Gun Control

Why should you give a fuck about the enviromnent if (individually) the billions uncultured brownies have an infinitesmilally small influence on it? Yeah, not recycling the soggy cardboards they sleep on sure is swaying the tide here...


And yes, because somehow, letting *everyone* within reach have at least a safety net of basic subsistance assuring survival, so that then they can put their efforts into helping their surroundings rather than themselves alone, and getting a chance at education and then work, will ruin the world. And making the ultra rich take just a bit less money than they already do from others will bring communism to our doostep. Because somehow, that's what absolute equality is. And we must fight it, just in case we win the lottery and the poorfags want to STEAL from us. Well, a lottery isn't a good example, considering a majority of them dedicate a large cut of the earnings to charities or NGO's...

This is pretty much it, even if you want to sepparate it from te subject of racial-societal differences.
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Whether the fossil fuel gets produced by hundred of big companies or tens of thousands small ones doesn't matter, the most important point is our consumption rate. What difference would it make to bring a hundred of big global producers down only to replace them with thousands of smaller ones? Allow more people spending on fuel by distributing global wealth equally and we'll be fucked more than we already are, since the consumption rate would skyrocket.
edit: Merry Christmas!
I just find the idea of some janitor who believes in Anarcho-Communism trying to school people wealth redistribution to be pretty fucking hilarious.

It is not about doing what is right or smart. it is about doing what is fair. now stop being a greedy asshole and hand over the money!
Forgive me. It's actually my error. Not yours. I forgot who I was talking to.

Why not post some funny Trump-right-wing-meme to round off the discussion? No?
Oh hey, the gun control thread derailed into general politics talk and finally trump bashing.
It's a Christmas miracle.
It's a Christmas miracle.
Oh hey, the gun control thread derailed into general politics talk and finally trump bashing.
It's a Christmas miracle.

lol random Trump bashing.
Why not post some funny Trump-right-wing-meme to round off the discussion?
Well it is a custom in my household to open one gift on Christmas eve and I got a new joke book called The Tenets of Anarcho-Communism.

Tax Rate:

I think we could find common ground here. Like I said, I could support a 70-80 percent tax on the ultra rich.

And things stay the same for the middle and lower classes.

Useless People:

No, people who are taking care of their loved ones are not useless. As long as a person is doing something productive and worthwhile, doesn't even really have to be a job, then he is a productive person. When I say useless person, I literally mean all he does is go around and fuck things up for everyone else. You know the incorrigibles. That kid who refuses to grow the fuck up and just goes around doing drugs, or getting drunk, and knocking up girls, getting into fights, etc, etc.

Why give money to addicts when we can just force them into treatment facilities? At least this way, they can get help AND not stab someone else for their habit. Giving them money is just an expensive way for them to kill themselves off faster.


That is what the 70-80 percent tax is for. They make money, but they also pay very high taxes.

Do you actually think their net worth is all liquid capital? These guys have to sock money away for insurance, equipment, paying employees, safety, miles of paperwork, lawyers, advertising, public relations, research and development, patenting, the list could go on forever.

I didn't ignore anything. Have you already forgotten our previous discussions involving 100 percent automation? I will remind you. I said that in a world where 50 percent or more automation is a reality, I would honestly agree in an early form of UBI. In that same previous discussion, I spoke at length about how science and technology, with time, is what will get us to the world envisioned by Gene Roddenberry. However, we really are not at that point yet.


What IS a punishment is when a person cannot afford to hire the best workers or doctors or lawyers or whatever, because the government has arbitrarily limited him on the amount of money he can spend on a specific worker. You COMPLETELY GLOSSED over this. If I want the best doctor, or lawyer, or engineer, etc, etc, and other players, specifically foreigners, can pay more, then I fucking lose every time. If you use the government to hamstring companies, making them POOR is exactly what you are going to do. The government is essentially making these companies less competitive and possibly, killing them off. Lastly, the wealthy are not always the one IN power. Plenty of senators and congressman are not ultra rich, certainly not a Buffet or a Gates. They may have more INFLUENCE but they are not the sole DECISION maker. We put senators and congressman into power. We can just as easily vote them out. Just like how the country can shift from liberal to conservative quite regularly. Stop trying to equate success with evil and a power grab.


I am about responsibility. I have already addressed this with agreeing with the higher taxes on the ultra rich. The thing is, our liberals actually want to go further and fuck over the people who get a couple of homes and $100,000. I mean, isn't this what YOUR government does?

Ad Hominem

I didn't say that, someone else did.

Also, simply existing doesn't warrant an income. Again, being PRODUCTIVE is what warrants an income. I am not paying a fucking idiot who does nothing but watch TV all day, a single fucking cent.
Useless People:
Well, here is the thing. For me no one is useless. - Of course within reason, someone like Mugabe or Stalin is a sack full of shit that humanity could dispense.

But Joe Sixpack sitting all day on his ass masturbating? So what? Imagine if Hitler decided to do that instead of leading Germany making it great again.

Doing nothing, is for some people already an achievement. As silly as this sounds.

I didn't say that, someone else did.
Oh, my bad that part was not meant for you but GM. Kinda sliped in to it for some reason. Again, sorry. I should correct that.

That is what the 70-80 percent tax is for. They make money, but they also pay very high taxes.
Which is what Bernie Sandrs more or less proposed if I remember correctly. I mean sure, I could agree to that. It's better than the 38% right now - which no super wealthy person pays anyway, it's closer to 20%.

I just find it funny how far the political spectrum has moved to the right and to neoliberalism today if a tax from the 1950s, which is seen as the 'glorious' days of Americanism, is considered 'anarcho-comunism' and 'insane' today. Eisenhower that fucking socialist! I am sure he secretly read Marx The Capital and masturbated to Stalins picture. Manchurian candidate. Phew! Thank god later Republicans saved us from that.

However, we really are not at that point yet.

But we could be.

We have the money and the resoures to make it happen. I am not stupid. I know it won't be decided in a matter of a few weeks, months or years even. But we have to lay out the foundation for it now. Trough education, economic changes, regulations etc. Particularly our school system has to get away from grades, and beeing more focused around intrinsic motivation - in other words, teaching people how to learn not what to learn, so that they enjoy it to broaden their horzions and actually stay learners for their whole life and not just during their high school or college years.

Beacuse there is a huge risk, that we could actually end up with a different kind of society. A society where social mobility is virtually non existant. Where jobs are much more than now a part of inheritance rather than your own decision. Just like wealth is in many cases inheritd. You know a society like in Elysium. Which is pretty much not a Science Fiction, but the reality in states like Kenia - without the fancy tech of course. People I know that do charity work there visit the place a couple of times per year and it's horrendous how rigid and divided the society is in terms of income and wealth. And there is no social wellfare, health insurance or programms for the poor and yet the nation is still economically underdeveloped. So much for Neoliberalism. This is what some people want for the western nations.

When you look at a lot of the data the US is already on it's way to an oligarchy, democratic decisions are influenced more and more by money and the wealthy elite and the disparity in income between the richest and poorest is close to some third world countries. That alone, should make anyone worried.

If you use the government to hamstring companies, making them POOR is exactly what you are going to do
Why is it always about 'making them poor' like as I didn't adress this argument already? I am not making companies poore by limiting the wealth individuals can have. There is no engineer or worker that gets paid billions. Some of the smartest people you can find in research are working for pennies and dimes - compared to what a CEO of Microsoft can earn. Work and income are not releated anymore in this day age! That's the point. Try to understand where I am coming from here, it's frustrating to always adress the same points, just in a different manner.

No one is talking about making companies or people poor!

Besides, taxes are a transfer payment. What the state gets in forms of taxes, is usually one way or another given back to the society, by paying the police, fire fighters, jurisdiction, buraucracy, keeping the infrastructure, education, research and a lot more. What do companies usually do? They send their wealth out of the economy.

Plenty of senators and congressman are not ultra rich, certainly not a Buffet or a Gates

Dude, there is clear reserarch on that and how much money is influencing politics.

Many of the Senators could be considered a part of the wealthy elite and they depend on donnors throwing millions into the ellection process. Do they controll the Senate like kings in the past? No they don't. But they have a much higher chance of geting their interest trough than the rest of the population. Companies literaly write papers the parliament is simply passing as laws. One to one. No changes.

Congress in particular is loaded with millionairs.

The Center for Responsive Politics analyzed the personal financial disclosure data from 2012 of the 534 current members of Congress and found that, for the first time, more than half had an average net worth of $1 million or more: 268 to be exact, up from 257 the year earlier. The median for congressional Democrats was $1.04 million and, for Republicans, $1 million even.

In which world, are they representing the people? Their needs, interests or even just the reality out there.

I mean, isn't this what YOUR government does?
Who? The wealthy or the people on wellfare?

