Gun Control

People are still obsessed with Alex Jones because his legacy lives on. Prison Planet and Peanutbutter Jelly Watson are still going strong. I just want proper political discourse removed from all the silly labels so we can find solutions instead of just accusations. Just because there's an extreme Left that is retarded and an extreme Right that is retarded doesn't mean that one justifies the other. We all need to be better than that.
People are still obsessed with Alex Jones because his legacy lives on. Prison Planet and Peanutbutter Jelly Watson are still going strong. I just want proper political discourse removed from all the silly labels so we can find solutions instead of just accusations. Just because there's an extreme Left that is retarded and an extreme Right that is retarded doesn't mean that one justifies the other. We all need to be better than that.

Labels are like hacks or shortcuts. I mean, yes, they can obviously be abused gratuitously, but they're a handy way to indicate that you're generally X on Y issue (as long as no one goes and shifts the definition behind your back)
People are still obsessed with Alex Jones because his legacy lives on. Prison Planet and Peanutbutter Jelly Watson are still going strong. I just want proper political discourse removed from all the silly labels so we can find solutions instead of just accusations. Just because there's an extreme Left that is retarded and an extreme Right that is retarded doesn't mean that one justifies the other. We all need to be better than that.
The problem with that is that you're extreme left, like the rest of the modern left, and you've abandoned all the morals and principles you claim to fight for. Your opponents are not extreme right. I am not extreme right. Your opponents are anyone who gets in the way of your political quest for more power and influence at the expense of ethnicities, sexualities, and genders you hate.

You say everyone needs to "Be better than that", but you're saying "If you stop opposing us, an act we consider extreme, we'll stop being extreme".

And we've taken that deal too many times to not already know that you won't honour that deal. You won't stop hating us. You're extreme. The left is extreme, and that's why so many people are choosing to #WalkAway from it. I'm not extreme. I just look extreme to people who want my rights removed.

Also, a page ago, leftists were crying about my avatar and MLP. Which is funny, because it reminds me of a song.
And we've taken that deal too many times to not already know that you won't honour that deal. You won't stop hating us. You're extreme. The left is extreme, and that's why so many people are choosing to #WalkAway from it. I'm not extreme. I just look extreme to people who want my rights removed.

Yes, the second amendment is important, it should be protected along with the first amendment and its position on freedom to religion which is probably even more important due to it being first.

So who wants your rights removed btw? All I've heard is that the government wants to put restrictions and make it harder for people who have mental problems to obtain it.
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Hey @Hassknecht , you're extreme left now :lmao:.
Yup, that's how it goes. If you're not with us you're against us, and that means you must hate fully hate me, and that means all I do against you would be morally justified because I'M DEFENDING MY FREEEDOOOOOOOM.
To be fair, I don't think he's quite, uh, "neurotypical" as they say these days, so there might be very little use in actually trying to argue anything with him.
So why we need to talk about who is left or right in a topic that is about gun control?
Because it happens quite often that people here confuse liberals with leftists, that our arguments (I am a leftist) would be the same and it has been mentioned a few times that gun controll is one of our main targets and so on - I personaly don't care if Americans or even Europeans have their guns, as I think social stability is a lot more important, infact I would love to be a gun owner my self the FN FAL is damn fine rifle! However, as with most things it's a tiny bit more complex and nuanced than just that. I mean not everyone who loves guns, is a lunatic shooting 50 random people at a concernt either, or a crazy right winger. I am sure more than 90% of the gun owners out there are normal people and for the most part responsible gun owners.

As far the discussion goes though gun fanatics which are a minority after all, can't even agree that a gun fetish can be an unhealthy thing, particularly if weapons serve as a substitute for low self esteem, little Johny is depressed? Give em a gun! Shooting a deer makes you in to a real man anyway! And remember? Real men don't cry! I mean extremists exist everywhere, and we usually don't let them decide the narrative, or well we shouldn't. But to be honest in my opinion there is no real debate going on anyway, because there is no real political debate goin on about the reasons and what could be done to actually fix the issues. The mass shootings touch on a lot of very sensible topics in the US, like health care, how mentally ill patients are treated, the social structure and preasure within the society due to wealth inequalty where a lot of middle class people face poverty and so on. I mean suicide rates and the missuse of opiates is increasing at an alarming rate in the US right now, not really a sign of a healthy society. Hell when you just look at most mass and school shootings you already step in to a minefield when you point out that most mass shootings are white, male culprits from the middle class. Of course, I do not contend they shot up schools or a movie theater or a church because they are white, but imagine for a second if the culprits would be only Muslims of Arab descent, or refugees, or black people. I am sure, we would have a whole different discussion now and the whole topic would be treated very differently. I mean you can easily see it when you compare the news about the Orlando Nightclub Shooting with the Las Vegas Shooting and how the narrative shifts, particularly when it comes to who's to blame and what should be done to prevent it.
So why we need to talk about who is left or right in a topic that is about gun control?
1. "Gun Control" is something liberals want.
2. Gun Control is a faulty non-solution to an exaggerated problem.
3. The rabid brownshirts who want my rights restricted think I'm alt-right, so it's ok for them to lie and insult me while they engage in all kinds of "Him so meen! Him think everyone leftist! Him a typical crazy person" bullshittery to avoid having to think too hard about what I said in the last two pages. Read those last two pages, by the way. My favourite part is where they start insulting me for having an MLP avatar while claiming I "should" hate it because MLP is supposedly leftist in their heads because ponies are kind. Yeah, the people calling my mixed-race ass a Nazi think they're kind people.
4. Liberals need to own up to their failures and failings if they're ever going to improve, stop attacking human rights, turn their lives around, and become something good for the world. They voted against freeing the slaves, they rioted when a cop-attacking thug was shot, they cheered when a communist Bernie fan shot Steve Scalise at a baseball game, and they cried treason and impeacement when Trump attended peace talks with North Korea and then attended more peace talks with Russia. Their fake news lies to the people, and they need to own up to that. Their fake news lies to protect Antifa and BLM terrorists, and they need to own up to that.

