Professor Danger! said:
So if you work a crappy job, it's okay to leave and leach off the system? Not work hard and someday move up, maybe get a little lucky? Yes, it should be "Give me happiness NOW!" instead of "pursuit". It isn't a guarantee.
So working conditions that pay you minimum wage that can see you getting fired for giving away a 16 cent food item is worth it to you?
Link Not only that, but that's obviously an example that isn't extreme. People have been fired for having to go the bathroom at unscheduled times.
If you respect yourself so little that holding a job that's costing you great emotional distress is worth it to you, then hats off. I for one, would not think twice about applying for welfare if I needed it. I've put money into that system in form of taxes, and if I need to use it at one point in my life, you're fucking right that I will.
Yes, when I was buying my ONE ipod I wasn't think of the MINORITY of American's that don't have health care. A minority that will be EXEMPT from the REQUIREMENT of health care in the bill. A REQUIREMENT that if you do not have it, YOU WILL BE FINED. Who is this helping? Not the people that will be exempt from this.
Of course you weren't thinking of anyone else but yourself when you were buying your highly overpriced piece of audio equipment. I guess next time that you do though, try to at least think of much more rich you're making Mr. Jobs. He clearly needs your money more than the mother of four who was just hit by a car crossing the street from the discount store who can't afford life insurance because she lost her job thanks to the great state of the economy.
It's just another tax.
Not that all this won't now be tied up in litigation forever, until things change. What, with the whole suing thing.
Did you know that in Canada, our tax brackets are a mere 3% higher than yours, and yet, we're able to afford a socialized health care system? I guess you didn't know that part.