Hard Reset (Wooz's game) revealed

TotalBiscuit made a "WTF is..." for Hard Reset.
I guess that will give you guys a nice big load of free advertising.
Looks very cool.

Not sure I like the "2" moddable weapons design and the huge HUD (maybe there is an option to downscale it?), will buy nonetheless.
Demo on steam - played it, finished it, liked it. I would love to buy it if it was 25 dollars and not 25 euros...but with euros I am still undecided.
Played the demo. Can't disagree, it looks great while running perfectly even on my clunky three-year old computer, amazing. The art's great.

Not too sure about the story in a short look, and the gameplay might not be my thing, yet it's still worth playing just to walk around that world.
Meh. The graphics and art are pretty good, other than that, a rather boring corridor shooter. The story didn't interest me either.
Just played the demo, and I gotta be honest. I liked it but it felt weak. The game's so mixed up that it doesn't know what to do with itself.

Half of it wants to be fun actiony Doom/Quake clone, but then there's the part with the "modern-style" sprinting, that sickening motion blur to accompany it, the Doom 3 style use interface with the mouse. The "turn this valve to shut off the gas" kinda Half-Life "puzzles". And all that left me wondering where the crouch key is in all of this (or if there was one, it wasn't bound to Ctrl by default, which is pretty much standard by now, too lazy to open it back up and check). I kept hitting Ctrl expecting to crouch, as a hybrid game like this really makes me feel like one is supposed to be there.

The story isn't really engaging enough for me to find out what's going on, feels like "robot disobeys rule #1 to not kill humans" kinda thing, even though I'm sure there's more under it. This isn't even a problem anyway, as this type of game is the last I would expect a great story from.

And the main menu, my god. Who thought sitting through 3 seconds of animations every time you clicked an option was a good idea? If you want to show off your art design and cyberpunk feel do not do that to the main menu, it's just a major inconvenience to the player.

All that said, I might just buy it (heightened chance if it gets mod tools). But not until a pricedrop, as it's not worth £23 to me.
The sprinting motion blur sucks ass, but the rest of it I really dig. What this game needs more than anything else is coop. Something like a big persistent Borderlands style game with the Hard Reset design would be pretty nice. As a throwback to classic shooters it does the job well. The general feedback from the demo has been very good. Here's hoping the game succeeds and you guys can support it with expansions and a sequel.
Bought it on Steam - feel the love Wooz

*feels the love*

Something like a big persistent Borderlands style game with the Hard Reset design would be pretty nice.

Yep. It'd also demand an Ubisoft-sized team and some four or five years of production.

And the main menu, my god. Who thought sitting through 3 seconds of animations every time you clicked an option was a good idea? If you want to show off your art design and cyberpunk feel do not do that to the main menu, it's just a major inconvenience to the player.

Yes. It's annoying as fuck. Not my idea.

Just played the demo, and I gotta be honest. I liked it but it felt weak. The game's so mixed up that it doesn't know what to do with itself.

It's the demo. It's much more doomey later on.
Wooz, will all the game files be password protected like the demo? I'm trying to see if it's possible to hack mods together seeing as how everything is contained and organized in compressed bin files. I can view them and see what's there but can't mess around.
I dunno man, I just draw stuff. You might want to fuck around with the retail version in a week. If you have any particular techie questions, write them and I'll ask the coders.
Wooz said:
I dunno man, I just draw stuff. You might want to fuck around with the retail version in a week. If you have any particular techie questions, write them and I'll ask the coders.

Ok. Here's one for you to pass along. Are the console commands disabled or am I retarded?


That's all of the ones I found so far. Changing values works but I don't see anything happening. It appears to be similar to idtech (Quake, Doom 3) with the vid_restart commands and whatnot. My goal right now is disabling the blur effects and playing with fov.
Wooz, can you at least tell the approximate length of this game? I've read rumors it's only about 4 hours, which seem quite unbelievable for an SP-only non cinematic game. Could you ease my mind a bit here?
Multidirectional said:
length of this game

Just read this on another forum:

" I got a reply straight from the devs. (about the rumor of 4 hr game).


Hey Torgul!

That is so not true! We were stating several times, that we estimate the game lenght for a casual player between 8-10 hours and for a hardcore gamer that finished all the dooms and quakes for about 7-8.
Check our facebook profile from time to time for more info :

Hope I was helpful.

Artur Maksara
QA Specialist
Flying Wild Hog"

Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:
Looks fun, but a checkpoint-only save system is a big deal breaker for me.

You can quicksave in the demo:

-Open console (Ctrl + ~) type save, quickload with F9.


-Open console and type: bind [insert any key] save
I have a feeling that the demo doesn't justify the full game experience. Sure, there are 2 weapons only (ok, 20 weapon modes in there so that makes it roughly 40 types of guns), 2 types of enemy (I know it is a demo).

But I just have me some 'old-school run-backward and fire-everything' fun since...well...painkiller, recently. Name me any other FPS title that lets you blow robots to tiny chunks. Can't recall any? That is exactly what Hard Reset is about. :)

The graphic could use a bit more polishing though. Hope it is include in the next patch. And do hope you guys do a multi-player only version which could attract some attention. :mrgreen:
(Running the game on me Acer ASPIRE 4830TG with Geforce GT 540M, 1366*768, everything on high details except post processing set to medium. Average Frame-Per-Second is 44fps)
Nevermind, Wooz, I figured it out. The console commands magically started working for me. I managed to turn off motion blur and a few other post processing effects I personally can't stand. The game looks and plays so much nicer now.
It could definitely do without the blur when running. As Biscuit says, what's the point of that anyway? Does your vision blur when running in real life?

So, I bought this game. It'll be out in three days!
I've read rumors it's only about 4 hours, which seem quite unbelievable for an SP-only non cinematic game. Could you ease my mind a bit here?

Myeah, as Artur said, this isn't true. He's a tester, he should know.

It's possible to finish it in 4 hours, just as you can finish F2 in 15 minutes. I really don't know who started this rumor.

mad max RW said:
Nevermind, Wooz, I figured it out. The console commands magically started working for me. I managed to turn off motion blur and a few other post processing effects I personally can't stand. The game looks and plays so much nicer now.

Would you mind forwarding me a copy of what you switched off? I could try to convince some coders to include a choice in post-process effects on a zero-day patch or summink. We already made a 'fast menu' option

The graphic could use a bit more polishing though. Hope it is include in the next patch.


And do hope you guys do a multi-player only version which could attract some attention

Not a chance in hell.

This game never was intended to have a multiplayer mode. And we decided not to slap one onto it just for the sake of it. There's a bunch of awesome multi games out there, HR is a game that was developed as SP, period.