Grown man hunts down and attacks child who kills him in CoD


So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs
I know this is like... pretty serious. But I'm still laughing:

This guy should work for Xbox live's anti-harassment team.

Joystiq's version:
Dear god....

What has the earth come to if THIS stuff happens?

I feel for my children, they will have to grow up in this madhouse.
Keep them from being dicks on xbox live and you won't have to worry about them getting choked out by Mark Bradford.
Kids in today's permissive world have no concept of consequenses. They're all in for a world of disappointment when they grow up.
coz physical violence is a reasonable answer?

These people need help. Both of them, but mostly the grown man.
If this kind of stuff happened between FOnline:2238 players, we would be in the middle of a Third World War by now.

I can't really know how this kind of shit is possible...
If this stuff happened in Fonline, we'd be in an actual post apocalypse by now.
Sabirah said:
Dear god....

What has the earth come to if THIS stuff happens?

I feel for my children, they will have to grow up in this madhouse.

It hasn't coem to this, people have been violent assholes since inmemorial times, now they get arrested so its an improvement.
Louis C.K. is a genius. Anyway, I don't understand how the man was able to track the kid down. If the kid posted all his personal information on his XBLA, even as little as his real name, I can't feel bad about what happened to him.

Anyway, this is the reason it was a smart decision not to link our social sites/personal info to gaming services. I think it was XBLive that was toying with the idea to use peoples real names as account names.
My first reaction: facepalm.

My second reaction: Unemployed father of 3? Leave the gaming to your kids until you find a damn job!! It would have been funnier if your kids did this..........
The dude's my hero.

Frankly, everyone under 25 should be banned from the internet. My enjoyment of the medium would rise exponentially.
Heh yeah. Like grown up people cant be dicks too. Dude. you're an Orderite. At least you should know about it.
Hey, I don't wanna be banned from the Internet.
Also, Jebus looks like Tintin. He sees the world differently than we normal non-Tintin people.
Anyway. That guy has some serious issues.
It's not that I have never wished to beat the living crap out of people who annoy me on the Internet (not kiddies from gaming, though. I always wished to beat up a ~60 year old evangelical christian who I suspect has a severe mental illness. Doesn't matter, he infuriates me more than anyone else), but actually doing it shows a lack of self control.
And he can't say that it was impulsive behaviour. He spent time to find out that kid's home, went there, and attacked him.
Normal people would have cooled off by that time.
What a sad, sad idiot.
mobucks said:
I think it was XBLive that was toying with the idea to use peoples real names as account names.

You're thinking of World of Warcraft.