Right now, if you happen to loose your job you're getting paid unemployment benefit for a year, which is I think 60 or 70% of your previous income or something like that. After that you're getting welfare, which is 416 euros per month. It comes with a lot of restrictions and possibilities to sanction someone, so that you could actually get paid nothing, it's rare but it happens. Usualy when you're missing appointments or declining job offeres. Other restrictions are for example, if you have a too expensive appartment or car, or life assurance you're forced to sell/cancel it. You're slowly but steadily pushed in to poverty.

If you're talking about the wealthy they are almost as pampered by the governement like in the US. Income tax has been lowered tremendiously over the last 30 years, particularly estate tax. So much even that our Federal Constitutional Court ruled it as unconstitutional and demanded changes from the government - which still hasn't happend.

And all of this while the deficit is growing and the government is talking again about 'doubling the military budged'. Go figure. We never have money for the 'poor', schools you name it, but always for more tanks. Germany is turning into the US ... kind of.

I am not paying a fucking idiot who does nothing but watch TV all day, a single fucking cent.
What if it happens that this dude, now without money to buy his drugs, now stabs someone that's very close to you for his/her wallet? Something this 'useless fucking idiot' wouldn't have done, if he got paid an UBI?

I know this sounds very strange, particularly as I feel that it is an ideological issue for many, an emotional question. But the reality is I think, that we will simply have to accept the fact that some people, will never work. They just wont. And regardless how much 'preasure' we apply, they will find other means and ways to get their money. Of which many ways will be illegal activities.

I do not understand why so many of you oppose socialism actually, as this is exactly what socialists did - for the most part. They forced people to take jobs and work. Productivity, human labour, beeing a benefit to the society trough work etc. all the things that seem to be important for you, was important for them as well.

Why give money to addicts when we can just force them into treatment facilities? At least this way, they can get help AND not stab someone else for their habit. Giving them money is just an expensive way for them to kill themselves off faster.
No it isn't. I can only repeat my self. There are examples and research pilling up, showing that you get the best results, trough offering options, not by creating preasure or pushing people in to programms, like treatment facilities - which usually do not remove the cause for addiction.

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Crni Vuk said:
But Joe Sixpack sitting all day on his ass masturbating? So what? Imagine if Hitler decided to do that instead of leading Germany making it great again.

Doing nothing, is for some people already an achievement. As silly as this sounds.

Hitler could have had success as a painter, or as an architect. In fact, Hitler went to study Art in Vienna on orphans benefits, with his mothers support. Guess benefits doesn't necessarily stave off genocide after all.

Crni Vuk said:
Which is what Bernie Sandrs more or less proposed if I remember correctly. I mean sure, I could agree to that. It's better than the 38% right now - which no super wealthy person pays anyway, it's closer to 20%.

The problem with Bernie Sanders was he thought a high tax rate on the ultra rich would pay for EVERYTHING, but as I have pointed out before, that isn't going to be possible. When Bill Maher ripped into him about it, he couldn't defend himself. Even on his website, with links I posted back on a different thread, he even had to admit in order to pay for the free stuff, an across the board tax hike would be required.

Crni Vuk said:
In which world, are they representing the people? Their needs, interests or even just the reality out there.

They are either representing the interests of the people or they get booted out. If politicians only looked out for the interests of big corporations, and these corporations decide who stays and who goes, then why do they get kicked out?

Crni Vuk said:
I am not making companies poore by limiting the wealth individuals can have. There is no engineer or worker that gets paid billions. Some of the smartest people you can find in research are working for pennies and dimes - compared to what a CEO of Microsoft can earn. Work and income are not releated anymore in this day age! That's the point. Try to understand where I am coming from here, it's frustrating to always adress the same points, just in a different manner.

But running a company might require a lot of money. Did you happen to gloss over the portion where I wrote about how overhead for a giant corporation is pretty fucking high. Not all profit is liquid capital, a lot of it gets redistributed into the company, or invested in other things like subsidiaries companies. You take away capital, a lot of these companies will not have the funds necessary to operate and close down, making the people out of a job, POOR Just in case I need to remind you again, the whole point of 70-80 percent tax rate, is to account FOR the possibility of excess profit. Sure the tax rate could be higher but the primary problem today is the loopholes and tax avoidance.

Crni Vuk said:
In which world, are they representing the people? Their needs, interests or even just the reality out there.

It might be chic to shit on politicians but not all they do is bad. They are representing the peoples interest, at least to a point, or otherwise they get booted out.

Crni Vuk said:
Who? The wealthy or the people on wellfare?

