General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Pathfinder: Kingmaker is better than any of the games you guys are playing.

Seems good. I'm going to get to those eventually. Fucking From games absorbing all my time right now and even more when Elden Ring hits. Maybe later this year during a sale. Pathfinder seems fun but I have no knowledge of anything about the universe or the ruleset.
I played through Halo:CE last week.
I played about 40 minutes worth of Cyberpunk 2077 before that.

This week it was [and still is] Mutant:Year Zero. might be either Cuphead, Gladius, or Shadow Tactics; undecided.

*Perhaps I might resume my Pathfinder: Kingmaker campaign.


I have six months of heavy construction going on 20 feet from my house. They have been there an hour and my house is already shaking; along with the constant beeping from them backing their machinery up to and fro.
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Ok, so after playing Fallout 76 for like 2 hours now it doesn't seem like any big overhaul has really happened. The game is still what it used to be and I do not recommend that anyone play it. I am really astounded by how utterly shit the UI is to navigate though. It's embarrassing.

And you know what else is embarrassing that they've yet to implement in the year I've been absent from the game?
A chat.
There is STILL not a chat function in the game.

I've said it before and I'll say it again and again since they always prove me right; Bethesda is god damn incompetent.
Currently I am playing Bionic Commando Rearmed, a game I left unfinished years ago because the gameplay sometimes frustrated me.
Sometimes the bionic arm doesn't seem to work as it should as it fails to grab onto an platform or a ceiling despite that I could swear that it was within range.
Correctly 'aiming' the arm also doesn't go as smooth as I would like.

Also for some reason I keep mixing up the bionic arm button and the shooting button

Despite these difficulties it is quite a decent little platformer when the mechanics don't seem to be against you.
It is a game I genuinely want to love, right now it is just okay/enjoyable.

I do wish the developers had considered adding the option in which the player has unlimited lives.
Even then the game can still be quite challenging enough without sending you back to the map once you have spend all your lives.

While having never played the original NES game I do have the feeling that it is a pretty well done remake.

Other than the sequel for PC/PS3/Xbox 360, there was also a 'midquel' that takes place between it and Bionic Command Rearmed/NES original.
I now really would like to play that as well but unfortunately there was no PC release after the PS3 and XBox360 version got a disappointing reception.

While searching for a way to play it (I considered getting a PSN or a XBox Live subscription), I found out that a while back Capcom released a physical compilation of their digital only titles from the PS3/Xbox 360.
Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 was included on it but not its predecessor.
Someone on Gamefaqs thinks that because it was mature rated because of the one famous scene of a certain German-Austrian person, while the sequel/midquel is teen rated.
I managed to pick up a copy of that compilation.

Maybe Capcom could make a new compilation of all its digital only games including Bionic Commando Rearmed 1, Strider 2014 which was released after the Xbox 360 compilation disc was released, Dark Void Zero, and Mega Man 9, 10, 11
For the Switch for example as I think it would be fitting there.

The same goes for Konami who also made a number of digital only games such as Gradius Rebirth, Contra Rebirth, Castlevania Rebirth, yes even the crappy Rush 'n Attack game.

It would be disappointing if all of these games became lost.
They won't be lost brother they will charge you full price for the port when they release the stuff on Steam one day.
Ok, so after playing Fallout 76 for like 2 hours now it doesn't seem like any big overhaul has really happened. The game is still what it used to be and I do not recommend that anyone play it. I am really astounded by how utterly shit the UI is to navigate though. It's embarrassing.
It's like the people claiming that the game is good now because it has NPCs are full of shit.
I don’t play games I think are bad. I have ascended.

I am still playing FF14, but also have started Monster Hunter World.
Just finished Bionic Commando Rearmed. I like this game, but damn is the last level nerve wrecking with those damn collapsing platforms. Over an abyss of course.

In general I liked the experience but damn do I wish this game had manual save games or unlimited lives. At least at easy level.

It will be a while before I will play this game again once I feel confident that I can pull it off.
I am either going to find out why I can't get Strider 2014 to run so I can play that, or get back to Red Alert 3.

I am leveling my Viera tank currently and will switch to the dark knight job once unlocked. After that I’ll try gun breaker once I hit lvl. 90. Currently just under lvl. 50 and around 3/4 the way through Realm Reborn.
Pokemon Legends Arceus is pretty great. 8/10 I am doing post game stuff right now, the stealth system is actually surprisingly dynamic and diverse specially for it being their first foray into any kind of action based gameplay. I wouldn't mind Pokemon games adopting this style for combat and wild battles but I would prefer they do still keep competitive and multiple towns in the next entry, I like the evolving hub element but I also miss the factor of getting to a new city and seeing pretty decorated hallways pretending to be bustling towns like in every RPG.
Disguises would be a fun mechanic if they added that later. According to the leaker that basically was 100% right about everything else, there is gonna be DLC for Legends Arceus so they might add to the mechanics. Pokemon has surprisingly good value DLC, specially for being a japanese company.
Been playing a mix of State of Decay yose/ Risk of Rain 2/ and Call of Juarez Gunslinger. Need to clear the first state of decay to get to the sequel and trying to get good at Risk of Rain while going through Gunslinger for the first time. Gunslinger is pretty good, a nice arcade western like red dead revolver.
Hello all,

After having finished Bionic Command Rearmed two weeks ago I decided that it was time to finish Bionic Commando 2009, though I had some doubts about it because of the reviews and opinions posts I had read of some of the people who played it and because of the videos I have seen of it.

As I had finished BCR I could at least replace the model of the character with the retro skin which to me at least improved that as the 2009 model is like some other elements so typically 2000s (during the 2000s there was this trend among developers and the visual designers to make the characters more darker, sort of like how Miller reimaged Batman for his DKR. Friendly looking characters but also 80s action hero types had to be more... I don't know, extreme?)
In general there is already a bit of a stylistic dissonance between BCR and BC2009.

In general the gameplay of the bionic arm works really well. I did encounter however that the tutorials did not seem to explain how you could actually use it against enemies themselves.
I had to look on Youtube to find out how that worked.
So far I had the idea that when the player grabbed an enemy with the bionic arm, that they would use a taser to send an electric shock along it. Now I found out that once you have taken hold of an enemy you can actually launch yourself towards him.
This is a lot of fun with regular enemies, and essential with the heavy troopers and the mechs, the last when there really are no cars of pieces of rubble to use against them.

Using the arm to move around also works very well. There is no 'unfairness' of the arm not being able attach to a surface that shows no indication that it is not possible to do so.
Making use of momentum can sometimes be tricky and it did take me a while to get into it.

The combat outside using the arm is pretty much your average third person shooter. You are able to carry a pistol along with a secondary weapon, and grenades. However you have to exchange weapons when you want to carry another secondary weapons.
I found this rather annoying and it rather makes it clear this game was designed for consoles.

Unfortunate that it was primarily designed for consoles could also be noticed in other parts of the game.
The buttons that are shown on the HUD on what actions you can undertake are those of an Xbox 360 controller, rather than the buttons of a PC keyboard even if the user uses a PC keyboard and mouse.
The developers should really have scrapped this off.
Also, in the key binding menu it does not mention that Tab is used to open the player's list of objectives/challenges/database. That is only mentioned in the manual.

The music is pretty well done in general. The remix of the original NES track for level 1 was very nice, and feel pretty epic when the action becomes more intense.

The voice work however, oh boy. This has nothing to do with the voice actors themselves but rather with the story and the dialog.
As I mentioned, this game is really 2000s and it can not be more noticeable in the lines of the main character who seems to be constantly angry whenever he talks.
But when going through the levels or fighting enemies the guy genuinely seems to have a good time, being thrilled when he makes incredible leaps with the bionic commando.
Some of the one-liners seem a bit out of place though such as when the main character says "You will thank me for it later" when I clearly crushed some unlucky sob's rib cage. I don't think this person will be able to reflect on his previous decision of joining a terrorist organization and tell you that he has seen the error of his ways.

The story... well I will not go into detail about it though I doubt that there are still that many people interested in Bionic Commando games who have not heard or read about it already.
There is really no knowledge required about the original NES BC/BCR as during the game details about it are brought up from time to time and the player can also read about it in the archives.
I do think people will be able to enjoy BC2009's story, where possible, a bit more if they have indeed played the remake of the NES game.
It is not really that interesting and it lacks the fun of the NES/Remake which was basically an 80s action movie story. It is also pretty cliche.

I would rate this game a 7 on a scale of 10. It is not a bad game, but it is also not very good either because of the decisions the designers made regarding some of the gameplay and the content.

BTW, unlike some other people who played it in the past, I am not upset that the game is not an open world game as some seemed to have the impression of it. Sometimes the radiation boundaries seem to work a little weird though.
Even one time that because I was walking into a slightly irradiated area that I got the idea I was going the wrong way when in fact I wasn't.
When radiation alerts make it clear that you are getting of the set path, you can't just decide to change the rules.

It is kind of a shame that this title killed the interest in future Bionic Commando games for now as I would really liked to have seen more entries, though I don't think this version of the storyline should be continued.

I hope in the future to find a way to play Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 so I can complete the rebooted saga.

Addition: before I forget, I got the impression that the designers really wanted to make Bionic Commando into a sort of Metal Gear Solid esque game. Theme wise but also with the music.

Addition 2: one annoyance it shares with BCR is the save points. Should you be killed in combat, or by radiation, or falling into the water, you have to start from the beginning of the level again or from the nearest beacon.
I wish something better had been implemented, for example when you fall from a platform into the water, that you will reappear on the last platform you stood on.
Any gamers gonna play the Witch Queen expansion? Hopefully it doesn’t feel as directionless and aimless as the rest of D2 does.