First time out of the vault

Medieval II - Total War
Can't stop untill I have a perfectly organised kingdom
Can't stop untill I have a perfectly organised kingdom

hehe, yeah. a beautiful example of how NOT to port.DirtyDreamDesigner said:Just started playing Resident Evil 4.
Worst. Port. Ever.
Seriously, the bad porting turned what could have been a great game into a total clusterfuck.
Unfortunately I don't own a console and I'm not planning to get one, either.SimpleMinded said:If you haven't played the console versions, definitely give RE4 a try outside of the PC. It's an awesome game and one of the few I've played to the end in recent months.
Vault 69er said:Say, can Civ IV: Beyond the Sword be installed without Warlords?
I have vanilla Civ but I got rid of Warlords for taking up too much space without adding much.
SimpleMinded said:Is Medieval Total War 2 worth buying? I have the rest of the series and love them, but it seemed weird to buy Medieval Total War again.
Does it differentiate itself well?