It came from the West Coast!!! Grrrr damn west coast.WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH STARBUCKS
It came from the West Coast!!! Grrrr damn west coast.WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH STARBUCKS
To be honest I never even bother watching the Xbox stuff. Halo and Gears of War just aren't my thing.
Given how atrocious Skyrim is, i would expect like a 0/10 given that Skyrim is at best a 2/10. From what i have played at a friend's house, i had more fun in that short amount of time compared to the entire playthrough of Skyrim (which was really me trying to find anything redeeming about it). The combat alone puts Breath of the Wild far above Skyrim because Skyrim's combat is bottom of barrel garbage.A bad Skyrim copy
First Obsidian tries twice to do Baldur's Gate, then attempts New Vegas in space, and now it's trying Elder Scrolls? Can these guys actually try something new? Their last handful games have been very derivative.
It just feels like they are trying to repeat past successes by copying them.