General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Crysis was pretty awesome, yeah. I remember at the time I felt that the ending was weird and somewhat abrupt, but in retrospect the game had solid pacing. Nice way to do a shooter.
Never played sequels tho, heard they are more of a CoD sort of thing being linear and all.
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Currently playing Escape Dead Island.
It is sort of like Resident Evil but with cell shaded graphics and less interesting enemies (quit frankly I am sick of zombies but I really wanted to play something I don't know)

This game got a lot of flak during its release, it honestly is not a master piece as I have encountered a number of bugs and the gameplay could also use some expanding but it is not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. It is just not like Dead Island and the expansion which I don't mind as I wasn't really interested in playing those anyway.

I rather agree with the sentiment of a reviewer who mentioned that there should be a market for titles like Escape Dead Island, games that don't really do anything new but rather play an established genre or type of gameplay well.
These shouldn't be full price/near full price games (which was Escape Dead Island's mistake) but rather be budget titles around the price of 20/25 Euros.
Just beat Persona 5 today on hard. Loved it, lived it, it took over my last week of vacations and it was amazing.

Only Maxed out 10 Coops because I suck, but that's what NG+ is for, altho now that my Vacations are over I'll have to only play it on weekends like a normie. Oh well.

Now I am playing SMT4 Apocalypse too, I am not done with the SMT series just yet. I need help.
Persona 5.
Not really my thing as I am not into the Megami Tensei franchise but from what I read on Wikipedia it sounds interesting plot wise.
How people get their Personas in all the games:

Persona 1: You play a child's game and a guy in a mask gives them to you.
Persona 2: You play the same game but it's because it has been powered up by rumor magic.
Persona 3: You kinda just have it in the Dark Hour.
Persona 4: Accept every aspect of yourself after others have seen it.
Persona 5: Awaken the spirit of Rebellion inside you to oppose corruption and embrace your anger to bring your goals to fruition.
Right now I'm alternating between Crysis 2 and Life Is Strange, because why the hell not.
Giving Planescape: Torment another go through. Second play. Love being a new player and having good "holy shit" moments.
Besides that missus and I are gonna be spending evening together playing Mario Kart 8 for the switch. Need some pro controllers. Fuck those tiny little hand cramps called controllers.
After hearing so much about it, I decided to try the Misery 2.0 mod for Stalker: Call of Pripyat. Walked five meters and then got instagibbed by a bunch of snorks. I then decided to not try it any further.
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After hearing so much about it, I decided to try the Misery 2.0 mod for Stalker: Call of Pripyat. Walked five meters and then got instagibbed by a bunch of snorks. I then decided to not try it any further.

I didn't find misery so hard. The problem i had was that i was forced to get x before i could do b. Less freedom and more minor crap to keep track of.
Finished Persona 5. It was amazing and left me all warm and fuzzy. I felt like crying at the end, so good.

I will play it once again one day, but I feel spent for now. Haven't felt so good after playing a game in ages. Totally worth it.

I won't start another for a while it seems.
On my second run of Planescape: Torment, game is amazing and it's not just good because "it has a lot of words". Combat is shit and pretty much just comes down to beating down enemies and trying not to get swarmed even though the combat doesn't have a big role in it like the story does. Like being able to explore the world and encounter people that you don't know but remember you due to one of your past incarnations. Easily one of my favorite games. Not going to spoil anything but just give my opinion on how I feel about it.
Holywood: We Americanized Ghost in the Shell because westerners don't find stories about non americans appealing.

April: Persona 5, japanese game set in Japan about Japanese culture tops sale charts in the west.
There were a number of games on sale on GOG including Alan Wake which will soon be removed because the licensing rights on music in the game is about to expire.

Well I gave it a try. Visually it looks very nice but I can not really get into the story which is the game's main selling point (I don't know how often the game is interrupted for a cutscene) and I find the gameplay rather boring so I had it removed again.

I hope Crysis which I also bought will turn out to be better.