Right now, if you happen to loose your job you're getting paid unemployment benefit for a year, which is I think 60 or 70% of your previous income or something like that. After that you're getting welfare, which is 416 euros per month. It comes with a lot of restrictions and possibilities to sanction someone, so that you could actually get paid nothing, it's rare but it happens. Usualy when you're missing appointments or declining job offeres. Other restrictions are for example, if you have a too expensive appartment or car, or life assurance you're forced to sell/cancel it. You're slowly but steadily pushed in to poverty.

If you're talking about the wealthy they are almost as pampered by the governement like in the US. Income tax has been lowered tremendiously over the last 30 years, particularly estate tax. So much even that our Federal Constitutional Court ruled it as unconstitutional and demanded changes from the government - which still hasn't happend.

And all of this while the deficit is growing and the government is talking again about 'doubling the military budged'. Go figure. We never have money for the 'poor', schools you name it, but always for more tanks. Germany is turning into the US ... kind of.

What is the tax rate for the ultra rich in Germany?

And also, your welfare system doesn't sound all that unreasonable, at least according to the population. I always thought your welfare benefits were higher.

Crni Vuk said:
What if it happens that this dude, now without money to buy his drugs, now stabs someone that's very close to you for his/her wallet? Something this 'useless fucking idiot' wouldn't have done, if he got paid an UBI?

And how do you know for sure he wouldn't take his UBI money, waste it, then go stab someone anyways? Because so far, addicts are not known for self control.

He cannot stab me if he has been placed into a treatment facility and not let out until he is clean. When he/she gets out, they are monitored. How hard is that to understand?

Crni Vuk said:
No it isn't. I can only repeat my self. There are examples and research pilling up, showing that you get the best results, trough offering options, not by creating preasure or pushing people in to programms, like treatment facilities - which usually do not remove the cause for addiction.


Also, what is a treatment facility if not Rat Park? Addicts can talk with other addicts. They could work together and help each other get through their dependency situation. Why do people always view treatment as a bad thing or a bad place that is prison like? These people could have access to entertainment, within reason. They have food and board available, all paid for by that tax hike plus some charitable contributions from Joe Public.
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The problem with Bernie Sanders was he thought a high tax rate on the ultra rich would pay for EVERYTHING, but as I have pointed out before, that isn't going to be possible.
I feel we're kinda getting into a circular argument here. Lets agree that the rich should at least pay higher taxes in general. What ever if Bernie was the guy to do it or not, is a bit pointless anyway since he's not the President. There is only one thing clear, the current one, will never change it.

What is the tax rate for the ultra rich in Germany?

To answer your question, the tax cut for the rich in Germany is if I am not mistaken somewhere betwen 30 and 38%. But I havn't looked in to it. They definetly pay less than that though, since well they have the money to pay someone to find all the loopholes.

And also, your welfare system doesn't sound all that unreasonable, at least according to the population.

It's for me not a question if it's reasonable but if it's achieving the goals. Geting people in to well paying jobs. And after nearly 15 years, here again the data is pilling up. It doesn't work. It's actually achieving the opposite by making it more difficult to get people in to jobs. There are so many possibilities to sanction someone and you have to report everything about your income and situation to the government that it makes your head spin. It's a very huge neeldes bureaucracy with the intention to find out if people deserve the money or not.

The thing is, in Germany we have aprox. 3 million people receiving wellfare, and at least another 3 or 4 million that receive support, in other words they have a full time job but earn so little that the government is pushing them to the povertyline. Those jobs are mosly in service like hair cutteres and many of them are also single parents working part time, a couple 100.000 I think. Even if let us say everyone was willing to take a job, we simply couldn't give it to them as there are only aprox 800.000 jobs out there with a decent payment.

And this illustrates very clearly, why we have to change our stance on work and wellfare as this problem is only going to get bigger in the near future I am afraid - see automtation and AI.

And how do you know for sure he wouldn't take his UBI money, waste it, then go stab someone anyways? Because so far, addicts are not known for self control.
No, but as the study in Kenia shows, it works better than most other approaches. There is no perfect solutions however, if that's what you're looking for. It's only clear that our current way of dealing with the issue doesn't work.

He cannot stab me if he has been placed into a treatment facility and not let out until he is clean. When he/she gets out, they are monitored. How hard is that to understand?

See the answer below about treatment facilities and why they are only part of the solution, not the solution.

