TheWesDude said:
and no, we dont do 10-15 times the dps.
Yes, you do.
Why? Because:
1) I've got NO DAMAGE DEALING SKILLS selected, at all. Everything needs to be spec'ed for survival, or I'm screwed. A heal with fear effect, a 4 second invulnerability shield, my primary attack is spec'ed into not dealing more damage, but in raising my armor rating for a few seconds on every third hit, my mantra is spent raising my dodge chance, etc. There's where my spirit goes, that's where my skill slots go to.
2) I'm heavily sacrificing damage for resistances.
When my wizard was level 55, I got to equip it with a 650DPS 1h weapon (-5 lvl req). It then did more damage with crap ass Hell gear than I do with my monk with a 950 dps 1h and nearly full inferno gear.
Not to mention that both arcane power and hatred both regen automatically AND that there are abilities to make it regen faster by using standard attacks. Those attacks don't even have to hit anything for hatred regen to work!
Spirit has no automatic regen, and it cannot be regen'ed unless you hit an enemy. Hitting air doesn't count.
(yes, you can have 0.3-1.5 spirit regen per second off a helmet with moderately decent other stats and resistance, if you pay your ass off)
My wizard is only lightly twinked, but it's a breeze farming shit with it.
I'm now also leveling a DH, because a buddy wanted to doubleteam to lvl60. It's boring as shit playing wizard or dh btw. Monks are better off, too bad they suck such horrendous balls at anything but tryin' to stay alive and require so much more effort to farm gear.