General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

I'm replaying Dark Souls: Remastered on Xbox One.
My first Character is a Paladin, as my other Character is a Warrior.
Poise is OP, Magic is Stronger, and the PVE in this game is definitely the best in the trilogy.
For my Paladin, he's in NG+2 as his Soul Level is 187.
For my Warrior, he's in NG as his SL is 80.
So what's your favorite build in DS1?
I was thinking of trying Dragon Quest 4 next, but i want to replay Dragon Quest 7 instead. I just got this huge urge to replay it and i honestly don't remember what i overall thought of the game after my first playthrough four years ago. I remember enjoy it a lot but not much else. Thankfully i have the 3DS remake of 7 (and 8 for that matter), so i don't have to hunt down a copy and fear that its price has increased to a ridiculously degree in recent times. But i am gonna hold on it for as long as i can.
Update on this, i'm actually considering playing Dragon Quest 9 instead of 7. I haven't touched 9 since my only playthrough back at release. The thing that sucks is that the game can only have one save file (apparently the game was way too big to allow multiple save files) and that means deleting a savefile that i have a nostalgic attachment to. I'm most likely caving in and just replay 9 to see if it's as good as i remember.

Dragon Quest 9 was actually the very first Dragon Quest game i bought and played and i have no clue on how came to know about it. Looking at my DS library of games and i have no idea how came to know some of the games's existences to think about even buying them. Also, Dragon Quest 9 came out 10 years ago and that's sobering as shit about how fleeting time is.
But would DQ9 even be as fun now that the support for the game is done? Half that game was spotpass stuff and internet downloads. Like it doesn't even have a party of characters to speak of it's more like the mercs from Pillars of eternity.
I just finished the newly released enhanced edition of Quake. If you haven't finished Quake yet now is the perfect time to do so. I knew that it would be good but I'm actually amazed how well it stands the test of time, it's one of the greats. I have never before played a game with such good map design. The enhanced edition comes free for previous owners so I would suggest you jump right in!
But would DQ9 even be as fun now that the support for the game is done? Half that game was spotpass stuff and internet downloads. Like it doesn't even have a party of characters to speak of it's more like the mercs from Pillars of eternity.
Given that i never even used the spotpass and internet downloads and i still loved the game, it didn't really mattered. And there are other characters to speak to, your combat party is just comprised of created characters. Which honestly is one of my favorite things in the game because it harkens back to Final Fantasy 1 and Dragon Quest 3.
I started Yakuza 0. Straight away I can really tell how different it is from Yakuza 7, even if it still has the funny haha mini games, the tone is vry different and Kiryu is an entirely different character, I could argue a more typical protagonist tho, but still enjoying it a lot. The presentation is also really good, and makes me realize why some scenes in Yakuza 7 had what was seemingly random switches in style, they were harkening back to the previous games. Makes me appreciate 7 even more. Really enjoying 0 so far, not that good at the combat yet, and I am playing on hard from the get go.
Replaying Borderlands for the first time cause apparently I got the enhanced remaster for free.

Enjoying it way, way more than I remember. Definitely a lot more than the stomach churning Borderlands 2.

Soundtrack is a standout that I don't remember being as good as it is.
Replaying Borderlands for the first time cause apparently I got the enhanced remaster for free.

Enjoying it way, way more than I remember. Definitely a lot more than the stomach churning Borderlands 2.

Soundtrack is a standout that I don't remember being as good as it is.
I remember enjoying the first one a good bit. Then the second one came out and I finally got to playing it and my friend was like, "dude isn't this game even better and funnier?" Didn't like it much when I told them, no not really. Like yeah I guess from a gameplay perspective it was better but the feeling of Borderlands 1 was gone. Borderlands 1 was stupid cringe humor but it wasn't shoved down your throat. You were just some mercenary looking for treasure and helping or harming anyone that could help you get to it. Sure, there's a few underlying stories there but for the most part you're just on some Mad Max space planet looking for money and some of the characters are goofy psychos. I liked that vibe way more than a villain calling his horse an ass diamond and telling me how stupid and dumb I was constantly.
BL1 had it's humor but it wasn't in your face with it always trying to be like that unlike 2. BL1 had better atmosphere. I still enjoyed 2 a lot as it was different I felt it was still done well. 3 tried to continue this, but the ideas were running out and the talent was jumping ship.
Too bad.

Borderlands 1 is one of my all time favorites. The series needs a rest now though.
Finished Dragon Quest 7 3DS and it's pretty much a better Dragon Quest 6. It improves on every criticism i had with 6. One of them being how a lot of 6 was just running around, bumping into areas and having these contained plots that had next to nothing with the setup of the game. 7 fixes this with its setup, either by having these self-contained story advance the main plot in some way or give more insight to the backstory of the world, giving more context to the setup of the game.

The vocation system also got tweaked in several ways. Some redudant abilities got removed, some new ones were introduced that are pretty useful, and it also takes less grinding to max out vocations (even if the final ones have rather ridiculous battles requirements).

