicate/SyndicateWars clone which I had expected when it was kickstarted. I miss the high violence approach with my current weapons. Even if you focus fire with 4 chars on a single cop or merc, it takes a good while to get him down. It makes it feel like the weapons are shooting pellets, not bullets. And when you get slightly better guns, suddenly your enemies get upgraded with better armor, shields, etc.

There's also still some annoying bugs (like datanodes not properly updating status when hacked) and missions are often highly repetitive.

Still, it's a good game so far.
Trying out HOI3
Its designed- and feels a lot like EU3, so that's okay, since I then get a good feel of the interface (which are different from HOI2 in that respect)

So far I'm a bit confused about what AI control means, I played as Peru, and never got the option to fight Ecuador over the jungle areas, they included that in HOI2, I'd expect them to have included it here too, but I'm suspecting that I might have un-checked the possibility for that happening, or something, not sure.

Similar thing happened to me during a short run as communist China, I seemed to never be at war with Japan, something that became boring after a while

But it looks good. The physical shapes of the smallest level administrative divisions look a bit repetitive in the densest areas, as in, in western Europe, and at first it looked really bad to me, but it's not too problematic to just get used to
Well being one the last places on earth with a rental store I rented Mad Max for the PS4. I was gonna get it on pc but my machine is at this point hilariously out of date, it being an aging beautique machine and all. So far it hasn't done much to differentiate itself from alot of other open world games, hell the combat is basically a more sluggish version of the Arkham games, the theme and the car chases are fun. It being Mad Max alone keeps me wanting to play it. Is it good? So far, pretty damn good lads, pretty damn good. I'll probably have more to report as the week goes on as I have not gotten too deep into story territory, as of right now it's a quest to build a better car and finding gas for it.
Currently playing through This War of Mine. Awesome, atmospheric game. It's quite unforgiving and challenging, but it never resorts to being unfair. Sometimes you just have to put your ethics aside and do what you must to survive. Simple as that. The soundtrack is fantastic, too.

Other games I'm currently playing include TF2 (pretty much a staple for me), Fallout 2 as a retard, Hearts of Iron III with Finland and the original Wasteland. Would've loved to try Silent Storm, but WIN 10 and newer graphics cards don't seem to like it.
That feel when the new Mad Max's pre-release gameplay was VERY selective, if my current playthrough is anything to go by. Bloated and clunky at times, and the voice actors almost sound like they have hearing problems sometimes.
This War Of Mine gets far too easy if you get into the whole killing thing. The only real "penalty" for it is Boris being depressed when he comes back filled with all sorts of useful loot. Well... Fuck you, Boris, get back out there and kill some more bandit bitches. But if you try to make all your characters behave in-character, then it's a really good game.

HOI3 is my least favorite Paradox game. It seemed worse than HOI2 in many aspects, and even if it wasn't, the whole WWII setting is very boring compared to CK, EU, or Victoria.
The gaming industry/culture as a whole needs to get over telling the player how to feel as a mechanic. Didn't work in Amnesia with an insanity mechanic, definitely doesn't work with a game that's trying to be bleak and depressive.