Healthcare reform just passed!

the secret to understand and coexist peacefully with modern politics its thats unless you have a very good idea about something new, or you are definitely going to take up some flag against the system and fight for it, you have to understand the rules of the games and live with them. And when you think its the time and the right opportunity, make the rules a bit less cruel.
Professor Danger! said:
So if you work a crappy job, it's okay to leave and leach off the system? Not work hard and someday move up, maybe get a little lucky? Yes, it should be "Give me happiness NOW!" instead of "pursuit". It isn't a guarantee.

So working conditions that pay you minimum wage that can see you getting fired for giving away a 16 cent food item is worth it to you? Link Not only that, but that's obviously an example that isn't extreme. People have been fired for having to go the bathroom at unscheduled times.
If you respect yourself so little that holding a job that's costing you great emotional distress is worth it to you, then hats off. I for one, would not think twice about applying for welfare if I needed it. I've put money into that system in form of taxes, and if I need to use it at one point in my life, you're fucking right that I will.

Yes, when I was buying my ONE ipod I wasn't think of the MINORITY of American's that don't have healthcare. A minority that will be EXEMPT from the REQUIREMENT of healthcare in the bill. A REQUIREMENT that if you do not have it, YOU WILL BE FINED. Who is this helping? Not the people that will be exempt from this.

Of course you weren't thinking of anyone else but yourself when you were buying your highly overpriced piece of audio equipment. I guess next time that you do though, try to at least think of much more rich you're making Mr. Jobs. He clearly needs your money more than the mother of four who was just hit by a car crossing the street from the discount store who can't afford life insurance because she lost her job thanks to the great state of the economy.

It's just another tax.

Not that all this won't now be tied up in litigation forever, until things change. What, with the whole suing thing.

Did you know that in Canada, our tax brackets are a mere 3% higher than yours, and yet, we're able to afford a socialized healthcare system? I guess you didn't know that part.
Sicblades said:
Professor Danger! said:
So if you work a crappy job, it's okay to leave and leach off the system? Not work hard and someday move up, maybe get a little lucky? Yes, it should be "Give me happiness NOW!" instead of "pursuit". It isn't a guarantee.

So working conditions that pay you minimum wage that can see you getting fired for giving away a 16 cent food item is worth it to you? Link Not only that, but that's obviously an example that isn't extreme. People have been fired for having to go the bathroom at unscheduled times.
If you respect yourself so little that holding a job that's costing you great emotional distress is worth it to you, then hats off. I for one, would not think twice about applying for welfare if I needed it. I've put money into that system in form of taxes, and if I need to use it at one point in my life, you're fucking right that I will.

Yes, when I was buying my ONE ipod I wasn't think of the MINORITY of American's that don't have health care. A minority that will be EXEMPT from the REQUIREMENT of health care in the bill. A REQUIREMENT that if you do not have it, YOU WILL BE FINED. Who is this helping? Not the people that will be exempt from this.

Of course you weren't thinking of anyone else but yourself when you were buying your highly overpriced piece of audio equipment. I guess next time that you do though, try to at least think of much more rich you're making Mr. Jobs. He clearly needs your money more than the mother of four who was just hit by a car crossing the street from the discount store who can't afford life insurance because she lost her job thanks to the great state of the economy.

It's just another tax.

Not that all this won't now be tied up in litigation forever, until things change. What, with the whole suing thing.

Did you know that in Canada, our tax brackets are a mere 3% higher than yours, and yet, we're able to afford a socialized health care system? I guess you didn't know that part.

1.) Are you shitting me? What year are you living in? Unless you're talking about some other country or an extreme minority of jobs.

2.) So apparently i'm not allowed to spend the money that I *earned* working?! What the fuck are you talking about? Since when does anyone else have to do with me working and already paying for my own life insurance as well as health care?! What the fuck are you talking about? I'm already doing pretty well to cover myself and apparently other people. So you should come up with something better than that.