Game also introduces a ton of new monster vocations (6 only had two with Dragon and Metal King Slime), which i have mixed feelings on. On battle they are amazing, specially the fact all of the skills from them you learn stay forever on the character (characters only learn permanently the skills of the basic human vocations, meaning you lose the skills of intermediate and advanced classes when you change to another intermediate or advanced class, i.e, going from Champion to Hero causes the character to "forget" all the Champion exclusive skills like Blade of Ultimate Power when they become a Hero), meaning you can have advanced human vocations using exclusive skills from another advanced human vocation. Like a Champion using the Hero's Omniheal by learning it from the Platinum King Jewel's monster vocation.

But on the other hand, having to have the heart of the monster to be able to become a basic monster vocation and you have no clue which basic ones you need to become an intermediate or advanced one (game gives no clue as far as i'm aware unlike with the human vocations. I pretty much had to search online for the monster vocations requirement for the later classes) is annoying. You do get a lot of monster hearts for the basic monster vocations from treasure chests, but some are only obtainable from enemies with an abysmal drop rate. You do get some monster hearts for intermediate monster vocations from treasure chests, allowing you to skip having to max out basic monster vocations, so there's that.

In terms of story it's the usual affair when it comes to Dragon Quest. I did like a lot of these self contained stories and some of the main characters. Music was pretty good, even if i got sick of the main battle theme since you battle a lot, specially if you are grinding for the advanced classes.

Dragon Quest 7 is pretty much the regular stuff when it comes to Dragon Quest games, but it's very enjoyable to me. There's just something about these games that even after playing several, i don't get bored. Something very rare when it comes to JRPGs, and it's why i'm not surprised Japan is crazy about this franchise. Something so satisfying and charming about its simplicity.
Been playing some good old COD: World at War today. I would recommend any of the older games before 2008. Even titles like Wolfenstein dont quite match up to this masterpiece in how efficiently the atmosphere and horrors of war are presented. I intend to let this GIF speak for itself...
Because a gritty and edgy retelling of Final Fantasy 1 is what people asked for.

God damnit, Square Enix.

How does something like this get all the way through being shown off on the TGS by a large company without anyone saying "This looks fucking terrible, man".
1980's game design with 2002 graphics.
Just what I would expect from Square alongside having Eidos work on random crap.
40 hours in into Dragon Quest 8 3DS and it's still as great as it ever been. Definitely one of my favorite in the series, i think it's tied with 11 for my overall favorite.

I'm a firm believer that the 3DS version is the best version to go for if anyone wants to experience this game, even if some changes were kind of dumb. The censorship was unnecessary, specially censoring someone stabbing their own arm with a knife to break the hold something was putting on that person to that person breaking the hold with a light magic spell. Just odd.

And the most controversial one, the soundtrack going from orchestral to MIDI format. I do think people kind make mountains out of molehills with this change and make it sound this version is trash because the soundtrack is not orchestral, which is ridiculous in my opinion. The composition is still there and i think the soundtrack still sounds good even on a MIDI format. Would i like this version to have the orchestrated soundtrack? Yeah, i would have liked it very much. But people not playing the game because it didn't have an orchestral soundtrack is absolutely ridiculous in my opinion because a game is much more than just its music. You can mod the orchestral soundtrack to the 3DS version, so there's that at least.

But outside of that, the new content, two new playable characters, extra cutscenes giving more backstory to some characters, more items, and a bunch of other good stuff makes this the best version.

Now if they port it to Steam with the orchestral soundtrack, that would be the shit. Surprised they haven't ported any other DQ game to Steam outside of 11, the two Heroes games and Builders 2. If they ported the DS remakes and 3DS remakes, i would be all over that shit.
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I picked up a copy of Metroid Dread yesterday.
I mostly bought it as I wanted to see if my local game store still carried copies of the Special Edition. I had not ordered one in advance as I was not sure if I would buy Metroid Dread on the day of release.
And also because I am rather sick of the pre-order hype for a product I barely know anything about.

Now Metroid games are in general good. At least more good than bad.
But lately I feel a bit tired of the franchise.

I actually liked Federation Force somewhat despite how flawed it is, and that it is definitely a multiplayer title, and not as fun for a single player.

But Other M and Metroid Samus Returns. I bought the last because it is a Metroid title, but I was never a fan of Metroid 2 on the game boy, and I ended up finishing MSR only two times.
I am trying to think of why, perhaps because it drags on for too long?

The franchise seems to have rather peaked with Metroid Fusion, Zero Mission, and the main Prime games (1, Echoes, Corruption)

The gameplay of Dread looks decent, if a bit repetitive from the previous games. I like the slide move though.
But it is the writing and the style. I am not a fan of Sakamoto since Other M, and I honestly prefer the style from Fusion and Zero Mission over that of MSR and now Dread, even though Metroid can look very nice in 3D (again the Prime games).

But let Mercury Steam handle the IP? I am not saying that they are a bad studio, but I think WayForward would have been a much better choice.
Mercury Steam's design feels 'bland'.

As I do not have a Switch yet it will be a while before I get to play Dread, but I am not in a rush.

I'm so glad I got into this series. Too bad Avowed is being made instead of PoE 3. I blame places like RPGCodex.