Girlfiriends and Love

I feel your pain Calculon. That f***in' sucks a big one.

Well it seems like we are all either too damaged from a previous relationship, too scared from seeing other's attempts, or too shy to bother to try.

Im no I said I have no experience. However with all my dealings with friends and family it seems that the difference between a long-lasting, happy relationship and a short, broken one is all based on two things.

1)Decent values. Basically dont lie, steal, cheat, etc. Also be sure to be nice to each other. Decent people make decent friends and so on.

2)Have commonality. Even if your nice to one another what's the use if you constantly have to negotiate over how to spend free time or money, because of totally different interests? I mean compromise can keep the relationship going, but compromising means both lose even if they both gain. So why not just be sure you think alike?

Also, it seems like succesful relationships are committed between people who had been friends for long periods of time before. As well as between people who obviously got along great without have the obligations of sex and such. I guess just try to make love with friendship and not with sex, money, power, etc.

I'm Still Wondering...,
The Vault Dweller
Well, I am only 19. I never had sex or a girlfriend (Well, I kinda had a girlfriend when I was on kindergarten, but I think it doesn't count). I suppose I never really had the time for it, or I was too afraid, not because it wouldn't work, but more like: What if it does work? What then? I don't feel ready for this shit. And that is because what I was always looking for was love and not actually get laid, or a girlfriend to get laid.

I think because I alleyways look for love first and sex later I am really short on experience. I had several chances before, but I didn't go for it because I was afraid, I didn't knew what to do, and I do think too much before going into the unknown.

There is a girl that I found pretty and was interested in me lately, and I had the chances for asking her out or something, but I couldn't bring myself to do it, to the point that I am actually thinking in forcing myself to do it. Not because it is going to be the love of my life, but because if I don't begin to experience any relationship I am going to spend the rest of my life alone.

A few years ago I had been in love with a girl that I am sure had the same feelings for me, but we were both too shy or scared and we couldn't make it work, to the point we only manage to hurt each other and waste each other time. And I can tell you, love does come much more easy than what it takes go away.

But if there is something I learnt of love is that it is not magical at all, it is actually a state of stupidity, but if you go past trough that and make the relationship survive it, there is something more real that creates a more solid bond between two human beings, and that my friends, I haven't experienced it yet.
I'm kinda with Gonzalez there. Although the only person whom I somewhat suspect to have fallen in love with me for some time was a guy and as I am neither female nor homosexual that kinda doesn't help much.

The only "girlfriend" I had was in elementary school although it got dragged a bit into junior high, but technically we were just friends and at that age it's just not socially acceptable that you're friends with a girl without being in love.
Apart from that I hadn't even really hit puberty back then, so I seriously doubt that counts.

Maybe I just think too much, but relationships seem too bothersome right now (after social service I'll got to the university and I doubt I could afford the time a parter would deserve with all my hobbies and everything) and casual sex seems too pointless.
Sure, one-night-stands or sex-based relationships sound kinky, but it just doesn't seem very fulfilling for me.

Maybe I just think too much.
This place starts to sound like the Cafe of Broken Dreams...
But yes:
P(Me in a relationship)=0,
P(Waking up beside an unknown chick and leaving before she wakes up)= (Amount of alcohol drunk)

Although the only person whom I somewhat suspect to have fallen in love with me for some time was a guy and as I am neither female nor homosexual that kinda doesn't help much.
Definitely signature material :wink:
There's nothing wrong with that, Ashmo. I myself get quite a bit of passes from gay men. In Croatia that's not such a big problem, but when I'm in a foreign country with more liberal sexual views, guys hit on me literally on the street. I have no clue what it is about me that attracts men. I'd sure love to be rid of it, though.
PsychoSniper said:
Like boy bands ?
Well, he does listen to techno. ;)

Also: what Malky said (or implied anyway).

I hear the Gaydar gets faulty readings from many things. Men in uniform are one.
PsychoSniper said:
Youre the one who shows up in a thread just to edit someones post in a quote and be insulting, so stfu.
He showed up, edited your quote to mock your homophobic comment, to which you responded by implying (if you can stretch the word that far) that Malky was into bestiality. Is that the behaviour of a fuckwit? Why, yes, it certainly appears to be.
If you don't want people to think you're an idiot, then don't act like one.
Yeah, back on topic: "Who are you and why is your sex life less interesting than that of a sociophobe ghoul?"

I found love..

Video Games

and on occasion, Candis...cause she buys me clowns and video games. Not too many pirates up for sale these days.... :cry:

Mohrg :twisted: