General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Why quote yourself?

Also Devil Survivor has rather bad gameplay.

The other Shin Megami Tenseis are much better.
Walpknut said:
Why quote yourself?

Also Devil Survivor has rather bad gameplay.

The other Shin Megami Tenseis are much better.
Wintermind said:
Why are you empty quoting yourself

Maybe a mistake? I can't rememer why I quote myself :)

Does it bad? it has quite decent gameplay imo.
maybe it would be bad for SMT fans since it isn't dungeon rpg and absence of devil talk.
Rayman Origins (thanks Steam sales) and loving every second of it. I'm not that good at platformers and the game gets punishing at times, but by jove is it fun, plus the art style and level design are marvelous.
Been playing a lot of Battlefield 3 online and getting my butt kicked, was always able to hold my own on Bad Company 2 but this is just a major step up, the weapons you start off with all suck, you have no chance in long range engagements and have to rely on close quarters unless you stick with the sniper class.
Ilosar said:
Rayman Origins (thanks Steam sales) and loving every second of it. I'm not that good at platformers and the game gets punishing at times, but by jove is it fun, plus the art style and level design are marvelous.

I loved rayman too, i played it as 2 player game with sister and had awesome time. Didnt quite finish it though, i really should get on it one day.

Tried playing some crysis 3 but got bored pretty quickly, weirdly enough i finished and moderately enjoyed crysis 2 few weeks earlier, maybe i had my crysis needs filled there for awhile, maybe ill pick it up again at some point.

At the moment im playing Stalker COP with misery mod. Such an awesome game and awesome mod. Its just pure gun porn now, all the changes to gun sounds and the real world gun models are great.

Went with assault class, assault rifles are just so useful in this game and i love to take bloodsuckers on with the SPAS shotgun.
I WAS playing Skyrim. The dawnguard dlc. It just so happens that Bethesda hates me though.

Leo1 said:
Been playing a lot of Battlefield 3 online and getting my butt kicked, was always able to hold my own on Bad Company 2 but this is just a major step up, the weapons you start off with all suck, you have no chance in long range engagements and have to rely on close quarters unless you stick with the sniper class.

Damn you! Sold my account to a friend close to 1 year ago and now i got the urge to play again :evil:
Starcraft II, however playing the ported Starcraft I campaign and man does it feel so much better than the drek of II.
Not sure why but the writing sucks less and maybe because you're actually a character in Starcraft you feel much more involved.
Also the mod adds little confederate flags to confederate troops and buildings, so cute.
Alphadrop said:
Starcraft II, however playing the ported Starcraft I campaign and man does it feel so much better than the drek of II.
Not sure why but the writing sucks less and maybe because you're actually a character in Starcraft you feel much more involved.
Also the mod adds little confederate flags to confederate troops and buildings, so cute.

Meh, I prefer varied mission objectives and challenge rather than an endless amount of ''here's a huge enemy base, a-move to it'' levels, which the original campaign is 75% composed of.

Writing does suck more in SC2, but I never bought Blizzard games for the writing (thank goodness) so I don't much care.
CthuluIsSpy said:
Playing Stalker SOC with the Complete mod. Such a delicious game ^^
I saw bad ending and understand that I can't change the ending, I delete it with sorrow.
I was great game though.
Damm...I should do another quest rather than go to wish granter...
Makta said:
Damn you! Sold my account to a friend close to 1 year ago and now i got the urge to play again :evil:

Not missing much, down to campers and the pros its hard to do well, you'll get killed a few times before you get your first kill. On Bad Company 2 I had a kill ratio of 1.32 but on Battlefield 3 its like 0.35 :(
woo1108 said:
CthuluIsSpy said:
Playing Stalker SOC with the Complete mod. Such a delicious game ^^
I saw bad ending and understand that I can't change the ending, I delete it with sorrow.
I was great game though.
Damm...I should do another quest rather than go to wish granter...

There are actually something like 8-10 endings.

Only 2 of them are "real," and one of those is canon :wink:
CthuluIsSpy said:
woo1108 said:
CthuluIsSpy said:
Playing Stalker SOC with the Complete mod. Such a delicious game ^^
I saw bad ending and understand that I can't change the ending, I delete it with sorrow.
I was great game though.
Damm...I should do another quest rather than go to wish granter...

There are actually something like 8-10 endings.

Only 2 of them are "real," and one of those is canon :wink:
I knew it... damm...
I tried to change the ending but thanks for auto save, I can't back to find fangs stuff.... :cry: