I am currently practicing intensely at human shapes, and it still feels a lot like hit and miss - but practice does show results, one just have to keep repeating it.
I'm not very good at designing/inventing vehicles, mechanics, this is something I haven't even begun practicing yet, and it's very daunting to consider, since my ambition is to draw a graphic novel, and for that, I'm pretty much gonna have to master nearly everything
So... almost topic by topic am I practicing, if I had like a skill list, it would probably look like
Dinosaurs 95% derp, Living animals 70%, Human anatomy 55%, Plants 45%, Architecture 30%, Mechanics/technology 25%
Landscapes - 5%, like - from afar, to encompass many features, hills and mountains, not merely a horizon. I find your last sketch impressive in that respect. Rocks and mountain sides, with its cracks and shades and jagged forms, is very very difficult to draw from imagination, even from photos
I can relate to wanting to just create something - and possibly share that creation. Money and fame is really not of importance, and it's less and less important in this day and age when we can see just how special most famous people really are... all exposed on FB and reality shows. Like how people were extatic to "be on tv" even for 1 minute back in the day, but nowadays - see a TV crew in the street, we're more likely to take a detour around it
I also wrote, as I've mentioned somewhere on the forum, and I wrote a lot, an idiotically staggering ammount (300 000 word story), but I'll just say it: I'm terrified, of rejection, I can't stand the thought of having written that much - only to have it rejected. And it's not about the lost oportunity for fame or glory, but the fact that people create - to share, it's a social act, an attempt to interact with a world one might otherwise have little in common with.
Babysteps, I tell myself
I'm not very good at designing/inventing vehicles, mechanics, this is something I haven't even begun practicing yet, and it's very daunting to consider, since my ambition is to draw a graphic novel, and for that, I'm pretty much gonna have to master nearly everything

Dinosaurs 95% derp, Living animals 70%, Human anatomy 55%, Plants 45%, Architecture 30%, Mechanics/technology 25%
Landscapes - 5%, like - from afar, to encompass many features, hills and mountains, not merely a horizon. I find your last sketch impressive in that respect. Rocks and mountain sides, with its cracks and shades and jagged forms, is very very difficult to draw from imagination, even from photos
I can relate to wanting to just create something - and possibly share that creation. Money and fame is really not of importance, and it's less and less important in this day and age when we can see just how special most famous people really are... all exposed on FB and reality shows. Like how people were extatic to "be on tv" even for 1 minute back in the day, but nowadays - see a TV crew in the street, we're more likely to take a detour around it

I also wrote, as I've mentioned somewhere on the forum, and I wrote a lot, an idiotically staggering ammount (300 000 word story), but I'll just say it: I'm terrified, of rejection, I can't stand the thought of having written that much - only to have it rejected. And it's not about the lost oportunity for fame or glory, but the fact that people create - to share, it's a social act, an attempt to interact with a world one might otherwise have little in common with.
Babysteps, I tell myself

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