Ok, I'll think better next time, than to spend my extra income to help out economy out, because you think I shouldn't. *roll eyes*

3.) Since when do we have a "socialized" health care system? I'm pretty sure that what got passed wasn't once, but was something more akin to requiring that you already have purchased health care privately, else you be fines. Unless you're poor enough to be exempt? How is that free healt care for everyone?
Radiated Heinz said:
I didn't said they don't exist. I just said I saw lots of republicans, and all of them fitted in the stereotype.
I think this is due to fact the republicans have forced out nearly all the moderates from there party, so all there is left in the party are the nutcases. This is also why the democrats are having issues as they seem to have picked up some those formar republicans.
KillerBee256 said:
Radiated Heinz said:
I didn't said they don't exist. I just said I saw lots of republicans, and all of them fitted in the stereotype.
I think this is due to fact the republicans have forced out nearly all the moderates from there party, so all there is left in the party are the nutcases. This is also why the democrats are having issues as they seem to have picked up some those formar republicans.

Bringing up the last presidential election, I'm pretty sure that McCain was considered a moderate. Especially compared to George W. Bush.
Professor Danger! said:
Ok, I'll think better next time, than to spend my extra income to help out economy out, because you think I shouldn't. *roll eyes*

So your material status (cut the bullshit about helping the economy out, really) is more important than your fellow man?

See, this is exactly the problem with American citizens.
Professor Danger! said:
1.) Are you shitting me? What year are you living in? Unless you're talking about some other country or an extreme minority of jobs.
2.) So apparently i'm not allowed to spend the money that I *earned* working?! What the fuck are you talking about? Since when does anyone else have to do with me working and already paying for my own life insurance as well as health care?! What the fuck are you talking about? I'm already doing pretty well to cover myself and apparently other people. So you should come up with something better than that.

Ok, I'll think better next time, than to spend my extra income to help out economy out, because you think I shouldn't. *roll eyes*
See Tagaziel's post.

3.) Since when do we have a "socialized" health care system? I'm pretty sure that what got passed wasn't once, but was something more akin to requiring that you already have purchased health care privately, else you be fines. Unless you're poor enough to be exempt? How is that free healt care for everyone?

Or sign up for the government plans. Thus socialized health care.
Tagaziel said:
Professor Danger! said:
Ok, I'll think better next time, than to spend my extra income to help out economy out, because you think I shouldn't. *roll eyes*

So your material status (cut the bullshit about helping the economy out, really) is more important than your fellow man?

See, this is exactly the problem with American citizens.

I agree absolutely. Then, when I say they fit perfectly in their liberalist, individualist and conservative stereotype, they get angry and say I am being unfair :roll:
Tagaziel said:
So your material status (cut the bullshit about helping the economy out, really) is more important than your fellow man?

See, this is exactly the problem with American citizens.
*Smug, false dichotomy alert. *
Radiated Heinz said:
Its a very ironic paradox. The nation that are the biggest self-proclaimed "democracy defenders" are one of the most failed democracies I've ever saw.

well, that would be epic-ally correct...

the US is not a democracy, we are a republic.

Sicblades said:
Did you know that in Canada, our tax brackets are a mere 3% higher than yours, and yet, we're able to afford a socialized healthcare system? I guess you didn't know that part.

and whats your $ for your defense budget compared to ours?
In Germany we have something that call "Anti-social behavior", I am not even sure if certain Americans understand what this acutally means.
Okay, cut out the America bashing. Either bring some arguments or don't post.
Tagaziel said:
Professor Danger! said:
Ok, I'll think better next time, than to spend my extra income to help out economy out, because you think I shouldn't. *roll eyes*

So your material status (cut the bullshit about helping the economy out, really) is more important than your fellow man?

See, this is exactly the problem with American citizens.

I "help" my fellow man by paying a shitload of taxes already. Gee, maybe the government should learn how to spend the money it takes.

And all the extra money is up to ME, to do with it what I will. Whether I'll put it in the bank, spend some on a charity, or buy a goddamn iPod. Someone sure isn't practicing what they preach.

Why don't you spend every cent you have helping people? I guarantee you don't.
I "help" my fellow man by paying a shitload of taxes already.

Any time Americans complain they're paying too many taxes it cranks me up. It's about as funny as when they complain that the gas is too expensive etc. I guess it's human nature to complain about everything even if it's not bad.

As for the Canadian healthcare system, I've heard it's pretty much a mess. Never seen it in action, though, so can't speak from personal experience.
Ausdoerrt said:
I "help" my fellow man by paying a shitload of taxes already.

