Bought it on Steam - feel the love Wooz 

Bought it on Steam - feel the love Wooz
Something like a big persistent Borderlands style game with the Hard Reset design would be pretty nice.
And the main menu, my god. Who thought sitting through 3 seconds of animations every time you clicked an option was a good idea? If you want to show off your art design and cyberpunk feel do not do that to the main menu, it's just a major inconvenience to the player.
Just played the demo, and I gotta be honest. I liked it but it felt weak. The game's so mixed up that it doesn't know what to do with itself.
Wooz said:I dunno man, I just draw stuff. You might want to fuck around with the retail version in a week. If you have any particular techie questions, write them and I'll ask the coders.
Multidirectional said:length of this game
Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude said:Looks fun, but a checkpoint-only save system is a big deal breaker for me.
I've read rumors it's only about 4 hours, which seem quite unbelievable for an SP-only non cinematic game. Could you ease my mind a bit here?
mad max RW said:Nevermind, Wooz, I figured it out. The console commands magically started working for me. I managed to turn off motion blur and a few other post processing effects I personally can't stand. The game looks and plays so much nicer now.
The graphic could use a bit more polishing though. Hope it is include in the next patch.
And do hope you guys do a multi-player only version which could attract some attention