Gun Control is a failure because disarming good people won't make bad people harmless, despite what liberal politicians say. They'll never own up to that and they'll never admit that they're wrong, but they are. And they need to own up to that, and seriously analyze their own beliefs and ideology.

Why are so many people choosing to #WalkAway from the left? The left has no solutions, only a desire to create problems and lower the level of discussion.

Look at the insults leftists have thrown at me during the last 3 pages. Look at them, and look at how reluctant they are to actually address the points I make. Look at how desperate they are to muddy the water with this "There is no left", "Everyone looks left to you", "You're just saying that because you're racist", "It's anti-semetic to not love the left" bullshit. They're desperate, they're angry, they aren't fit to have mature debates, and that's why they've gone from "Of course gun control works!" to "Military guns are better so having guns is pointless" to "Everyone in this thread who isn't as left as me is a nazi!".
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Might I ask what guns you own?
If it wasn't such a hassle I'd probably own a few guns myself, although not really for self-defense.
Might I ask why you're trying to pivot the discussion away from the fact that you backed the wrong horse and don't want to admit it?

Might I ask why I was called a Nazi earlier one page ago by a certain someone for not liking the left enough?
You're getting kinda unhinged. Remember that I consistently argued against gun control throughout this thread. Not trying to pivot the discussion anywhere, just curious.
And I never called you a Nazi either, or even "extreme Right" or "Alt-Right". You're misunderstanding and misrepresenting arguments consistently. Hence why I did suspect that you're not exactly "normal" in the way of your thinking, but there's no shame in that. It's just a conclusion that I came to, which results in me not actually trying to argue with you anymore.
Not that I actually have anything to argue with you besides my usual tendency to be the Devil's Advocate, because, as I said over and over again, I don't see gun control as particularly effective and I prefer to put individual rights over giving up freedom for some negigible improvement.

>tfw classical liberal
>tfw the word "liberal" means something entirely different now
>tfw not sure what to call self anymore for short

Also Lauren Faust is a fucking feminist who regrets making really good episodes of her cartoons because in retrospect they offend her dogmatic feminist hangers-on, and the pastel pony show was never that damn clever (but it was a gigantic fucking sperg magnet for some reason)
Hehe, yeah. I actually watched the show, too, for the first two seasons or so. Given their demographic I was surprised that they actually made an episode about an equality-obsessed hive mind/pseudo-communist village, but hey, the show really was surprisingly enjoyable for a kids' show. Doesn't really make using an avatar from it any less ridiculous, because that's really not a fandom I'd want to be associated with. If only there was some slogan one could use right now, like... Leaving Behind? No, that doesn't sound right. More like... Going Home? Hm, close. Walk Away? Yeah, I like the sound of that.
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It would be also nice, if not almost every post wold contain the same videos, that's a bit to obtrusive, no? We don't have a general rule against it, but there is no reason to do it in such frequenzy.
...what's a "Brownshirt"?
The Sturmabteilung of the Nazi Party were called "Brownshirts" because they wore, well, brown shirts. Also why Nazis are associated with the colour brown.
Of course, now the lurrals are the Nazis, because there is absolutely no irony in complaining that the lurrals call everybody "Nazi" and then calling the lurrals that.
"Yeah, well, you see, but WE ARE RIGHT when we call them that!"
Maybe Aktion T4'ing all the retards wasn't that bad of an idea after all.
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The Sturmabteilung of the Nazi Party were called "Brownshirts" because they wore, well, brown shirts. Also why Nazis are associated with the colour brown.
Of course, now the lurrals are the Nazis, because there is absolutely no irony in complaining that the lurrals call everybody "Nazi" and then calling the lurrals that.
Oh. I knew that, but that use was so strange I thought I got it wrong. Plus, I was overly sensitive as my favourite shirt is brown :cry:
Hassknecht's Rule of the Internet #4: Always assume that in a discussion, your opponent just called you a Nazi.