Any time Americans complain they're paying too many taxes it cranks me up. It's about as funny as when they complain that the gas is too expensive etc. I guess it's human nature to complain about everything even if it's not bad.

As for the Canadian healthcare system, I've heard it's pretty much a mess. Never seen it in action, though, so can't speak from personal experience.

That reminds of something that I don't anything has brought up. The politicians are exempt from their own bullshit.

Also, why are you acting like American's are the only people that complain about shit? And why shouldn't we? We have that freedom, if you recall. We don't risk getting our heads lopped off if we question our leaders.

But I guess every citizen should just be sheep. Don't use their first amendment right to question anything. Good plan. *roll eyes*
TheWesDude said:
and whats your $ for your defense budget compared to ours?

Just what it needs to be, since we're not over engaged in useless wars.

Our population is 10% of what yours is, and you're telling me that with an extra 3% your country couldn't find it to spend it on their citizens? What's the spending going to be, $900 Billion? That puts it at an extra 2.5k a person per year over 10 years. Not that it matters since you were promised your taxes weren't going to raise anyways.

Ever watch pay it forward? Yeah, apply that principle to your country. The taxes I pay, which amount to just over 20% of my income(just over 10k last year), go to our socialized healthcare system and many other services. I'm 24 years old, I don't need most of the stuff that my taxes pay for, but when I'm 80 the whole picture will change. You have a basic human right to medicine. Not you have a basic human right to medicine, if you can afford it. So instead of an iPod I got a Zune. Instead of 70" TV, I got a 62" TV. Why? Because someone's parents, someone's children, and someone's family needed the healthcare without having to worry about it being affordable or not.

Really, you pay taxes out of your ass? You don't live in London, England, do you?
Professor Danger said:
But I guess every citizen should just be sheep. Don't use their first amendment right to question anything. Good plan. *roll eyes*

No, but the citizens have to complain about the right things, not just whine about anything thats is going to raise your taxes.

Besides thats, its pretty ironic: you are always saying that the American population did not choose this because the US government do not care for what it citizens think, but at the same time you kind of is happy with your government for allowing you to complain. Whats so great about complaining and dont being able to do shit about it?
If you guys were REALLY angry by anything your goverment does, you would ask for change or really try to change things. If you are complacent to your undemocratic government, then you don't have really the right to complain.
Sicblades said:
So instead of an iPod I got a Zune. Instead of 70" TV, I got a 62" TV. Why? Because someone's parents, someone's children, and someone's family needed the healthcare without having to worry about it being affordable or not.

I don't know how they work things in Canada, but whether or not someone buys an iPod or a Zune has nothing to do with health care. Actually, it might. Buy something more expensive and you pay more taxes on it.

Using your logic, maybe you should have bought a book instead of a TV. Selfish, aren't we? Maybe go volunteer at a clinic or a soup kitchen instead of listening to that mp3 player? Do you own a computer? Maybe you should use one for free at a library instead of having purchased it. Don't buy video games. Etc. I bet you're just as selfish as the rest of us. You have the same shit. Just maybe slightly cheaper. Oh wow.

My ipod has nothing to do with someone getting health care. What do you keep going on about?

If you guys were REALLY angry by anything your goverment does, you would ask for change or really try to change things. If you are complacent to your undemocratic government, then you don't have really the right to complain.

Uh...what? We do have a right to complain. Read the first amendment.
I'm not the one complaining that my taxes are going to up by an almost insignificant amount, am I?. And then using that logic to support your "it's my money, I should do whatever the fuck I want with it" because a slight tax increase will not affect your consumerism.
Yet you think that you buying an iPod helps your economy (lulz).

I do buy books, I do volunteer. You're over concerned about having less money to buy your useless shit when you will still have plenty of it to buy useless shit, but yet you still whine, because in principle you will lose your extra $200 when you could have used it for whatever it is that you wanted. Instead, you used that $200 to save a human being. I could COMPLETELY understand your reasoning. :roll:
Professor Danger said:
Uh...what? We do have a right to complain. Read the first amendment.

Uh, and what does your complain change at all? If you find just whining pleasuring, ok, go ahead.
Being allowed to complain and no one doing nothing about it is the same than not being allowed to complain