I swear that video has been the most inane thing I have ever seen. Of course if you give some junkie paradise, then he won't use. Sure, just give them all the money they want, give them free food, give them a free house, give him a PS4 and a XBOX 1, give them TV. So your answer to drug addiction is to replace their vice with another vice, that most NORMAL people have to pay for right? These people are not fucking babies and should not be coddled as such.

Also, what is a treatment facility if not Rat Park. Addicts can talk with other addicts. They could work together and help each other get through their dependency situation. Why do people always view treatment as a bad thing or a bad place that is prison like.
Without any offense but if that is what you got out of the video than it's almost as if you didn't watch it all. I've known drug addicts in my youth and I have worked for the last couple of years with troubled teenagers, refugees and the like today. This is the profession I am aiming at to do full time, street work, social work and the like. Right now I am studing education, so even if I have to admit that my knowledge is still limited, I do have some experience.

A treatment facility is not 'paradise'. It's merely a hospital, with fancier things to do - I should know it I once visited a similar treatment facility for a few months. What they do for the most part there is to stabilize people and some analylsing, trying to change behaviour and all that stuff. But studies show that it does very little to eliminate the cause of addictions - which are explained rather nicely in the video. They for the most part, threat the symptoms, which is good as a first level of treatment. But when you look at drug addiction in particular the environment people are in plays a huge role, friends, families, their economical situation etc. If you actually wanted to keep them clean, you would have to keep people in said facility, but that's not feasible. So what you have to look at is how you can improve someones live, making him/her more resilient to the cause of addictions. This is what they mean when they talk about positive bonding, you have to build good relationships. And this goes not only for drug addiction but it can be also said about crime, viollence, exogene depressions and so on. According to some studies, nearly 80% of our habits are learned by watching someone doing it, we have special neurons in our brain for it, so called mirror neurons. This effect is even greater if we have a role model we look up too. What you have to do, is to give people alternatives, positive role models and in general options they can freely chose from. This is what street workers often do. It takes more effort, but it is better in the long run. And we are talking about people here after all, not cattle. Maybe we should spare them rod. - That doesn't mean we shouldn't look up criminals!

I can only repeat my self at this point. We are still stuck in a mindest where we believe that punishment, preasure and force is the only way to achieve success but more and more research is pilling up, from behavioural studies, long term research and collecting empirical data. If using preasure was actually working then I would propose it. But it simply isn't effective. The US is the best example with it's high incarceration rates for drug addicts and their whole war on drugs which is considered by most people working in drug prevention an utter failure. We have the data by now. Who knows how many countless lives have been destroyed by this strategy. On the other side you have places like Portugal and Switzerland that completely changed their drug policy in decriminalicing addicts and beeing a lot less forcefull in their approach, offering rather help than sanctions and concentrating efforts trough offering psychologists, employment, housing and so on and also offering help in the long term. Drug addicts have scars for the rest of their lives, they will never be capable of living lives just like everyone else. But I am very confident that as the opioid crysis in the US is getting bigger and more serious, people will slowly change their stance here as well, once many families, inculding middle class ones, have one drug addict sitting at their dinner table and it's not just a distant issue from 'poor' neighbourhoods.

Hence my edited response to the treatment facility situation. Treatment facilities can get better and it is absolutely possible to keep them in with funding from higher taxes on the ultra rich.
Look we are gonna be doing this forever so just hurry up and a agree with me alright.
Oh you.
It's called finding common ground, dofus. Seriously, you're like the right wing equivalent of Goofy to me. No offense meant.



Hence my edited response to the treatment facility situation. Treatment facilities can get better and it is absolutely possible to keep them in with funding from higher taxes on the ultra rich.
Maybe who knows? A class mate told me that a drug addict he knows chose to live in a monastary as a monk because this was the only way for him to deal with his addiction habbits. Each to his own I guess.
Geez Luise, has this community become so ... politized that a little joke gets everyone so rattled up :/. He's been posting here since 2008. So chill a little Aurelius.


Apparently anybody right of Karl Marx is a fucking Nazi, Aye Boyos! We gonna see any random Trump bashing again since you think I'm Gruppenfuher of the SturmTrumpers? Oh this is golden.
Au contraire mon ami! I said right winger, are all right wingers Nazis in your eyes? Hmmm? HMMM!

Didn't even use 'extreme' right winger.
How nuts must you be to believe that opposing taxing the rich, among most if not all of the general canon of stances GM has, does, somehow, not account for any part of the spectrum of *right wing*? Or Goofy being added to that equation resulting in "nazi", but that is such a nuanced and deep question we'd need a full thread for that. "Goofy and The Rise of the Denialist Alt Right". I like it.